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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Samson (played anonymously)

Samson looked at Miryu when she noticed the drink and he nodded to her, "Enjoy the drink." Indicating that it was him who had bought it for her.
Miryu smiled, "Thank you, forgive me for not noticing, I dont nessarily listen all that much when not on the job" She'd shrug "What makes you buy a woman like me a drink?" She'd stand, she was actually very good at english, but she mostly perfers french-
Samson (played anonymously)

Samson shrugged his broad shoulders, still sitting at the counter, "No problem." Then he took the time to answer her question, "Just being polite and welcoming. I do that on occasion." Said the stoic Mercenary. Samson also stood, rising to a height of 6'7".
Miryu offers her hand, "Im Miryu Ikazuchi, Its a pleasure, thank you for the drink, if I may ask, what is it?"
Samson (played anonymously)

He took the hand and shook it before answering, "It is wine." He said, knowing wine was usually a favorite.
Before Samson can answer, Fumiko rushes towards Miryu, tackling her to the ground. "MIRYU!!!!! It's been a few weeks, how've ya been?"
Samson (played anonymously)

(*LOL* Beat me)

But before Samson could take the hand, he witnessed an unexpected spectacle. He blinked in surprise.
Miryu had to cover herself in cursed energy to keep herself from being basically destroyed by Fumiko's super enhanced body.. seriously if she wanted she could easily tear her multiple new ones in a fight. But hey she didnt even spill a drop "Fumiko, finally noticed me hm, brried under all those inventions of yours I see?" She'd chuckle
Fumiko stands up, adjusting her goggles above her head and trying to wipe from grease from her face, but it just smudges, so she gives up. "Yeah, I had to tamper with some stuff, rather tedious sometimes."
Miryu stands up giggling at Fumikos unchanged additude, her cursed energy fading from aroundh her body, did I mention hers is described as "soft" in its raw form? "Haven't changed a day..." She'd say, putting an arm around her... "Okk ok, maybe take a break" She'd say "Havent seen me in how long, hm?"
Wait lemme retype this
Fumiko tries to count on her fingers the weeks, but keeping track of any measurement of time usually isn't her strong suit.

(These 2 are going to make people wonder if they're dating lmfao.)
Miryu shrugs "I dont remember either, its quite alright remember" She'd take a sip of the wine Samson offered, nodding to him thanks "Actually pretty good..." She'd mutter
((Ignore me saying remember twice :3 ))
She leads Miryu back to her table covered with gears, nuts, bolts and gadgets, as well as her snacks and 2 bottles of sake. One is empty.
(It is now canon that Fumiko is bad at holding her liqour.)
Miryu would take the other bottle in her hand so Fumiko cant just drink herself into an early grave "Drinking again, I get the job is stressful, are you sure you can hold you liquor well enough, last time you threw me around as if a toy—" She'd mutter, half nervous "You didnt drive anyone through a wall did you?"
Fumiko giggles. "N-no, I don't have a car right now. I didn't bring one to the bar, kind of just appeared here."
"Bottle of sake tells me otherwise, I said save it for parties, not for stress" She'd laugh "Ok.. how about we go on a mission sometime soon, yeah? Im sure that'll get work off your mind—"
Fumiko nods, laughing as she leans into her friends shoulder. "Th-that... hic sounds great. I might take a nap now though. I've been working too much......"

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