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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Kiritan stared up at Orme, her face emotionless and fearless.
"Go on." She said. "Stab me. I dare you. I spend so much time up late at night that I have gained the dark type, so it won't do anything as everyone knows poison is not very effective against dark."
"The hell does that mean- URGH-" Zundamon said, before being shot by Kiritan's cannon again.
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Other Characters wrote:
Kiritan stared up at Orme, her face emotionless and fearless.
"Go on." She said. "Stab me. I dare you. I spend so much time up late at night that I have gained the dark type, so it won't do anything as everyone knows poison is not very effective against dark."
"The hell does that mean- URGH-" Zundamon said, before being shot by Kiritan's cannon again.
Something in Orme snaps. Not because she is actively being mocked. But because this child is talking utter nonsense.[ She looks over at the staff and asks one simple question with a hiss in her voice.
"Permission to sting? Trust me it won't kill her...
"But it'll make her wish it did."
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"No! She's just a child!"
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Milo Valentino wrote:
"No! She's just a child!"
"So, we allow children to be utter fools, destroy public property and abuse people..? What has this world come to? Fine." Orme slams her payment on the counter and sends a sharp stare at the brown-haired child. "You're very lucky no one thinks children can be monsters..."
"But they'd look at the kids under my care and call them that.."
"I beat Dark Souls with a dance pad while blindfolded and ear-muffed." Kiritan said. "I can handle anything."
Chieftainess Orme Lavende wrote:
Milo Valentino wrote:
"No! She's just a child!"
"So, we allow children to be utter fools, destroy public property and abuse people..? What has this world come to? Fine." Orme slams her payment on the counter and sends a sharp stare at the brown-haired child. "You're very lucky no one thinks children can be monsters..."
"But they'd look at the kids under my care and call them that.."

"Sweet." Kiritan said, giving a thumbs up.
Zundamon sat on the ground and breathed a sigh of relief... Before Kiritan suddenly teleported to her and uppercutted her through another wall, leaving a Zundamon shaped hole, and flew at her like a Dragon Ball character.
Chieftainess Orme Lavende (played by CielaAzure)

Something finally clicks. And now Orme just laughs while holding her face. "Oh, I have seen enough! Okay so, I'm the unreasonable one for wanting justice, I see, I see. Well, I'll best be going. I may come back... if these two don't singlehandedly destroy the place." She looks at the two. "I do sincerely hope you get a timeout." With that, the wasp leaves, her stinger finally retracting.
Samson (played anonymously)

Samson passes by Orme, about to say hi to her when she is on her way out. He missed his chance.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Speaking of children, Azumi sure was acting like one with how she tried to play patty cake with a shadow clone of herself.
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

"Having fun?" Linda asks Azumi.
"Azumi can have the time of her life by chasing her tail. She's likely having a blast"
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda looked at Mathius with a warming smile, "That's good to know! Hi, I'm Linda." She introduced herself while she offered him a hand to shake.
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

Milo walked over to Linda "Hello miss, would you like to take a seat? And I can get you a drink" he smiled
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda Lee Danvers smiled warmly at Milo’s kind offer. “Thank you,” she replied, her voice smooth and appreciative. “I’d love to take a seat. And if it’s not too much trouble, I’d also enjoy a glass of wine and a slice of chocolate pecan pie.” She settled into the chair, her demeanor relaxed as she waited for her treats.
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

He smiled "Anything for a beautiful women like yourself" he winked a little before going to the back and getting what she requested he came back and set them in front of her "There you go "
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda's cheeks warmed at the compliment, a soft blush coloring her face. She glanced up at Milo with a shy smile, her eyes reflecting a hint of gratitude. "Thank you." she said softly, her voice touched with a note of appreciation. As she took a sip of the wine and a bite of the chocolate pecan pie, she closed her eyes for a moment, savoring the rich flavors. It was a simple pleasure, but one that felt especially sweet in this pleasant company.
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"Of course" he smiled "Can I get you anything else? Another desert? Different drink? Me?" he smirked before laughing "kidding, I'm sorry"
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda laughed softly at Milo's playful offer, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Oh, you’re quite the charmer," she said, her voice light with laughter. "But I’m perfectly content for now." She paused for a moment, then added with a friendly smile, "By the way, I don’t think I caught your name earlier. What should I call you?"
Milo Valentino (played anonymously)

"My name is milo, milo valentino" he stuck his hand out "And you are?" if she took his hand he would bring it up to his lips and kissed her hand on top gently
Linda Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda extended her hand with a warm smile, and as Milo brought it up to his lips, she felt a delicate, unexpected thrill from the gentle kiss. "It’s a pleasure to meet you, Milo Valentino," she replied, her tone both gracious and intrigued. "I’m Linda Lee Danvers. Thank you for the lovely introduction."

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