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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Benny (played by starwolf)

*Benny happily clapped his hands swaying his brown reptilian tail as he started to eat the hamburger, he had already bitten off half the hamburger easily*
Samuel (played by Icysoul)

"Slow down, little one..." Samuel said, laughing softly. They watched the young boy, looking thoughtful. "Don't want to choke on your food..."
Benny (played by starwolf)

*Benny’s face went red from embarrassment* “I’m so so sorry I’m just really hungry I didn’t know!” *Benny said shaking his head*
Samuel (played by Icysoul)

"I'm not judging you." They said, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Enjoy the burger. Don't let me stop you." They murmur, smiling under the fox mask. "I meant no harm."
Benny (played by starwolf)

*Benny nodded his head smiling awkwardly understanding what they meant by it as he sighed a sigh of relief*
Samuel (played by Icysoul)

Samuel sits at a table, happily watching people come and go. The fox mask remained on their face, not once making a move to take it off. They hum softly, tapping the table before them.
"Welcome to Trixie's. May I make yiu something?"
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Samuel wrote:
Samuel sits at a table, happily watching people come and go. The fox mask remained on their face, not once making a move to take it off. They hum softly, tapping the table before them.

Ren was busy squishing the face of his kitsune mother Azumi. Coincidentally, the pair were at the table next to Samuel.

"Heh, squishy, soft yokai..." Ren chuckled to himself as he played with his mother's canine face.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"Shtop shquishing meeeee!" Azumi whined as her face continued to be played with.
Benny (played by starwolf)

*Benny soon finished his burger as he let out a small sneeze as he shook his head*
Mama Zenin (played by Jaws)

Click-clack. Her expensive heels made a rhythmic click on the bar's wooden floors. The woman's pink hair was tied up in a bun and adored with a floral hair clip. She wore a wine red blazer and matching long skirt. The woman carried a black leather clutch and walked over to the bar counter.

"Excuse me. Is there any way I can reserve a table? One where it is private." She said with a smile.
A small sonic boom is heard from outside as Fumiko rushes in, dumping a load of parts on a large booth. "Oh, hi Mama!" She grins, a bit of oil and grease along her skin.
Benny (played by starwolf)

*Benny lifted up his head confused by how many of these people seemed to know each other he was only 17 years of age for a human and had no idea what was happening as he just tried to act normal*
Samuel (played by Icysoul)

Ren Hemmberg wrote:
Samuel wrote:
Samuel sits at a table, happily watching people come and go. The fox mask remained on their face, not once making a move to take it off. They hum softly, tapping the table before them.

Ren was busy squishing the face of his kitsune mother Azumi. Coincidentally, the pair were at the table next to Samuel.

"Heh, squishy, soft yokai..." Ren chuckled to himself as he played with his mother's canine face.

Samuel looked up, watching the man and the kitsune. "Hello there..." They murmur, smiling a bit at them.
Mama Zenin wrote:
Click-clack. Her expensive heels made a rhythmic click on the bar's wooden floors. The woman's pink hair was tied up in a bun and adored with a floral hair clip. She wore a wine red blazer and matching long skirt. The woman carried a black leather clutch and walked over to the bar counter.

"Excuse me. Is there any way I can reserve a table? One where it is private." She said with a smile.

"You're welcome to use the private party room."
Ren Hemmberg wrote:
Samuel wrote:
Samuel sits at a table, happily watching people come and go. The fox mask remained on their face, not once making a move to take it off. They hum softly, tapping the table before them.

Ren was busy squishing the face of his kitsune mother Azumi. Coincidentally, the pair were at the table next to Samuel.

"Heh, squishy, soft yokai..." Ren chuckled to himself as he played with his mother's canine face.

He started squishing Ren's face and booping his nose. He then stuffed Azumi in the papoose.
Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

Joli had fallen asleep in one of the seat booths.
Kumori (played by starwolf)

*Kumori walked inside the bar like place as he had his hands in the pockets of his hoodie his red ruby colored eyes looked around the place as he let out a soft sigh while he kept walking along his combat boots made some noise on the floor from the floor boards*
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Cue Fake Peppino falling from the ceiling before landing the peter griffin death pose. "F- CENSORED."
Kumori (played by starwolf)

*Kumori jumped back startled by the person falling from the ceiling as he walked slowly back over to them as he nudged them with the edge of his combat boot not sure what was going to happen*

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