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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Pokédex (played anonymously)

The Seel boy peeked over the kiddie pool's sides, looking at Oniyan and Piano.

Seel slowly lifted his head, holding onto the edge of the pool. "Dol'bin pubby?" Seel asked, confused.

His voice was very young and had a lisp.
"I think he's a seal." Fumizuki explained to Oniyan.
Oniyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Dolbin Puppy is your name? Nice to meet you, Dolbin. I'm Oniyan. The chef is Mathius. He's in charge here"

He pointed at Claude "the Vietnamese woman my girlfriend Claude, the really really really big guy with the gold hair is her dad Drael, and the cute little girl is her sister. Her name is Fumizuki."
Pokédex (played anonymously)

Seel blinked, but smiled regardless. "Onion!" He pointed at Oniyan, then he flapped his tail in the water happily.

Seel looked at Fumizuki and stuck his tongue out at her, not to be rude though, he just does that.
Oniyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"That's right! And this is Piano" He pointed at the kitten on his shoulder
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi shapeshifted into Kiyohime, complete with her attire. She entered the bar with a smirk on her face.

"I'm Kiyohime!" The impostor stated "I'm a stupid heroic spirit!"

One could now hear the angry ramblings of the original Kiyohime as she entered Trixie's.
Kiyohime (played by Revereen)

Kiyohime shook the fake one out of anger and said "Turn back now, you stupid fox!"

"But I am Kiyohime, a heroic spirit!" The other Kiyohime giggled.
"Notsu!" Nokotan becomes smol, and perches on the head of the true Kiyohime.
" nice to Kiyohime"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi heard Mathius and promptly morphed back into her true form, her kimono returning to its original gray and green color scheme.

"Awww alright" the fox spirit pouted

Kiyohime crossed her arms, waiting expectantly for something.

"My picture of Anchin-sama, please"

"Fine" she rolled her eyes before handing her a picture of Ren "If it gets you to stop stalking my son..."

The picture of Ren showed him at the beach, wearing a white shirt that displayed the album art of Green Day's "American Idiot" and white jogging pants. What was especially uncommon was him not wearing his red hoodie, possibly due to how hot beaches tend to be in the first place.

"Thank you- BY THE GODS WHAT IS ABOVE MY HEAD?!" Kiyohime shouted as her head was currently being invaded by a Deer Girl, whom Azumi describes as the "All knowing Deer God of gremlin tendencies and unpredictable behavior"
He smiled. He surmised that Kiyohime had a crush on Ren which made him chuckle a bit.
Keria (played by Evi_Berry)

she laughed as she watched what was happing
Nokotan sproings off of Kiyohime's head, returning to her full size with a Super Mario mushroom sound. "Nroh! I am Noko Shikanoko, the most powerful deer of all."
Oniyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

He heard "powerful" and a large smile crossed his face. The smile wasn't evil, it was more an "excited" smile. He rushed over to her. "You're powerful?! Can we fight?!"
Hexheard the exchange and he facepalmed. "If he and my daughter have a kid, I hope the baby isn't that much of a knucklehead"

"Oniyan..... no. No fighting, remember? She's a little girl."
"I can do this, though." Nokotan breaks off one of her horns and tosses it out the window. A loud explosion can be heard, with several car alarms being set off. Nokotan's horn then suddenly grows back. "Could a normal girl do that? Of course not. I'm half-girl and half-deer, which makes me the most powerful deer in the world…more or less."
Oniyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

"Like one of those deer from that story about Santa they tell kids!"
He burst out with a genuine laugh.
Oniyan wrote:
"Like one of those deer from that story about Santa they tell kids!"


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