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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

A figure entered the bar. He wears a green cloak and boots. On his chest is a sigil of a gold eagle with two heads (symbol of the Imperium). At his side sits what appears to be a large pistol. His voice is rather deep and stern in a sense. But not commanding. "Well this is something." If anyone has been in the military before they could likely tell by his hat, and insignias he is likely an officer of sorts. He is rather tall standing around 6'4. On his other side is a sword with chains strapped to the end of it. (a chainsword, think chainsaw but a sword.) He seems to scan around the room for a moment.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Unbeknownst to him, Azumi followed him from wherever he was from all the way to the bar. When they finally arrived, she tugged on his arm like a child and went in front of him. Her childlike and happy go lucky personality prevents her from realizing that what she is doing is considered "stalking".

"Welcome to Trixie's Bar!" The fox spirit smiled "I am Azumi, a divine kitsune and a regular to this bar!"
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Unbeknownst to him, Azumi followed him from wherever he was from all the way to the bar. When they finally arrived, she tugged on his arm like a child and went in front of him. Her childlike and happy go lucky personality prevents her from realizing that what she is doing is considered "stalking".

"Welcome to Trixie's Bar!" The fox spirit smiled "I am Azumi, a divine kitsune and a regular to this bar!"

He looks a bit confused looking at the little figure. He then chuckles, "Of course I end up at a bar. Why the hell not." He looks down at the little figure beside him. He slowly kneels to her height. Looking at her curiously for a bit. "Hello there Azumi, im Yesta." He slowly looks around the bar. Noticing the astartes and Xi. He looks more interested than anything.
He folded his arms and scratched his cheek in thought.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Well, if he was a phoenix at a bar, what was stopping a fox spirit? Though she said kitsune so she was from the far east, as he was a fenghuang.

Depending on how in-the-loop Azumi was, it was pretty obvious that Xi Xuan was a heavenly official from the Jade Emperor’s court based on his golden celestial armor, at the very least. Someone out-of-the-loop might take him for some sort of gold-clad lancer with a unique sense of fashion.

Either way, save for the huadian on his forehead, he looked very human at the moment.

His gaze lingered on her for a few moments, but otherwise he kept a lookout. Mathius’s children likely wouldn’t come here, but it would be extremely convenient if they did.
He stands back up and looks at Xi curiously. And then looks over the room again. And then back to Xi. "Well hello there. Who are you might I ask?" He seems curious but also cautious. His hand rests on his pistol as he slowly approaches Xi. Based on his experiences this could either go really bad or good. Really bad being Xi blowing his head off. As he walks one might notice the weight behind his boots. Their less like boots and more like a powered exoskeleton (artificer armor). A look under his coat reveals body armor like this all over his body. Not nearly as thick or advanced as the astartes. But it would provide pretty decent protection from most things. It seems decorated with officer badges, distinguishments and other awards.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

When addressed, the man offered a clasped-hand bow, “Xi Xuan, Daoist Cultivator.”

There were two men in unusual suits of armor who seemed particularly interested in him—was it his armor? In comparison it was antiquated, something you’d find in a history book… except golden and perhaps otherworldly. He wondered if heavenly officials were simply that bizarre looking.

Unfortunately for him, the badges and medals meant nothing to him, for in his line of work, your rank was reflected in what sort of headpiece you were wearing—essentially a crown that holds up your hair—and neither men had anything that meant anything to him on their persons. Likewise, the golden hair accessory affixed to his ponytail that signified him as a crown prince likely held no water for them, either.

Also, and of note, despite his armored appearance, he had no visible weaponry.
Yesta seems curious. But doesnt seem to realize Xi's high rank. He looks at Xi's armor curiously studying it. Daoist Cultivator. He hasnt heard of a title like that. Must be a planet specific title. Most planets have different interpretations of the Emperor. Differing customs, dialect ect. Similar to regions of the same country. To him that sounded something like a bishop or high priest. Or something similar enough to that. The armor also seemed to support his conclusion. He hadnt seen anything this bizzare on any planet though. But to be fair his own homeworld was considered strange as well. "Where do you come from Xi?"
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

While interpreting him as a High Priest wasn’t necessarily wrong, it also wasn’t necessarily right.

Unfortunately, he was neither skilled at lying, nor did he want to lie. So, when asked where he’s from, he answered honestly, “Tian.” After a moment he continued, “I’m unfamiliar with your armor, so it’s likely you’re not familiar with the Three Realms.”

Really, there was probably only two people in that room who were familiar with him, though Mathius did recognize his lineage at the very least.
Yesta went from curious to now very confused. And it was very obvious. At the mention of the Three Realms he seemed more on edge than anything. "You mean the warp? Oh yeah the armor. Artificer armor, custom made by a tech priest." Him not having any weapons yet wearing armor also confused him. Could be a whole pacifist thing? But knowing the galaxy that was unlikely if not impossible. Considering everything that wants to eat you. This was certainly confusing.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Xi Xuan wrote:
Well, if he was a phoenix at a bar, what was stopping a fox spirit? Though she said kitsune so she was from the far east, as he was a fenghuang.

Depending on how in-the-loop Azumi was, it was pretty obvious that Xi Xuan was a heavenly official from the Jade Emperor’s court based on his golden celestial armor, at the very least. Someone out-of-the-loop might take him for some sort of gold-clad lancer with a unique sense of fashion.

Either way, save for the huadian on his forehead, he looked very human at the moment.

His gaze lingered on her for a few moments, but otherwise he kept a lookout. Mathius’s children likely wouldn’t come here, but it would be extremely convenient if they did.

