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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

The man blinked—he wasn’t sure if he wasn’t heard in the chaos. However, given how chaotic it was, that was likely.

“If you need to handle this first, I’ll be here,” he responded glancing outside the kitchen. “Though I will gladly help you.”
Xi Xuan wrote:
The man blinked—he wasn’t sure if he wasn’t heard in the chaos. However, given how chaotic it was, that was likely.

“If you need to handle this first, I’ll be here,” he responded glancing outside the kitchen. “Though I will gladly help you.”

"I need your knowledge. Out of all the books, scrolls, and tomes in my library, I cannot find any information as to why my wife fell into a coma. We were lovers once before, but she left. I found out the reason why, and it was to strip away most of her divinity in order to be able to marry me. Now she is in a coma and I can't figure out what happened. I can't sense her, nor can I sense my son" he sighed and leaned against the wall and scratched his forehead "I think my daughter might blame me for it. I frankly don't blame her."
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"I need your knowledge. Out of all the books, scrolls, and tomes in my library, I cannot find any information as to why my wife fell into a coma. We were lovers once before, but she left. I found out the reason why, and it was to strip away most of her divinity in order to be able to marry me. Now she is in a coma and I can't figure out what happened. I can't sense her, nor can I sense my son" he sighed and leaned against the wall and scratched his forehead "I think my daughter might blame me for it. I frankly don't blame her."

He listened intently to the man’s explanation, and his brows furrowed. “It’s rare, but… it sounds like she’s undergoing a tribulation. I’m a fenghuang—particularly a god-bird, and before I was able to hatch from my egg, I had to undergo countless mortal lifetimes to shed myself of worldly karma.”

He had a suggestion—actually, a bad suggestion that would likely get them both struck by lightning—but he sympathized. “If we could find her Destiny Book, it would give you an idea of where her Divine Consciousness is. It looks like a golden leaf, and it should be on the Destiny Tree in the Arbiter Hall.”
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Xi Xuan wrote:
The man blinked—he wasn’t sure if he wasn’t heard in the chaos. However, given how chaotic it was, that was likely.

“If you need to handle this first, I’ll be here,” he responded glancing outside the kitchen. “Though I will gladly help you.”

"I need your knowledge. Out of all the books, scrolls, and tomes in my library, I cannot find any information as to why my wife fell into a coma. We were lovers once before, but she left. I found out the reason why, and it was to strip away most of her divinity in order to be able to marry me. Now she is in a coma and I can't figure out what happened. I can't sense her, nor can I sense my son" he sighed and leaned against the wall and scratched his forehead "I think my daughter might blame me for it. I frankly don't blame her."

Akira cautiously approached the two men. Xi Xuan was an unknown to her, but she had overheard enough to gain some clues. Mathius, however, she knew as the one who ran Trixie's, "Excuse me, Mathius-san." She bowed politely, "I am a healer, commanding the properties of water to do wonderful, even magical, things. I am not sure what I can do but if I can help you two in any way, please don't hesitate to ask."
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira cautiously approached the two men. Xi Xuan was an unknown to her, but she had overheard enough to gain some clues. Mathius, however, she knew as the one who ran Trixie's, "Excuse me, Mathius-san." She bowed politely, "I am a healer, commanding the properties of water to do wonderful, even magical, things. I am not sure what I can do but if I can help you two in any way, please don't hesitate to ask."

He offered a clasped fist salute in a reciprocal greeting upon her approach. “My given name is Xi Xuan. I cultivate both sword and spear techniques, and my elemental affinities are fire and wind.” She overheard them, so he didn’t need to keep everything a secret, though without knowing her identity, revealing too much might get him in trouble.

Addressing them both, he continued, “Finding your wife’s Divine Consciousness may be a simple matter, or an incredibly complex one. It’s unusual, but not impossible, for her to have simultaneous incarnations. Also, meddling in mortal affairs could have devastating consequences.”
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Xi Xuan wrote:
He offered a clasped fist salute in a reciprocal greeting upon her approach. “My given name is Xi Xuan. I cultivate both sword and spear techniques, and my elemental affinities are fire and wind.” She overheard them, so he didn’t need to keep everything a secret, though without knowing her identity, revealing too much might get him in trouble.

