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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Chloe Walters (played anonymously)

"Flavor." She said with a nod, "Thank you!"
Chloe Walters wrote:
"Perhaps you could use a stabilizing agent," Chloe suggested, adjusting her glasses with a thoughtful nod.

"With all due respect ma'am, I'm working with forces that most humans, including yourself, cannot comprehend. A mere stabilzing agent won't help with a volitile energy filled crystal that defies most modern human science. Cursed energy has no problem disobeying such laws of reality."
Chloe Walters (played anonymously)

Chloe raised an eyebrow and offered a small, wry smile. Her curiosity had always driven her to challenge the boundaries of science and reality, and this situation was no different. She tilted her head slightly and, with a trace of mischief in her voice, responded, "While I may not fully grasp the intricacies of cursed energy, I've always found that sometimes the most unexpected solutions come from thinking outside the box. Maybe there's an aspect of the problem that hasn't been considered yet. Even the most complex phenomena can sometimes be tamed with a novel approach. It’s worth exploring every avenue, even those that might seem trivial at first glance."
Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

Joli was sweeping the floor, humming a song softly.
"The other reason I bring such things up is because of course I've tried that already. Please, kindly, stay out of my research. I don't like outside input from people who have zero idea what I'm working on or with. Regardless of intentions, the advice is usually something I've already tested, or just completely not possible within the confines of my research."
Chloe Walters (played anonymously)

Chloe's expression shifted to one of understanding, though her eyes still held a glimmer of curiosity. She gave a nod, her tone calm and respectful. "I see, I understand. I didn't mean to intrude or suggest something unhelpful. I'll keep my distance."
Fumiko nods, turning back to her notes. She walks up to the bar, ordering a bottle of sake and some dumplings.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude grabbed a black wine bottle. "A Virgile Joly Merlot 2017." She poured the rouge red into Chole's wine glass. "It's more of the fruity ones with cherries and berries," Claude added. The alteration in front was easily squashed to her relief.

She set a warm bottle of sake and its respective small cup in front of Fumiko. "Aye, Bus Boy!"
Fumiko smiles. "Thank you."
Chloe Walters (played anonymously)

"Thank you." Chloe said, then opened her laptop and continued working on her research.
Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

Claude Mayday wrote:
Claude grabbed a black wine bottle. "A Virgile Joly Merlot 2017." She poured the rouge red into Chole's wine glass. "It's more of the fruity ones with cherries and berries," Claude added. The alteration in front was easily squashed to her relief.

She set a warm bottle of sake and its respective small cup in front of Fumiko. "Aye, Bus Boy!"

Joli perked his head up at the call from Claude.
"Huh?" Joli blinked softly, looking to Claude. "Yes?"
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"No problem." Claude quickly said with a nod. She returned back to wiping the bar counter, avoiding any spots where customers are sitting. On the bar counter was a glass of ice cold water for the bar's bus boy. The kid in her eyes was another hardworker.
Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

Joli approached the counter, setting the broom up against the wall.
"Is.. is this for me?" Joli tapped the glass with his index finger, shyly.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Yeah. Your name was Joli, right?" Claude chuckled and leaned on the bar counter.
Joli D'argent (played anonymously)

"Uh, yes! Yes it is. My name's Joli.." Joli nodded yes, gently picking the glass up and taking a sip.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"My name is Claude," she said with a smile. Claude sucked on a toothpick which moved everytime she talked. "I got a son around your age."
Kumori (played by starwolf)

Claude Mayday wrote:
"We got mocktails, juices, and many more." Claude grabbed a menu and handed it to Kumori.
“I guess I’ll have a Bloody Mary if you have that type of drinks” *Kumori said leaning against the wall*
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"ID?" She held out her hand towards Kumori.
Kumori (played by starwolf)

*Kumori nodded his head as he pulled out his ID to show her his age* “here…” *Kumori said looking back at her*
Since Claude has gone offline and therefore faded out of existence for a bit, Charlie steps in, taking his ID. "Sir, I can't serve you any alcohol. It says you're 19 here, the lowest age we can serve too is 21."

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