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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari gasped as the dog licked his face. "Ah, he's tryin' to eat me!" He panicked, until Vickie explained that it just meant the dog liked him.

So, the boy continued to pet him, smiling a bit at Thor wagging his tail.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He looked up at the boy with adoration and offered the boy his paw.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari gently took the dog's paw and smiled warmly.
Mother of Champions (played by randomentity777)

Victoria Blake wrote:
Vickie could see the boy was not human but she did not care. He was a boy in need and she was glad to have helped. Then she decided to play with the dog by using her ring to create a construct of a cat and it meowed at Thor.


"Wait, you're a Green Lantern?"
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie looked at the stranger who asked, "Close. In the universe I live in, there are no Green Lanterns. However, I do have a power ring."
Mother of Champions (played by randomentity777)

"Oh, I see." Mei-Xin nodded as she took in this information. "I'm Wu Mei-Xin, the Mother of Champions. Nice to meet you."
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie nodded and said, "Victoria Blake, but you may call me Vickie since everyone does. Nice to meet you too, Wu-Xin, Mother of Champions."
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Michari Apela wrote:
Michari gently took the dog's paw and smiled warmly.
He cuddled against him.
He He crossed his right leg up onto his left as he sat back in his chair. He seemed to be distracted.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Boo!" Claude appeared behind her father with a smile on her face. She took one good look at Drael then started to chuckled. "Usually, you are more on guard, Pops. You caught a bug or something?" Claude asked.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari heard Claude's 'Boo!' and even though it wasn't targeted towards him, it still startled him and he suddenly leapt and crawled back underneath the table from earlier, frightened.
Claude Mayday wrote:
"Boo!" Claude appeared behind her father with a smile on her face. She took one good look at Drael then started to chuckled. "Usually, you are more on guard, Pops. You caught a bug or something?" Claude asked.

He lifted his index finger as if he was warning her.
"Evweething okie, Papa?"
He picked Fumizuki up. "I'm okay, sweet face. I'm just thinking"
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"'It would seem as if your father has attained the thing you citizens refer to as 'a crush' on a woman not from here"
"Ohhh, okie."
Miquella -AU- (played anonymously)

:>> MODERN VER. <<:

Malenia was carrying Miquella on her back, he was asleep, with his arms around her neck gently.
She seemed to be content, and it was a peaceful sight to see the two so calm and relaxed.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was being carried by her son, Ren, like a little baby. She seemed to be fast asleep. It would also seem that she had just finished her daily zoomies.
A blond man clad in red entered the bar and sat down, “Hey! Can I get something strong?”

Blue-green eyes look around, and he noted a rather eclectic group of individuals. Not that it mattered, as long as the booze was good!
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Coming right up!" Claude said and grabbed a bottle of Polmos Spirytus Rektyfikowany vodka. "Neat or mixed? You can drink it straight but it's, er, got a powerfully kick to it."

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