Addressing them both, he continued, “Finding your wife’s Divine Consciousness may be a simple matter, or an incredibly complex one. It’s unusual, but not impossible, for her to have simultaneous incarnations. Also, meddling in mortal affairs could have devastating consequences.”

Akira returned his clasped fist salute with one of her own, adding a smile to her soft lips, "It is a honor to meet you, Xi Xuan, I am Akira Hoshi and I it is very nice to meet someone who is also an elemental." She said, keeping her excitement down to a minimum since now was not the time to compare notes even if she wanted to.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira returned his clasped fist salute with one of her own, adding a smile to her soft lips, "It is a honor to meet you, Xi Xuan, I am Akira Hoshi and I it is very nice to meet someone who is also an elemental." She said, keeping her excitement down to a minimum since now was not the time to compare notes even if she wanted to.

It was certainly not the best place to compare notes, even if the kitchen was somewhat away from whatever was going on outside. “I’m a fenghuang,” he explained, “I believe in your language we’re referred to as hou-ou.”

He also knew that in other places, the order of the surname and given name were reversed, and many reversed their name for cultural convenience. So, while under normal circumstances, Akira should be her surname, she might have reversed it making Hoshi her surname. The Mortal Realm was complicated.

While eventually he would ask for clarification, he would opt for the safer honorific—martial sister. “It’s nice to meet you, shimei.”
He saw Akira which provoked a friendly smile from him and he would bow his head before looking at Akira. "Let's correct something. Call me Mathius-nii. You're one of my closest friends. Like a baby sister."

He returned his attention back to the man "That's part of the reason she left the first time. I don't want her to die, but I am at a loss as to what to do. I did see her during the Cel'Ethi ceremony where I was made one of the Cel'Ethi of my race. The Cel'Ethi are the ones who have done heroic things. When we are born, we are born inside stars, and those stars become planets. If those planets end up sprouting life, you become a Faeneor, which is a Cel'Ethi candidate. During the ceremony, she was there watching, but I couldn't speak to or touch her. It makes me feel as if I hallucinated her"
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He returned his attention back to the man "That's part of the reason she left the first time. I don't want her to die, but I am at a loss as to what to do. I did see her during the Cel'Ethi ceremony where I was made one of the Cel'Ethi of my race. The Cel'Ethi are the ones who have done heroic things. When we are born, we are born inside stars, and those stars become planets. If those planets end up sprouting life, you become a Faeneor, which is a Cel'Ethi candidate. During the ceremony, she was there watching, but I couldn't speak to or touch her. It makes me feel as if I hallucinated her"

The fenghuang listened intently, brows furrowed as he tried to piece together the story.

A sliver of her Divine Consciousness likely visited him during the ceremony, which would explain her intangibility.

“If she’s under our jurisdiction, we should have her Destiny Book, which would be a start to answering some of these questions,” he began. “However, if she’s not… we’d have to locate the equivalent for her people. Usually there’s someone who oversees the fates of others, interfering minimally. If that’s out of the question, we’ll need to track down a sliver of her Divine Consciousness. Sometimes you can find those in strange places—generally weapons, but occasionally other well-used objects.”
"Thereinies the problem. She is the reason Fate's Circle exists. She guided the events and gently guided those of us in Fate's Circle into becoming Fate's Circle. The only ones I can think of is my son and my daughter"

He sat and ran his fingers through his hair and the blue light that radiated from his eyes dimmed. "I've failed. As a husband and a father, I've failed. I should likely go into exile..."
He stood and watched Mathius. Seeing him in pain and knowing his powerlessness provoked anger within him. Black markings started to fade in on his body, and the souls trapped within Armageddon's Call, his giant sword, started to scream. His golden hair slightly started to rise. He clutched his fist tightly as he did what he could to resist allowing himself to fall into his fully-powered state, Drael, The Executioner. He merely sat beside Mathius and carefully put an arm around him.

