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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Ciel (played anonymously)

Claude Vuong wrote:
"You take a whole another cake of grump, Pops." Claude defended herself and approached the little kids who fell over her pile of coffee beans. "Welcome to behind the bar counter. Now, scam!" Despite that, there was no sign of annoyance or anger in her voice. If she allowed some customers behind the bar counter now, a lot of people might that they can be behind the counter too.

Ciel and Sirius looked up at the woman, and when she told them to scram, they quickly did so, scrambling up to run off somewhere else into the bar. The two found themselves in a corner and sat down beside each other, giggling about the game of tag they had been playing earlier.
Emperor (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Man, get me some cognac, yo. Expensive stuff, ya feel?"
Bob. (played anonymously)

Claude Vuong wrote:
"What can I get ya?" Claude was preparing a cocktail for a customer in the meanwhile.
"Any fine wine?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Emperor wrote:
"Man, get me some cognac, yo. Expensive stuff, ya feel?"

"Neat or mixed?" Claude grabbed a snifter from the rubber mat and wiped it dry a bit more. She then grabbed a wine glass too. "Any preferences? Flavor, color, or year?" She asked Bob.
Emperor (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Neat, I ain't no damn savage to ruin expensive alcohol that way."
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel and Sirius decided to go back up to the counter, the both of them could barely even see over the counter.

"Miss, do you have any warm milk?" Ciel asked. "With honey?" Sirius asked.

"We'll give you two pences." Ciel added. "And a button." Sirius added.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude nodded and added ice before pouring the cognac in the glass. She slid over to the penguin then prepared some warm milk with honey for the twins. "Here ya go. Drink up."
Ciel (played anonymously)

Ciel took both glasses of warm milk and honey, then handed one of them to Sirius.

Ciel then used his free hand to put the pences on the counter, and Sirius used his free hand to set the button on the counter.

"Thank you, miss!" They both said at almost the exact same time, then wandered off, being careful not to spill the warm milk.
Messinius is talking with Titus, as the White Consuls are a successor chapter of the Ultramarines, and while the White Consuls were rarely in the company of their progenitors due to them being the furthest from Ultramar, they were still welcomed as brethren of the former XIII Legion.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

In a tall glass of ice, Claude adds 1 oz of black cherry syrup, 5 oz of tequila, 5 oz of white rum, and 5 oz of vodka. She cracks open a can of white Monster and pours 4 oz of it into the glass. Claude adds 5 drops of Peychaud's bitters. The drink was gradient; dark purple at the bottom, light purple in the middle, and red at the top. She garnished with a hollowed out lemon then filled with rum 151.

Claude took her lighter and lit up the liquor in the lemon, causing a small fire. "Free drink to try!"
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Gekiyaku can be seen outside the bar, riding on a giant mech made of 4 billion spinda.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi is building a mech. A mecha model kit of the Gundam Calibarn specifically.

"Heh", she smiled like a gremlin "Cool robot..."
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters looks on in amazement at the two mechs before him.

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