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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

"I put him in the chamber that I train in, and put weights on his feet and arms. I also don't allow him to do that Super Saiyan thing"
Exusiai (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Well, at least that sort of stuff wouldn't happen to me, I can't do any of that Super-stuff."
"He does. He's my oldest's boyfriend, which should have been expected. While she takes after my attitude, her boyfriend is very nice"
Exusiai (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Well, I mean, everyone has their super abilities, I'm sure. I'm a master with my gun, so that's obviously a "super"."
Drael Chæzkath wrote:
"I put him in the chamber that I train in, and put weights on his feet and arms. I also don't allow him to do that Super Saiyan thing"
I would be careful to not kill him. Excessive training can lead to a lot of negative effects.
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"I wonder how strong I am compared to Oniyan. He and I have never actually sparred at all."
"He does. He's my oldest's boyfriend, which should have been expected. While she takes after my attitude, her boyfriend is very nice"
Ciel (played anonymously)

(Ciel's name is now "Sirius" and the other twin's name is "Ciel")
(It would be (even more) spoilers if I were to explain why this is so.)

Two twin boys wearing matching uniforms ran inside, following each other in a game of tag, it seemed. Except one of them, Sirius, was having a hard time keeping up.
Eventually Ciel tripped and fell over into a pile of coffee bean bags, and Sirius followed suit, tumbling onto his brother.

They both giggled and laughed, and proceeded to cuddle each other, before sitting back up and looking around, realizing that they were so busy playing tag, that they didn't realize where they had ran into.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"You take a whole another cake of grump, Pops." Claude defended herself and approached the little kids who fell over her pile of coffee beans. "Welcome to behind the bar counter. Now, scam!" Despite that, there was no sign of annoyance or anger in her voice. If she allowed some customers behind the bar counter now, a lot of people might that they can be behind the counter too.
Titus enters the bar, noticing the weapons box and casually putting his chainsword and bolter pistol in it. "So this is the place where other Astartes apparently hang out. Interesting."
Ciel wrote:
(Ciel's name is now "Sirius" and the other twin's name is "Ciel")
(It would be (even more) spoilers if I were to explain why this is so.)

Two twin boys wearing matching uniforms ran inside, following each other in a game of tag, it seemed. Except one of them, Sirius, was having a hard time keeping up.
Eventually Ciel tripped and fell over into a pile of coffee bean bags, and Sirius followed suit, tumbling onto his brother.

They both giggled and laughed, and proceeded to cuddle each other, before sitting back up and looking around, realizing that they were so busy playing tag, that they didn't realize where they had ran into.
"Where did you kids even come from?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Lieutenant Demetrian Titus wrote:
Titus enters the bar, noticing the weapons box and casually putting his chainsword and bolter pistol in it. "So this is the place where other Astartes apparently hang out. Interesting."

"Welcome to Trixie's." Claude took one good look at the lieutenant. "You part of the Space Marines?" She asked loudly from the bar counter.
"That is correct." Titus answered as he approached the bar. "Lieutenant Demetrian Titus, Second Company, Ultramarines Chapter. I take it that I'm not the first Space Marine to pass through this establishment?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Yeah, your mates frequent here a lot especially when my uncle is around." Claude said while wiping out a glass and placed it on a rubber mat. "What can I get ya?"
Bob. (played anonymously)

Lieutenant Demetrian Titus wrote:
Titus enters the bar, noticing the weapons box and casually putting his chainsword and bolter pistol in it. "So this is the place where other Astartes apparently hang out. Interesting."
"Cool toys." *Bob is staring at his weapons*
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Welcome to Trixie's." Claude said to Bob with unenthusiasm seeping through her voice.
Bob. (played anonymously)

Claude Vuong wrote:
"Welcome to Trixie's." Claude said to Bob with unenthusiasm seeping through her voice.
Bob chuckles and bows
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"What can I get ya?" Claude was preparing a cocktail for a customer in the meanwhile.
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"Brother-Captain Messinius, Brother-Lieutenant Tolmeron also frequent this place. The large one with the blonde hair over there might resemble an Astartes in size and strength, but he isn't an Astartes"

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