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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fumiko snickers to herself. "I warned youuuuu~"
"I never came here for any of you," Montrier replied, waving them off. "I'll have you know I already have a good group of people. Nothing wrong with scoping out new opportunities, but I'm not going to waste my time listening to you act as if this is some kind of f-ing joke. Oh, I'm not listening to you? Because I never asked for your two cents. I've had my victories and they'll only continue so long as I do this strategically, as I've been planning it for years. But if you must know, I need to take back my kingdom because some b**tards just stole it from me."
Fumiko walks up to him, standing into front of him before punching him right in the nose with beyond human strength. "Jeez, you really are a rude jackass aren't you? You were just incredibly rude to someone who was honestly trying to help you, then rude to people who had given you advice. Honestly, if you're this rude, you must not have been a very good king. If you want help, then you need to be open to people giving advice and offering help, not berating them or turning them down in a rude fashion because you don't like what they have to say. That marks a rather poor king."
Shochu (played by Jaws)

A lone scotch glass filled with shochu sat on the bar counter. It was decorated with a unlit sparkler. The sparkler sparked all of the sudden and bizarrely started to stir the drink on its own. Gunsmoke suddenly filled up the bar.

When the smoke quickly cleared, Shochu was sitting on the bar counter. He briefly coughed then spoke, "Too much smoke?"
Fumiko Zenin wrote:
Fumiko walks up to him, standing into front of him before punching him right in the nose with beyond human strength. "Jeez, you really are a rude jackass aren't you? You were just incredibly rude to someone who was honestly trying to help you, then rude to people who had given you advice. Honestly, if you're this rude, you must not have been a very good king. If you want help, then you need to be open to people giving advice and offering help, not berating them or turning them down in a rude fashion because you don't like what they have to say. That marks a rather poor king."

"Trust that I don't give a d*mn about how I make people feel. As for my kingship, my country was thriving under my father and I. Now it's been taken over by some soft-spoken 'royals' who don't even deserve the throne. They don't know how to rule. All they can do is go around and feel bad about other people that mean nothing," Montrier hissed, covering his nose which was bleeding and probably broken. "Besides, I don't take advice from people who don't know what it's like to rule over an entire country. I didn't come here for suggestions or help - I came here to find what I needed but it seems all that any of you are is annoying pests trying to act like they know better than me when you don't. Piss off."

With that, the prince stormed out of the bar.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"No fighting-" It seemed that Azumi was too late. The conflict had resolved itself. She then waddled to a booth and sat down to play Warframe on the nintendo switch.
Fumiko has to hold herself back from giving the arrogant false prince who seems to deserve the throne even less the beating he so clearly deserves.
Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

Joli is carrying a small stack of dirty dishes, he hummed a song as he did so.

Joli however lost his balance briefly and one of the plates slipped off and fell, breaking on the floor. "Oh!" Joli gasped, fumbling with the other dishes and almost dropping those too. "I'm sorry! I can clean it up! Just give me a minute to bring these other dishes to the dish room, uhm!" Joli glanced around frantically, before quickly fleeing into the dish room.

Fumiko Hears the Warframe startup music and with another burst of inhuman speed appears next to Azumi. "Is that warframe? Do you play as well? That's awesome! We can do missions together!" She has a massive grin on her face, acting like a child despite being a 22 year old woman.
Shochu (played by Jaws)

"Aww, my man. I missed my chance on getting a Master Attendant," the spirit sighed. Shochu grabbed the same glass of booze he appeared out of and drank it.
Alethea (played anonymously)

Alethea is shocked when Shochu appears out of her glass of booz and drinks it. "Malaka! That was mine!" She glares at him, then orders herself another drink.

(lol, sorry, Jaws, I saw an opportunity and took it. :P)
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Fumiko Zenin wrote:

Fumiko Hears the Warframe startup music and with another burst of inhuman speed appears next to Azumi. "Is that warframe? Do you play as well? That's awesome! We can do missions together!" She has a massive grin on her face, acting like a child despite being a 22 year old woman.

