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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
"Well," She said, "I cannot perform spells, but I do command the elements." She nodded, stating matter of factly.

"The elements, like the wind?"

He was getting excited, perhaps he could learn something new here.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She nodded, "Yes, like the wind." She waved her hand and her tea came out of its cup as she controlled it like clay, "Water too. Even the Earth and Fire."
Samson wrote:
Samson glanced at the note then nodded and payed for their meals before he got up and offered a hand to her, "Then let us be on our way."
She gladly takes his hand and stands up. “Let’s go then, handsome.”
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
She nodded, "Yes, like the wind." She waved her hand and her tea came out of its cup as she controlled it like clay, "Water too. Even the Earth and Fire."

His eyes widdened when he saw how the tea was controlled.

"How did you do that?"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She giggled, loving his reaction, "I was born being able to do these things. I know not how, I just do it." She placed the water back into the cup and sipped her tea.
Samson (played anonymously)

He led her outside and they both went to a new adventure.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
She giggled, loving his reaction, "I was born being able to do these things. I know not how, I just do it." She placed the water back into the cup and sipped her tea.

"It’s amazing, do you think you can teach me?"

He turned to her, being eager to learn something new here.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She considered for a moment, "I am not sure if I can since I have never tried before. But it couldn't hurt to try." She smiled.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
She considered for a moment, "I am not sure if I can since I have never tried before. But it couldn't hurt to try." She smiled.


He smiled big here.

"I’ll try to think about i should teach you back too."
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira laughed, "You could teach me how to play that flute once I buy one for myself."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira laughed, "You could teach me how to play that flute once I buy one for myself."

"For sure i can, i can play a lot of musical instruments, i can teach you."

He said, keeping his smile.

"And maybe we can teach more to each-other?"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She giggled and nodded, "Agreed!"
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
She giggled and nodded, "Agreed!"

"The wind, the flute.. It work, it’s an instrument where you need to breath, kinda like wind."

He took his flute and played a little song, then he stopped.

Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"Indeed!" She nodded her approval, "But its more than just breathing, you must listen and feel it within. I am not sure how describe it."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
"Indeed!" She nodded her approval, "But its more than just breathing, you must listen and feel it within. I am not sure how describe it."

"I heard that you need to love music in order to play that well."

He played another little song, then, stopped once more.

"It work if your love for music is honest, apparently."
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"Hmm." Akira listened with rapped attention, "I do love music. Play another tune, please. I shall dance."
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
"Hmm." Akira listened with rapped attention, "I do love music. Play another tune, please. I shall dance."

He blinked and nodded, he played another music and watched her at the same time.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

And she danced. She moved with such grace and poise as she did so.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
And she danced. She moved with such grace and poise as she did so.

He kept on playing, he was impressed here and managed to stay focused on his instrument.

He followed her moves each, closing his eyes.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She moved faster and faster and spun and twirled before she suddenly did the closing act. "Learning how to control the wind, or any element, is a lot like dancing. You have to feel the music and go with the flow. And as you said, have a love for it."

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