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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Titus grabs Gekiyaku by the scruff of her neck, and places her on the ground. "State your business."
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Gekiyaku's head detaches from her body, pouring blood onto the floor. Her decapitated body casually walks forwards and reaches to grab her head.
"That's rude, you know! Taking what's not yours!" She said. "Anyways, my business is finding my lost brother!"
Setting down her head on the floor, Titus looks back to where Kazehiki is cowering under a table. "I do not think he wishes to interact with you at this time."
Kazehiki (played anonymously)

Kazehiki curled up in the blanket once more, half-asleep.
He seen Titus look at him, then gently waved with a yawn.
Gekiyaku (played anonymously)

Gekiyaku squinted and looked at Kazehiki.
"... That's not my brother, you IDIOT!" She said. "My brother has a different number of hair strands!"
"Ma'am, you are not in a position to offer insults, especially to an Angel of the Emperor. Based on that, I suspect that your brother is hiding for a reason, and you are that reason."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Lieutenant Demetrian Titus wrote:
"Ma'am, you are not in a position to offer insults, especially to an Angel of the Emperor. Based on that, I suspect that your brother is hiding for a reason, and you are that reason."

Azumi was in the midst of training a Tyranid gaunt like a puppy. She literally had no sense of self preservation because it seemed impossible for her to have an enemy. Well, except one, however that is another story for another roleplay the narrator may or may not cover.

"Sit?" Azumi spoke to the tyranid who immediately did as told

It was given dog food by the fox spirit

"Good boy! Now, shake hands!"

Again, the tyranid did as told. It seemed to be... panting and wagging its tail? Azumi gave it another treat. There is no explanation to this except that Azumi is a divine gremlin and is thus capable of taming a monstrous alien hivemind for reasons unknown to most, even her patron deity.
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

He watched Azumi in complete shock "by the Emperor....."
Alethea (played anonymously)

"Very impressive, Azumi!" Alethea said in awe, "Not even I can do that and I can speak to animals!"
"And even more impressively, Tyranids aren't animals in the conventional sense."
"If only they were all that easy to tame…"
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"It seems that anything is possible, brothers" He cast a glance st Drael. He was sure Drael would have made a phenomenal Astartes.

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