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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira watched in fascination as Poof flew around her, "Well, aren't you adorable?" She reached inside her pocket and hoped this worked. She pulled out her hand to reveal a piece of candy, showing it to Poof, "Hey, look what I have! If you want it, you'll have to have to land on my hand." She said, extending her hand, but she'd pull it away if Poof attempted to grab it. Poof will have to land on her hand to have the candy.
Alethea wrote:
Alethea decided to be nice and bought a plate of delicious goodies before she brought it to Fumizuki to enjoy if she wanted to.

"Thank you." Fumizuki smiled at Alethea.
Alethea (played anonymously)

"You're welcome." Alethea said with her own smile.
Cosmo (played anonymously)

Poof gasped and carefully floated down to Akira's hand, gently reaching for the candy that was offered to him.
Cosmo landed nearby Akira and waited for Poof to grab the candy, before using his wand to cause a onesie to appear out of thin air, then quickly put it around Poof and buttoned it up.

Poof blinked, confused of what just happened, but honestly didn't care, he had candy.

Poof chewed on the candy contently as Cosmo delicately grabbed Poof and held him in his arms.
"Thank you." Cosmo said to Akira.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira giggled and nodded, "You're very welcome!" She said and then bowed respectfully to Cosmo, "I am Akira, nice to meet you both." \
Cosmo (played anonymously)

Cosmo grinned, "I'm Cosmo!! And this is my son, Poof."
"It's very nice to meet you too, Akira."

Poof giggled and spoke up, "Poof poof!"
Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira looked at the Captain and bowed in respect, "Hello."

She'd get up, and bow back, she doesnt exactly leave the seireitei often, but still shes respectful to whoever respects her
Maëlys (played anonymously)

Maëlys walked in the bar, curious. He didn't seem to have a purpose of going inside however, except just being curious of what was inside.
Skara (played anonymously)

Skara saw the new arrival and got up out of her seat and walked over to the boy, "Hello, I am Skara. Its an honor to meet you." She said, surprisingly respectful for an Orc.
Maëlys (played anonymously)

Maëlys looked at Skara, unblinking. His motions were almost subtly robotic. "Hello.. I'm Maëlys.." He said in a soft, gentle voice.
Skara (played anonymously)

She noticed how odd he moved, but she made nothing of it since mechanical beings did not exist in her world so she had nothing to compare him to, "Well met friend! Would you something to drink? I'm buying!"
Maëlys (played anonymously)

Maëlys smiled a bit, "I cannot drink alcohol, but some non-alcoholic would be nice."

(( Yes, he's waterproof, don't worry LOL he won't short-circuit or anything ))
Skara (played anonymously)

((Oh good, *Picks him up and throws him in the ocean* lol, kidding))

"Very well!" Skara said, then ordering a soda for the kid and an Ale for herself.
Maëlys (played anonymously)

(( Pfffft XD ))

Maëlys patiently waited for the bartender to fulfill the order.
Skara (played anonymously)

And soon, the soda arrived and Skara eyed the drink. It actually looked good but she preferred ale. Which she took once it arrived too and took a drink of it, then wiped her mouth, "So, where do you come from, Maelys?" She asked, mispronouncing his name. More of an accident then intentional.
Maëlys (played anonymously)

Maëlys didn't seem to mind the mispronunciation. Maëlys took the soda cup in his hands delicately and glanced up at Skara.
"I come from a laboratory, in England." Maëlys said calmly, before taking a sip of the soda.
Skara (played anonymously)

"Eng-land?" Skara said the name aloud, not at all familiar with this strange land called England, but she definitely knows what a laboratory is, "And I come from a forested woodland. I am of the Ironfist tribe." She said proudly, but with an edge of sadness.
Maëlys (played anonymously)

Maëlys finally blinked after not doing it for a while, not blinking seemed to not cause any discomfort what so ever.
"A woodland, it sounds pretty." Maëlys told her, "I haven't heard of an.. Ironfist Tribe, however."
Skara (played anonymously)

"Nor will you." She said with an air of sadness, "They were..." She had to clear her throat, "Well, that doesn't matter." She drank more of her ale, then made a comment on the blinking, "You alright? You seem to take a long time before blinking. Has something caught your attention?"
Maëlys (played anonymously)

Maëlys frowned, realizing that maybe something happened to this tribe..

Maëlys blinked again, as he seemed aware of it now, "I sometimes forget to blink." Maëlys said with a gentle voice, before taking another sip of soda.

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