"You did not fail. Wish is quite literally a part of you. Your daughter also. She has your powers of technopathy"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

A fenghuang?! Truly, Akira was honored to be in the presence of such a being! She never thought she would actually meet one. But then she nodded her understand to Mathius, "As you wish, Mathius-nii." She said, choosing to respect his wishes on the matter. She was tickled pink inside at the thought of being considered his little sister.

She was about to comfort him when that big intimidating man chose to instead.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

So they needed to locate a displaced Arbiter, likely in the middle of a Tribulation. Well things went from potentially manageable to an absolute nightmare in a matter of moments. Though he tried not to express his growing concern—it was clear Mathius was already stressed.

“N-No, no,” he tried to reassure. Truthfully, it was good that one of his friend’s was there to comfort him.

He then tried to solve the problem, as it were. “Would you like for me to speak with your children? Even if it’s not the sort of Destiny Book I’m accustomed to, I might still be able to read it.” Be it thread, or something else.
Xi Xuan wrote:
So they needed to locate a displaced Arbiter, likely in the middle of a Tribulation. Well things went from potentially manageable to an absolute nightmare in a matter of moments. Though he tried not to express his growing concern—it was clear Mathius was already stressed.

“N-No, no,” he tried to reassure. Truthfully, it was good that one of his friend’s was there to comfort him.

He then tried to solve the problem, as it were. “Would you like for me to speak with your children? Even if it’s not the sort of Destiny Book I’m accustomed to, I might still be able to read it.” Be it thread, or something else.

"Even my children won't speak to me. I'd give up my place as one of the Cel'Ethi if it meant making my son and my daughter happy. I'd even leave Fate's Circle if I could hold my wife for one more night"
Akira Hoshi wrote:
A fenghuang?! Truly, Akira was honored to be in the presence of such a being! She never thought she would actually meet one. But then she nodded her understand to Mathius, "As you wish, Mathius-nii." She said, choosing to respect his wishes on the matter. She was tickled pink inside at the thought of being considered his little sister.

She was about to comfort him when that big intimidating man chose to instead.

He looked at her "you have nothing to be afraid of..."
"Huh? Does this mean I have new family members?"
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Even my children won't speak to me. I'd give up my place as one of the Cel'Ethi if it meant making my son and my daughter happy. I'd even leave Fate's Circle if I could hold my wife for one more night"

That certainly made the situation difficult. He considered how best to proceed, and he felt guilty pressing the clearly grief-stricken man, but he had to try. “Do you know where I could potentially find them? And… ah, I suppose names would help.” He considered, placing a thoughtful hand on his chin. “Otherwise, do you have any items that belonged to your wife? Cherished ones.”
Fumizuki wrote:
"Huh? Does this mean I have new family members?"

"It means your uncle loves zms. Akira like a baby sister, so I suppose she's sort of like your cousin"
Xi Xuan wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Even my children won't speak to me. I'd give up my place as one of the Cel'Ethi if it meant making my son and my daughter happy. I'd even leave Fate's Circle if I could hold my wife for one more night"

That certainly made the situation difficult. He considered how best to proceed, and he felt guilty pressing the clearly grief-stricken man, but he had to try. “Do you know where I could potentially find them? And… ah, I suppose names would help.” He considered, placing a thoughtful hand on his chin. “Otherwise, do you have any items that belonged to your wife? Cherished ones.”

"My daughter's name is Charlotte. The family calls her Charlie. My son is named Wish.....and all I have is the knife she gave me"

He revealed the fighting knife and he held the knife to him presenting the handle.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"My daughter's name is Charlotte. The family calls her Charlie. My son is named Wish.....and all I have is the knife she gave me"

He revealed the fighting knife and he held the knife to him presenting the handle.

He was certainly the odd one out—the three others seemed to have a history with Mathius, though he supposed he would, too, eventually.

Charlie and Wish—he’d keep them in mind. He could only hope they were taught about the ins and outs of fate from their mother, otherwise he would be out of luck.

Well, mostly.

Taking the knife carefully, he looked it over. It certainly could hold a sliver of his wife’s divine consciousness. Though it would need to react to something—like one of her children. Particularly if they inherited her divine essence.

“I… realize this is a keepsake, however one of your children may be able to help me find her with this,” he explained softly.

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