((As long as her son, Ren, plays any game, she'll play it was well XD))

Azumi smiled widely before saying "Yes, dear! I play warframe! I am currently in the process of acquiring the Jade and Dante Warframes! It has been some time since I last played mind you, so I may be a bit rusty!"

"In fact, my son has been 3D-printing his 'fashion frames' as the gaming community calls it! He recently printed his Excalibur Umbra as a miniature and, might I add, it is quite amazing!"
Shochu (played by Jaws)

(No probs!)

"I am a spirit. Now, why would I go through the door?" Shochu said to Alethea with a smirk. "Was the booze good?"
Alethea (played anonymously)

She thinks about it for a second, then holds up a finger, "Fair point." She nods with a smile, "It was good." She has never spoken to a 'spirit' before. This is unique!
Fumiko Zenin wrote:
"I'll get my hands on that sweet succulent armor of yours one day. The possibilities it could hold to revolutionize jujutsu sorcery, prosthetics, it make curse exorcism a cinch. And Papa's repaired body would be better than I could do with the little supplies and finding I have. I could make perfect versions of my cursed tools it's wonderful!!" She looks to be envisioning this and going into a state of pure bliss.

"Great." Theo rolls his eyes. "The one enemy I make who isn't seeking revenge because they felt they were wronged by my late father is a completely crazy ninja lady who wants my armour for some penguin bowling ritual Spanish livid mustard musical…what?" Theo promptly keels over, falling onto the floor.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Shochu wrote:
(No probs!)

"I am a spirit. Now, why would I go through the door?" Shochu said to Alethea with a smirk. "Was the booze good?"

"A spirit?!" Azumi squealed in glee and ran towards Shochu "I am a spirit as well, a divine kitsune!
Theo Stark wrote:
Fumiko Zenin wrote:
"I'll get my hands on that sweet succulent armor of yours one day. The possibilities it could hold to revolutionize jujutsu sorcery, prosthetics, it make curse exorcism a cinch. And Papa's repaired body would be better than I could do with the little supplies and finding I have. I could make perfect versions of my cursed tools it's wonderful!!" She looks to be envisioning this and going into a state of pure bliss.

"Great." Theo rolls his eyes. "The one enemy I make who isn't seeking revenge because they felt they were wronged by my late father is a completely crazy ninja lady who wants my armour for some penguin bowling ritual Spanish livid mustard musical…what?" Theo promptly keels over, falling onto the floor.

"What? N-no... I don't think I know any penguin bowling ritual spanich livid mustard musicals... whatever in Kami's name that is."
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Fumiko Zenin wrote:

Fumiko Hears the Warframe startup music and with another burst of inhuman speed appears next to Azumi. "Is that warframe? Do you play as well? That's awesome! We can do missions together!" She has a massive grin on her face, acting like a child despite being a 22 year old woman.

((As long as her son, Ren, plays any game, she'll play it was well XD))

Azumi smiled widely before saying "Yes, dear! I play warframe! I am currently in the process of acquiring the Jade and Dante Warframes! It has been some time since I last played mind you, so I may be a bit rusty!"

"In fact, my son has been 3D-printing his 'fashion frames' as the gaming community calls it! He recently printed his Excalibur Umbra as a miniature and, might I add, it is quite amazing!"

Fumiko, like her create, enjoys maining Volt and Gauss Prime, enjoying zooming around and shocking people with eletricity or kinetic energy.
"I think he's just had a brain haemorrhage." Natalie starts to administer first aid on Theo.
Shochu (played by Jaws)

"Glad you enjoyed the booze." Shochu smirked and filled up the borrowed glass with more booze. "A spirit?!" He turned his head to the squeal but instead found a kitsune right in front. "Kitsune? Like one of my brethren, Kitsune Udon? Nice to meet ya!"

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