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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

In the meantime, Akira was painting a picture as she half payed attention to what was going on.
Kumotori (played by SoulHeart57)

"Oh, no, my history exists, it just hasn't been transcribed. Ask one of those Zenin brats who come here."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Don't you ever feel just empty?" Claude asked no one in particular and was staring into a glass of watery whiskey.
Kumotori (played by SoulHeart57)

The curse laughs almost maniacally. "Never! I'm filled with thousands of tortured souls from over the millennium! They are constantly screaming, such is the downfall of this bodies technique. If it wasn't me in control."
Olivia (played anonymously)

Meanwhile, at a table. Olivia and Korby is just playing cards since there's nothing really interesting to do for right now. "Hmm... What to play, what to play... So many choices..." Olivia seems to be in deep thought on what card she wants to play... Oh, while they're at it, this was playing in the background.
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

"Hmmm..." Korhy was also deep in thought as well.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude looked at Kumotori with confusion over her face for a quick second. "Or that." She simply said and took a sip of her whiskey before spitting out. Claude grabbed a fistful of napkins and wiped up the mess.
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

Korby Pureheart wrote:
"Hmmm..." Korhy was also deep in thought as well.

She gave the adorable Korby a hug.
Theo notices Carol, and a dark expression crosses his face. He turns away and focuses on something else.
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

Carol noticed Theo, then wondered what she might have done wrong, "Something wrong?"
Theo takes a deep breath. "The fact that you are asking indicates you aren't the Carol Danvers I know, which is good. In my universe, Danvers was one of those who inexplicably chose to defend my mother in regards to how she treated me." Theo seems genuinely upset at having to explain this. "How could she, Thor, and Quill think that I deserved what I went through?!"
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

Carol's eyebrows went up at that revelation. But Theo was correct, she was not the Carol he knew nor was she quite as experienced as that other one may have been. Then a look a concern crossed her perfect features, "I can't answer that question but it sounds like you went through a very dark period in your life." She felt the need to somehow reassure him, "If I met that other Carol, I wouldn't hesitate to kick her to Hala and back."
"Thank you."
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

She nodded as she added a smile, "You're welcome." She was tempted to ask what he went through, but they did not know each other and it wasn't her place.
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Ms. Danvers wrote:
Korby Pureheart wrote:
"Hmmm..." Korhy was also deep in thought as well.

She gave the adorable Korby a hug.

"E-" Korby WILL remember that since the hug was unexpected (and it did cut their focus off a little-)
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

"Oops! Sorry!" She said apologetically to Korby.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Kumotori wrote:
"Oh, no, my history exists, it just hasn't been transcribed. Ask one of those Zenin brats who come here."

The fenghuang’s expression was one of confusion—if it existed, then what was the issue? Still, apparently the curse thought it was a problem, so perhaps it was.

“I’m afraid I’m unfamiliar with them,” he responded awkwardly. “This is my first time here.”
Korby Pureheart (played anonymously)

Ms. Danvers wrote:
"Oops! Sorry!" She said apologetically to Korby.

Korby then sighs in slight annoyance. "Can you kindly not do that next time when I'm too deep in thought...?"
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

"I'll restrain myself next time." She said, then made an offer, "Can I buy you a drink, perhaps a meal to make up for this?"
Red Hood (played anonymously)

He sat in a booth cutting a smiley face into the table with a fighting knife. His face was twisted into a scowl.

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