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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

"M-Mathius?" Azumi stuttered. Mathius? One of the most powerful people she knew? Impossible, there must be a mistake. Perhaps he took an unannounced vacation? Maybe he was busy meditating, that's it! Divine beings like herself tend to do that.

She couldn't fool herself much longer. Something was not right. It sent chills down her figurative spine as she technically did not have one.

Azumi looked incredibly serious for the first time despite her miniature form and soft features saying otherwise.

"If something has happened to Mathius I..." Azumi trailed off for a few seconds.

"I wouldn't know what to do with myself without my dearest friend. We must do something. Anything!"
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
"M-Mathius?" Azumi stuttered. Mathius? One of the most powerful people she knew? Impossible, there must be a mistake. Perhaps he took an unannounced vacation? Maybe he was busy meditating, that's it! Divine beings like herself tend to do that.

She couldn't fool herself much longer. Something was not right. It sent chills down her figurative spine as she technically did not have one.

Azumi looked incredibly serious for the first time despite her miniature form and soft features saying otherwise.

"If something has happened to Mathius I..." Azumi trailed off for a few seconds.

"I wouldn't know what to do with myself without my dearest friend. We must do something. Anthying!"

"There isn't much we can do. He had to drop his body into a coma in order to finish this ceremony where he becomes a member of his races most powerful. It's called the Cel'Ethi. None of us can help him. He has to do this alone...."
Alethea (played anonymously)

"Don't worry, Azumi, I'm sure Mathius will be fine." She tried to say reassuringly as she ordered more fried crickets for Azumi and a drink.
Cosmo (played anonymously)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Cosmo was floating mid-air, holding baby Poof in one arm, and using his free hand to eat a taco he materialized out of thin air with his wand earlier.

"Being a father is one of the best jobs, don't you think?"

Cosmo nodded yes, finishing his taco. "Mhm!"

"Are you a father too? Did some kid wish you to have a child too?" Cosmo asked, dusting the taco crumbs off his hand, and then began holding Poof in both arms. Poof giggled and waved his tiny arms gently, his tiny fairy wings fluttering.
Cosmo wrote:
Drael Chizkith wrote:
Cosmo wrote:
Cosmo was floating mid-air, holding baby Poof in one arm, and using his free hand to eat a taco he materialized out of thin air with his wand earlier.

"Being a father is one of the best jobs, don't you think?"

Cosmo nodded yes, finishing his taco. "Mhm!"

"Are you a father too? Did some kid wish you to have a child too?" Cosmo asked, dusting the taco crumbs off his hand, and then began holding Poof in both arms. Poof giggled and waved his tiny arms gently, his tiny fairy wings fluttering.

"No, I adopted two girls"

He chuckled a bit at Poof. "He certainly is a daddy's boy"
New Jersey (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Gotta love kids, right? I don't think it's possible for me to have kids, but I know they've named a submarine after me."
Cosmo (played anonymously)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
"No, I adopted two girls"

He chuckled a bit at Poof. "He certainly is a daddy's boy"

"Well, that's neat too!" Cosmo said, then glanced down at Poof.
Poof looked up at Cosmo and blew a sparkly bubble at him. Cosmo smiled warmly at Poof.
New Jersey wrote:
"Gotta love kids, right? I don't think it's possible for me to have kids, but I know they've named a submarine after me."
"My godkid wished for me and Wanda to have a kid, and it was like, the first fairy baby in yeeeeeeeears!" Cosmo said to New Jersey. "There was no rules in Da Rules that said he couldn't wish for it."

Poof wiggled in Cosmo's arms and then shook his magic rattle, suddenly poofing into thin-air, and reappearing on one of the bar tables, giggling.
New Jersey (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"I guess in a way, the submarine is my kid, but uh, still, not really."
Fumizuki waves to New Jersey. "Hewwo."
New Jersey (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Howdy, kiddo." Kinda weird for a ship completed in the 40s calling another ship completed in 1926 a kid, but you know....
"I'm Fumizuki." Fumizuki smiled happily. "Who are you?"
New Jersey (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"New Jersey, United States battleship, hull number BB-63. I'm not like the one that you might know though, I've heard that one's much different."
Shochu (played by Jaws)

Incoherent rap music played in the background while Shochu drunkly danced on top of a table. "Yeah go! Stomping broke fools out in Chanel loafs," he sang along to the song.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira thought that looked fun so, she joined Sochu's dancing, but she remained on the floor since the table was too small for them both.
Shochu (played by Jaws)

His arms flair in the air before taking a notice to his new dancing partner. "Yeah Go! Cubans on cubans." Shochu stepped down from the table. "My diamonds flare, fool," he sung and started to dance in a circle around Akira.
He watched them and shook his head
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira giggled, having no idea what Shochu meant by his words but she was having fun anyway.
*confused floof*
"They're just dancing"
Shochu (played by Jaws)

"Come and dance with us, ya grump," he slurred his words. Shochu held out his hand towards Drael.

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