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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Drael decided to pick on his daughter "so I'd you and Oniyan get married, that means you'll have a stay-at-home husband?"
"Huh? Is big sister getting married?"
"Maybe one day. If it's to the Saiyan, then he has my blessing. Does he have yours?" He looked at Fumizuki
Charlie rushes up to Drael, a panicked look on her face. "Uncle Drael, have you seen dad? He hasn't been answering my calls."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Claude wrote:
"Thinking, Azumi?" Claude was wiping down the bar counter as always. Sometimes, the bar got boring for her.

"Yes, indeed" Azumi mused, "My son... I wonder if he will ever get a girlfriend? I for one seem... reluctant to let him go..."

"I am his familiar. It's obvious that I shall always be by his side, especially since my soul and his are intertwined. If he does end up getting married, I would be happy with the prospect of having grandchildren. On another note, what if he gets so caught up in his life that he does not summon me ever again?"
Drael Chizkith wrote:
"Maybe one day. If it's to the Saiyan, then he has my blessing. Does he have yours?" He looked at Fumizuki

"Did he sneeze?" Fumizuki doesn't understand the concept.
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Alethea wrote:
Alethea drank a sip of her wine, "Is this Peppino a good cook?" She asked Drael.

Fake Peppino then reforms next to Alethea. "Hi! :D" Fake Peppino then melts into the kitchen before making some pizzas.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude snickered and playfully punch Drael on his arm. "Looking to watch more rugrats, Pops?" She returned her attention back to Azumi and the kitsune's worries about her son. "I haven't properly met the boy, but there is no need to worry by the look of it."
Cosmo (played anonymously)

Cosmo suddenly appeared in a puff of smoke, holding a small, purple-wearing baby, in his arms. Cosmo's wings fluttered a bit, and he spoke up. "Ah, oh no, I need to practice my teleporting magic!" He gasped, realizing he had not appeared where he wanted to. "Oh well, I'll explain to Wanda later." Cosmo shrugged, then glanced at the floor. "Oh, look! A string!" Cosmo shifted the baby, Poof, to his one arm to hold him, then reached down to grab the string.

Cosmo put the string in his pocket, and continued to hold Poof in both of his arms now.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish ultimately returns, with an incredibly large bag over his back, "Hello Everyone, its been quite a bit since my little venture started" He'd smile
"Welcome home, Wish." He said warmly to his nephew
Charlie Kothinto wrote:
Charlie rushes up to Drael, a panicked look on her face. "Uncle Drael, have you seen dad? He hasn't been answering my calls."

"He's away. Your father is performing a ceremony where he becomes one of his races ancients. The Cel'Ethi I think is what he told me"
Alethea (played anonymously)

Fake Peppino wrote:
Fake Peppino then reforms next to Alethea. "Hi! :D" Fake Peppino then melts into the kitchen before making some pizzas.

She jumped, startled, holding a hand to her chest, but then giggled, "Hi." She offered a soft smile to the enigmatic chef.
Alethea (played anonymously)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Claude wrote:
"Thinking, Azumi?" Claude was wiping down the bar counter as always. Sometimes, the bar got boring for her.

"Yes, indeed" Azumi mused, "My son... I wonder if he will ever get a girlfriend? I for one seem... reluctant to let him go..."

"I am his familiar. It's obvious that I shall always be by his side, especially since my soul and his are intertwined. If he does end up getting married, I would be happy with the prospect of having grandchildren. On another note, what if he gets so caught up in his life that he does not summon me ever again?"

"Pardon me, but I give you the best wishes to see your son getting married one day." She said, offering Azumi some glimmer of hope that the Fox spirit will one day get to enjoy grandchildren.
Wish wrote:
Wish ultimately returns, with an incredibly large bag over his back, "Hello Everyone, its been quite a bit since my little venture started" He'd smile

Charlie runs up to Wish, punching him in the face. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!?!?! DAD AND I HAVE BEEN WORRIED SICK!!!!!!!!!!"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish smiled, "I was bringing you something, looks quite old so please dont scrap it" He'd smile, pulling out one of those silly power rangers morphers "Someone left a giant mech sitting around, so I thought Id bring you the keys" he'd smile "And your right, dad isnt here.. even eith draels words Im slightly worried-"
"A giant mech? What kind?" Messinius was instantly wondering if someone had left an Imperial Knight lying around or something.
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

"Something Something Claw Zord or something, traded a real weird stuff to him and I got the keys off him
"Who did you get those keys from?"
Charlie opens a window, placing the keys inside, running a scan on them. "hmmm..."

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