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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Tenebris Fraus (played anonymously)

Tenebris grinned at Mathius, "You have some cayenne pepper? Like, the literal spice? I'll take that if you don't mind."
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim (played by Brunchfastfordinner)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"That's a mouthful, but welcome to Trixie's" He said. His eyes were back to their normal bright blue glow.
"I heard you had the best food in the multiverse. I wish to try some"
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"That's a mouthful, but welcome to Trixie's" He said. His eyes were back to their normal bright blue glow.
"I heard you had the best food in the multiverse. I wish to try some"

"Yes, but if Wulvenreign was still alive, he'd be the best chef. What can I make for you?"
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim (played by Brunchfastfordinner)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"That's a mouthful, but welcome to Trixie's" He said. His eyes were back to their normal bright blue glow.
"I heard you had the best food in the multiverse. I wish to try some"

"Yes, but if Wulvenreign was still alive, he'd be the best chef. What can I make for you?"
"In my world we call it florv@n!d@r^l!n@thir@k#l^n@th#r!m@r@v^ll!n0st:@l^c!r@s!nd^l!n@sh!r@k0v@:( but here its called pancakes"
Drael Chæzkath wrote:
"Fumizuki, do you want to go to Joot's party?"

"Huh? I thought he already had a birthday? I remember giving him some cupcakes as a gift." *confused floof*
After a moment of thinking, Fumizuki nods. "Okie, I'll come to the party. Always nice to hang out with fwends."
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

Dono crept into the bar, using his blood-stained wings to fly quietly.
He looked around, trying to find someone who was asleep, on his side being a medicine case filled with dentistry tools in it.

The boy looked to be around ten years old, and did not seem to be fully alive.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi was sprawled out on the floor, fast asleep after her daily session of zoomies in Trixie's Bar. Her sleeping position made her look like a fluffy, dead cockroach. Her mouth was open, her tongue hanging out, she looked a little stupid. This seemed be the prime opportunity to do something to the fox spirit's teeth... provided one has the incredible strength of a couple of the strongest humans alive as spirits like her are quite physically resilient meaning any damage done to her physical form would be incredibly minimal provided it was not magical in nature.
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"That's a mouthful, but welcome to Trixie's" He said. His eyes were back to their normal bright blue glow.
"I heard you had the best food in the multiverse. I wish to try some"

"Yes, but if Wulvenreign was still alive, he'd be the best chef. What can I make for you?"
"In my world we call it florv@n!d@r^l!n@thir@k#l^n@th#r!m@r@v^ll!n0st:@l^c!r@s!nd^l!n@sh!r@k0v@:( but here its called pancakes"

"We have chocolate chip, blueberry, banana nut, and buttermilk. Our buttermilk is the best seller."
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim (played by Brunchfastfordinner)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"That's a mouthful, but welcome to Trixie's" He said. His eyes were back to their normal bright blue glow.
"I heard you had the best food in the multiverse. I wish to try some"

"Yes, but if Wulvenreign was still alive, he'd be the best chef. What can I make for you?"
"In my world we call it florv@n!d@r^l!n@thir@k#l^n@th#r!m@r@v^ll!n0st:@l^c!r@s!nd^l!n@sh!r@k0v@:( but here its called pancakes"

"We have chocolate chip, blueberry, banana nut, and buttermilk. Our buttermilk is the best seller."
"I shall go with The Buttermilk!"
"Coming right up" He went into the kitchen and got the batter and set himself to work right away making the pancakes.
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Azumi was sprawled out on the floor, fast asleep after her daily session of zoomies in Trixie's Bar. Her sleeping position made her look like a fluffy, dead cockroach. Her mouth was open, her tongue hanging out, she looked a little stupid. This seemed be the prime opportunity to do something to the fox spirit's teeth... provided one has the incredible strength of a couple of the strongest humans alive as spirits like her are quite physically resilient meaning any damage done to her physical form would be incredibly minimal provided it was not magical in nature.

Dono noticed, then floated down and looked at the spirit's teeth.

He got a bit of an unsettling grin on his face and opened his medicine case, pulling out a pair of pliers. Dono gently knelt down on the floor and slowly tried to get the pliers around one of Azumi's teeth without waking her up.
Drael yanked Donosiciel up and pulled the pliers away. He would then toss him out of the front door. After putting him out, he would crush the pliers in his hand and throw the mangled metal out the door. Once closed, he returned to his seat.
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

It happened so quickly that Dono just kind of laid there on his back. He blinked, clearly dazed.

Dono sat up and looked at the front door he had just been thrown out of, only to be bonked in the head by his mangled pair of pliers. He fell back over comically and just continued to lay there.

"What just happened?" His voice was sweet and kind, despite the fact he was getting ready to literally yank someone's teeth out involuntarily.
He walked the pancakes out and placed them in front of Zylthragoth. "One full stack of pancakes, and three kinds of syrup"

He set maple syrup, blueberry, and mixed berry syrup on the table. He saw Drael put the kid out. "Drael.....let him back in. He's okay. Just let him know it isn't acceptable"
He got back up and went to Dono and brought him back inside. "Don't pull teeth. Especially not Azumi's." He guided him to a table

"I should have said something. You can't do that here. Now, irder what you want, son" his voice was uncharacteristically warm, similarly to how he speaks to Fumizuki, which is kind and fatherly. "Nobody will hurt you here"
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

Dono stood up and his feet lifted off the ground as he flew, flapping his wings. "Bu' that's my job, to pull teeth." Dono grumpily said, crossing his arms.

"I... order you to fix my pliers!" Dono waved the mangled piece of metal around, "These things cost a lot!" He whined, frowning, floating above the table than sitting at it.
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim (played by Brunchfastfordinner)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He walked the pancakes out and placed them in front of Zylthragoth. "One full stack of pancakes, and three kinds of syrup"

He set maple syrup, blueberry, and mixed berry syrup on the table. He saw Drael put the kid out. "Drael.....let him back in. He's okay. Just let him know it isn't acceptable"
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim eats the pancakes in one bite. "I approve." *He summons a bag of coins and leaves it on the table*
Donosiciel wrote:
Dono stood up and his feet lifted off the ground as he flew, flapping his wings. "Bu' that's my job, to pull teeth." Dono grumpily said, crossing his arms.

"I... order you to fix my pliers!" Dono waved the mangled piece of metal around, "These things cost a lot!" He whined, frowning, floating above the table than sitting at it.

He chuckled before ruffling the boy's hair "I'll get you more later"
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He walked the pancakes out and placed them in front of Zylthragoth. "One full stack of pancakes, and three kinds of syrup"

He set maple syrup, blueberry, and mixed berry syrup on the table. He saw Drael put the kid out. "Drael.....let him back in. He's okay. Just let him know it isn't acceptable"
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim eats the pancakes in one bite. "I approve." *He summons a bag of coins and leaves it on the table*

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Tomorrow we are having a Vietnamese Day. I was inspires by the big guy over there's daughter. She's also the bartender here"

He pointed at Drael.

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