Azumi stared back at Xi Xuan for a few seconds and smiled. She then approached him and asked "Are you a divine spirit like I am? You seem to be in your human form as well!"

She then surrounded herself in blue flames that quickly molded itself into a more human form. Her skin was quite fair, her hair was, much like her fur, a snow white and her eyes remained green and vulpine. She still wore her kimono, except the fabric conformed to her taller self.

"Oh, I am not out of touch with shapeshifting magic just yet!" She commented.

She then remembered watching Mathius and Xi Xuan converse. Something about Mathius' wife and children. The aforementioned two never knew that she was always watching them. After all, she was a regular to this bar.

"May I ask why are you interested in my friend's family?" She tilted her head at Xi Xuan "I, of course, refer to Mathius. Did something happen
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

The heavenly official blinked, likewise confused, “Warp…?” The explanation further confused him, and he shook his head, “Apologies, I’m unfamiliar with the occupation of tech priest. Also, I doubt you’re using that armor to forge… more armor, so I suspect I’m not familiar with your definition of Artificer.”

Really, everything about the other man was absolutely baffling.
Messinius notices Colonel Yesta and nods in his direction.
Xi Xuan wrote:
The heavenly official blinked, likewise confused, “Warp…?” The explanation further confused him, and he shook his head, “Apologies, I’m unfamiliar with the occupation of tech priest. Also, I doubt you’re using that armor to forge… more armor, so I suspect I’m not familiar with your definition of Artificer.”

Really, everything about the other man was absolutely baffling.

"Its a fancy title for a good armorist essentially. Do I know why its called that? No, just is." He then goes silent for a moment. Then his eyes turn purple in hue. He extends an arm above him and red lightning shoots into his hand and through his body. Slowly dispersing. "You know, the thing that allows you to do that. The realm of daemons and such."
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi stared back at Xi Xuan for a few seconds and smiled. She then approached him and asked "Are you a divine spirit like I am? You seem to be in your human form as well!"

She then surrounded herself in blue flames that quickly molded itself into a more human form. Her skin was quite fair, her hair was, much like her fur, a snow white and her eyes remained green and vulpine. She still wore her kimono, except the fabric conformed to her taller self.

"Oh, I am not out of touch with shapeshifting magic just yet!" She commented.

She then remembered watching Mathius and Xi Xuan converse. Something about Mathius' wife and children. The aforementioned two never knew that she was always watching them. After all, she was a regular to this bar.

"May I ask why are you interested in my friend's family?" She tilted her head at Xi Xuan "I, of course, refer to Mathius. Did something happen

It was a relief to converse with someone he understood, and the breath he didn’t realize he was holding in was exhaled.

“I am, I’m a twelve-feathers fenghuang,” he explained, which was more or less the phoenix-equivalent of having nine-tails.

When she shape-shift, he offered her a smile, “That wasn’t necessary—I present as such because it’s standard practice, nothing more. Either way, it would seem you’re not out of practice.”

At the question, he nodded, “I’m searching for his wife’s Destiny Book in an attempt to locate her Divine Consciousness. I suspect it’s going through a Tribulation, specifically a reincarnation cycle, though I wouldn’t know unless we can locate her book.”
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Colonel Yesta wrote:
"It’s a fancy title for a good armorist essentially. Do I know why it’s called that? No, just is." He then goes silent for a moment. Then his eyes turn purple in hue. He extends an arm above him and red lightning shoots into his hand and through his body. Slowly dispersing. "You know, the thing that allows you to do that. The realm of daemons and such."

He blinked, now even more confused. “You require armor to cultivate…? Are men born without spiritual roots where you’re from?”

To demonstrate, he held out his hand, conjuring a flame in his palm. It was tame, as it was simply a demonstration, but it was still very firmly in the realm of elemental magic.
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters suddenly teleports into the bar, suddenly appearing from a blue glow and seemingly fading into existence.
"Haha! That teleport spell I found really works!" He said, giggling in excitement. "Blegh, draining though... Does this place sell anything that gives energy? We don't have anything like that in Magicka, but this place is like... MUCH higher tech!"
Xi Xuan wrote:
Colonel Yesta wrote:
"It’s a fancy title for a good armorist essentially. Do I know why it’s called that? No, just is." He then goes silent for a moment. Then his eyes turn purple in hue. He extends an arm above him and red lightning shoots into his hand and through his body. Slowly dispersing. "You know, the thing that allows you to do that. The realm of daemons and such."

He blinked, now even more confused. “You require armor to cultivate…? Are men born without spiritual roots where you’re from?”

To demonstrate, he held out his hand, conjuring a flame in his palm. It was tame, as it was simply a demonstration, but it was still very firmly in the realm of elemental magic.

"Uh, no. To both of those. You are surprisingly controlled for a psyker." His eyes turn back to their normal color. One thing Xi did notice is his voice changed when he was using his power. From rather deep, to sleek whispers. He then realized what Xi implied. "Wait, you dont have any female psykers?"
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

When Joot entered the bar, he had a distinct feeling of deja vu—the sort of feeling one might feel if they met with someone they knew during a tribulation. Did he know this boy?

“I’m a Cultivator,” he corrected. He had no idea what a psyker was, but maybe they used fire. Or maybe they were cultivators.

At the question, he blinked, “We do. I didn’t mean gender, I meant species. Man—mankind? What you are, I presume. Despite appearances, I’m fenghuang, we’re born with a special type of heavenly spiritual root.”
Joot (played by Jooters)

Joot noticed Xi Xuan staring and turned to him.
"Hm?" He said, tilting his head. "You look... Familiar. Do I know you?"

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