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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Skara (played anonymously)

Skara nodded as if understanding, "Ah, that..." Then she paused, thinking about how could someone forget to blink? Nevertheless, she found Maëlys a fascinating individual, "How is the soda?"
Maëlys (played anonymously)

Maëlys smiled, "It is really good."
"Thank you for getting it for me."
Skara (played anonymously)

"You are welcome!" She lightly hits her ale against the side of his soda and then took another swig.
He stood watching the sky. He was able to hide it for a time, but his mind was on his brother Mathius.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Waiting for Uncle Mathuis?" Claude said as she walked towards her father with a glass of water.
He nodded. "I'm powerless to help him"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Drael Chizkith wrote:
He nodded. "I'm powerless to help him"

Azumi entered the bar, looking uncharacteristically depressed. She did not say anything and instead proceeded to sit down at one of the booths, looking at nothing in a melancholy manner.

She was worried about Mathius. No, she was more than just worried. It does not seem like she could even put into words how much concern she had for Mathius
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren entered the bar and saw Azumi.

"Mom?" He called out to her

She didn't respond.

He knew what to do at times like this. Stay silent and pet her head. So he did.
Cosmo (played anonymously)

Cosmo was attempting to rock Poof to sleep, floating mid-air in a somewhat laying down, sitting up, basically leaning back, fashion.
He hummed a song to Poof as well.
His face grew stern "Mathius....wherever this ceremony is....I won't tolerate failure or weakness. You've protected these universes for centuries. Don't stop now"
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Drael Chizkith wrote:
He nodded. "I'm powerless to help him"

Azumi entered the bar, looking uncharacteristically depressed. She did not say anything and instead proceeded to sit down at one of the booths, looking at nothing in a melancholy manner.

She was worried about Mathius. No, she was more than just worried. It does not seem like she could even put into words how much concern she had for Mathius

(It hurts too much. I have to bring him back now. That broke my heart)

He pushed the door open and looked in "hey are you looking to hire a cook?"

There was something different about Mathius. His eyes. His eyes seemed to be a crystal blue and glowing.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Drael Chizkith wrote:
He nodded. "I'm powerless to help him"

Azumi entered the bar, looking uncharacteristically depressed. She did not say anything and instead proceeded to sit down at one of the booths, looking at nothing in a melancholy manner.

She was worried about Mathius. No, she was more than just worried. It does not seem like she could even put into words how much concern she had for Mathius

(It hurts too much. I have to bring him back now. That broke my heart)

He pushed the door open and looked in "hey are you looking to hire a cook?"

There was something different about Mathius. His eyes. His eyes seemed to be a crystal blue and glowing.

((None can bear the sight of a depressed Azumi XD. Even simply thinking of her in such a way is unfathomable to most LOL))

Was that.... Mathius' voice she just heard? She went from depressed to excessively jubilant in the flick of a switch and dashed towards Mathius very quickly.

"Mathius!" She cried out happily "I am so glad you're back! I am..."

She broke down into tears, unable to finish her sentence. Soon after, Ren approached Mathius with a nervous smile. It was clear the fox spirit wasn't the only one worried.

"I kept reassuring her that you'd be fine since I know you're, like pretty powerful" Ren chuckled "Buuuttt, mom literally wouldn't listen, heh"

Ren then noticed the change in Mathius' eye color.

"Your eyes" Ren noted "Huh, were they always like that?"
He pulled the boy he loved like a son into a hug shortly after lifting Azumi up and setting her on his shoulder.
Drael huffed and sat.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

The sound of glass breaking was sudden. She stepped over the broken glass in a slow yet hazy towards her uncle. "You are alive," she stated then pulled all of three in a bear hug.
"Well, isn't that nice?"
Claude wrote:
The sound of glass breaking was sudden. She stepped over the broken glass in a slow yet hazy towards her uncle. "You are alive," she stated then pulled all of three in a bear hug.

He took hee by her arms "what's going on?"
Wish (played by Reithesniper)

Wish appears, hugging his father! "Father!" He'd cry, ironically actuly crying because admittedly he was worried, "How long has it been!" Ok... where is his sister?
"Uncle Maffius is back. Yay!"
Wish wrote:
Wish appears, hugging his father! "Father!" He'd cry, ironically actuly crying because admittedly he was worried, "How long has it been!" Ok... where is his sister?

He pulled his firstborn into a hug. He would pull back and rested a hand on his son's face " and your sister are my proudest and greatest accomplishments"

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