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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Charlie, you can't even touch the alcohol." Claude grabbed a tall glass and filled up with ice. "Plus, there is such as virgin versions of drinks." She said while adding tomato juice, lemon juice, pickle juice, worcestershire sauce, and hot sauce to the glass. Claude mixed it up and handed to Kumori.
The goddess frowns. "Not my fault you disappeared. Also, I got a messa- Oh wait... I'm not allowed to break the wall... crap."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Kumori wrote:
*Kumori nodded his head as he pulled out his ID to show her his age* “here…” *Kumori said looking back at her*

As Charlie mentioned the age of Kumori, Azumi appeared out of a puff of smoke and proceeded to scold Kumori. Remember folks, she does this with everyone younger than her.

"Alcohol is not good for your physical form, young man!" Azumi fretted "Do you not have anything better to do besides drink?! I swear, children these days..."
Fumiko blinks, sipping her sake while trying to not draw Azumi's attention. "I wonder where Kaiza and momma are."
Chloe Walters (played anonymously)

Chloe giggles, shaking her head, "This place hasn't changed a bit."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Azumi, he could just easily wanted the virgin one. Plus, Bloody Marys are nutritionous ." Claude rubbed the bridge of her nose in slight annoyance.
Fumiko pulls out her phone, texting Kaiza and her mother. She notices a message from her father saying he'll be there soon.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

Kaiza spends his time watching Claude work. He always had a habit of watching people do their jobs. He grabbed a handful of sunflower seeds from a bowl.
Fumiko bonks him over the head. "Stop staring, I need your help. I think I've managed to figure out my problem with the gauntlets. Your amber is too weak for what I'm trying to do, it doesn't have enough stored energy, and when I try to use it, it drains nearly all of it in an instant, destabilizing the crystal.
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

"Try Mama's or grab one of my horns." He said in a dismissive tone. Kaiza picked apart the shells and popped the seeds in his mouth.
"God you're insufferable sometimes. I can't find Mama right now, and I don't know how volatile her diamonds are. Those are probably the only ones with enough cursed energy density in the small size that I use." She sits down, offering him some dumplings.
Joli D'argent wrote:
Joli approached the counter, setting the broom up against the wall.
"Is.. is this for me?" Joli tapped the glass with his index finger, shyly.

He stepped out of the office and placed $230 in Joli's hand "payday"
Mama Zenin (played by Jaws)

The matriarch of the outcasted Zenin family returned from the ladies' restroom and walked over to her kids. "Fumi, Kai. Is this the bar you kids like to go to? It's very nice." She sat on a bar stool between her children in a prim and proper manner like she was raised.
He remained seated with his arms folded across his broad chest. He lifted his head and spoke "Mathius......may I have a steakburger?"
Toji Zen'in (played by SoulHeart57)

As if summoned by the presence of his lovely wife, the head of their little branch of the Zen'in steps through the door. Toji Zen'in. "Huh. I could come here often, it is actually pretty nice." He walks up to the bar, ordering a bottle of japanese whisky and some Takoyaki.
"One extra large steak burger for an extra large guardian coming right up"
Toji Zen'in (played by SoulHeart57)

(where did the steak burger come from)
(Drael ordered it)
Toji Zen'in (played by SoulHeart57)

(ah, didn't see that)
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude grabbed a whiskey glass and a bottle of Japanese whiskey then placed in front of Toji swiftly. She returned back to in front of her dad, leaning.

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