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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino rubbed his forehead for a moment before responding to Nolegs' question, a bit of seriousness in his tone. "It's because this skateboarding a*shole, Theodore Noise keeps trying to put pineapple on pizzas, so that's where you come in. So, once he tries to do THAT again, I can just throw you at him so you can bite his shins and bam, he'll stop for the time being! And no, I have NOT tried this before!"
Nolegs then blinked before rolling his eyes, unamused before clearing his throat. "How the actual hell did you think up of that, but yet did not even try it yet? Besides, do you EVEN know where the shins are?"

Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira shouldered bumped Peewit, "Thank you! I will side with you too!"

Then she thought she heard arguing in the kitchen, "Everything okay in there?" She called.
"Yeah, everything's peac-"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira shouldered bumped Peewit, "Thank you! I will side with you too!"

Then she thought she heard arguing in the kitchen, "Everything okay in there?" She called.

He blinked and did the same to her, and he blinked.

"I heard two voices but i saw nobody.. This place is h-h-haunted?"
Samson wrote:
And with that, Samson ordered that meal for her.
She enjoys it thoroughly. But she especially enjoys his company.
Samson (played anonymously)

Samson always liked her company too, then looked her way, "How is the food?"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She giggled, "Its just someone in the kitchen."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
She giggled, "Its just someone in the kitchen."

"Wait, ghos- Just someone?"

Then he said loudly.

"Don’t scare me like that, sir!"

He said in direction of the kitchen.

"One step closer and i would try this new spell.."
Nolegs then hops out the kitchen. "Nope. Nope, nah, no, no thanks, hell no, nein, NO. I am NOT being thrown without a simple reason! Yes, I get that pineapple on pizza is disgusting for CERTAIN people, but I can't even figure out why the HELL you want to throw ME at some person on a skateboard! So that's why I'm asking you!" Nolegs said to Fake Peppino. Yikes, he's pissed-

Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Fake Peppino puts his hands up slightly, before sighing. "Okay, okay! I'm sorry! Chill out for a second, and we can peacefully talk this out!"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"What new spell?" She asked.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
"What new spell?" She asked.

He realized that he said it out loud and get horrified here, he calmed himself.

"It’s a spell to catch the ghosts, but restraining them is complicated.. It’s dangerous.."
Samson wrote:
Samson always liked her company too, then looked her way, "How is the food?"
“Divine. Absolutely divine.” She smiles, and she slips something into his pocket. It is a piece of paper with her lipstick and name on it. Along with a little note. “Thank you, Samson.” She winks. “I wouldn’t mind getting more with you soon. Say… how about we get lost? Leave here and go enjoy the rest of our night away from the giant crowd, hmm? I heard the stars are gorgeous tonight.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She raised her eyebrows, "Oh." Then she blinked, realizing what the implications of that could mean, "That sounds like an incredibly useful spell. Do you encounter ghosts often?"
Samson (played anonymously)

Samson glanced at the note then nodded and payed for their meals before he got up and offered a hand to her, "Then let us be on our way."
SCP-7489 (played anonymously)

TJ noticed Thor laying down beside him, then got a big grin on his face and gently held his hand out to Thor, letting the dog sniff his hand before he tried to pet him.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
She raised her eyebrows, "Oh." Then she blinked, realizing what the implications of that could mean, "That sounds like an incredibly useful spell. Do you encounter ghosts often?"

"Not often, but i met the friendlier ones, one was very old and taught me about magic, i can use some spells and work on others, the ghost catching spell is complicated, but i will be victorious, and i could protect anyone else that way, be them humans, dogs, smurfs or else."

He said with a smile, being proud of himself.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"Well," She said, "I cannot perform spells, but I do command the elements." She nodded, stating matter of factly.

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