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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira smiled and nodded, "You indeed could be!"

"Everyone will be jealous, hehe!"

He turned to her.

"Did you draw something too?"
Samson (played anonymously)

Samson smirked, one side of his handsome face turning upward, "Perhaps I should make up a name then just to have dinner with you." But that would be dishonorable because it wouldn't be honest, "I work for whoever pays me at time. Every time I take a job, I work for someone new. There is no singular boss. However," He said as he continued, "If I do a good job, someone who once hired me in the past can hire me again."
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"No." Akira shook her head, "I colored an image." She showed him. \
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
"No." Akira shook her head, "I colored an image." She showed him. \

He nodded,

"Not bad!"

He kept on drawing, adding a dragon.

"This is a dragon that is kind, oftenly mistaken as evil, he had no friends before, he looked scary, but rarely attacked anyone. I do not have a name for him, but he is like a huge dog, friendly and full of affection, also, loyal."
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"Perhaps his name should be Draco?" She suggested. A little on the nose but she did not care.
Samson wrote:
Samson smirked, one side of his handsome face turning upward, "Perhaps I should make up a name then just to have dinner with you." But that would be dishonorable because it wouldn't be honest, "I work for whoever pays me at time. Every time I take a job, I work for someone new. There is no singular boss. However," He said as he continued, "If I do a good job, someone who once hired me in the past can hire me again."
“So it seems I will have to keep looking. Though is dinner out of the question then?” Part of her lip tilts up, and her already large pupils dilate at him like a ploy to get him to accept.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
"Perhaps his name should be Draco?" She suggested. A little on the nose but she did not care.

"I thought about, huh.. François, but, maybe Draco can work too? I had no problems to befriend him, but hiding him? Plenty of prob-"

He saw that she had something on her nose.

"Are you trying to change your colors?"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He picked up a crayon and put a paw on paper and started dragging the crayon across the paper. It was obvious he had the right idea.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"Uh..." She shook her head, "No...why?"

Then she noticed what the dog had been doing, "What a smart dog! You know how to color!" She giggled.
Samson (played anonymously)

Samson shook his head, "Certainly not!" He said, "I would be honored to have dinner with you. What would you like?"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Thor the Malinois wrote:
He picked up a crayon and put a paw on paper and started dragging the crayon across the paper. It was obvious he had the right idea.

"Oh my god! A dog! And an artist at that!"

He resisted to pet him, but he struggled to, he reasoned himself.

"Hm, might be a brave knight who get cursed and turned into a dog.. Again."
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira blinked in surprise and turned to look at Peewit, "You got cursed into a dog once?"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira blinked in surprise and turned to look at Peewit, "You got cursed into a dog once?"

"Huh? Oh no, not me, well.. Not that way, i wasn’t that adorable.."

He made a face here and stopped, she wasn’t far, but it was an accident.

"Anyways, whenever you see a dog, greet him, it could be a knight who got cursed."
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Being naïve about the world, she totally believed Peewit! So her eyes went wide. Then she turned to Thor and greeted him, "I greet you..." She suddenly came to the conclusion she was ignorant of the dog's name, so concluded pathetically, " I am Akira."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Being naïve about the world, she totally believed Peewit! So her eyes went wide. Then she turned to Thor and greeted him, "I greet you..." She suddenly came to the conclusion she was ignorant of the dog's name, so concluded pathetically, " I am Akira."

He laughed a little here.

"Or maybe he is just a real dog, a smart one, i like dogs, they are playful and loyal."
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She nodded in agreement, "Yes, they are." She said, "I like dogs too."
Meanwhile, Nolegs was in the kitchen, apparently on Fake Peppino's head. He's confused on why he has him on his head anyway, so Nolegs cleared his throat to ask.

"Look, I don't mean to the be rude here, but why the actual f- [AUDIO JUNGLE] am I on your head? I'm not a hat for christ's sake!"

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
She nodded in agreement, "Yes, they are." She said, "I like dogs too."

"They make me laugh, and never give up their owners."

He said with a smile and stopped smiling.

"Always siding with you, no matter what."
Samson wrote:
Samson shook his head, "Certainly not!" He said, "I would be honored to have dinner with you. What would you like?"
“Personally I’m drawn to hearty meals like steak and potatoes. Mashed potatoes with all of the fixings are my absolute favorite dish.”
Samson (played anonymously)

And with that, Samson ordered that meal for her.

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