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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Azumi painted a canvas with random patterns and colors, then started chasing her tails.
Robin Hollyhock (played by Jaws)

A knight appears in his full suit of armor, and his helmet is covering his face. Blonde rabbit ears stick out of the helmet however. Amongst the silver and gold lining, there was a golden sun medallion near his heart on the breastplate. He gently set his sword adorned with wings on its guard in the weapon box then headed straight for the bar counter. The knight stopped by Azumi and looked at her canvas. "It's lovely," a gentle voice emitted from the helmet.
Oniyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Claude Vuong wrote:
"It's more like a vacation home to me and '87," Claude stated. Her home was something that she didn't want to show her father yet.

He sat across from her. Piano had run around the bar to climb up onto her.

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