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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Skara (played anonymously)

"Thanks." Skara snorted, taking the beer and took a swig of it. Then she burped. Loudly.

Then she looked at Peewit, "It is a good song. Filled with heroes and dragons. You should learn it."
Patches laughed.
"How 'bout ya just be quiet?" Patches said. "I've always hated performances... Hurts my beautiful ears..."
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Cue Matt then entering the tavern, bored out of his mind. "Yeesh. It's been a while since I been here... And I think this place needs a little bit of decoration in case some holidays begin."

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Skara wrote:
"Thanks." Skara snorted, taking the beer and took a swig of it. Then she burped. Loudly.

Then she looked at Peewit, "It is a good song. Filled with heroes and dragons. You should learn it."

"Heroes and dragons.. You know, dragons aren’t all evil, just misunderstood, it happen to anyone.. Unless to a mangy dog-thing."

He smiled a little.

"If he was around, i’ll show an example of what i said.."
Skara (played anonymously)

Skara waved at Matt.
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt waved back before releasing a bored sigh. "Yo."
Patches looked up at Matt, his eyes widening and his pupils cartoonishly turning into dollar signs.
"Oh my! A pirate?" He asks. "You must have a lot of gold, eh? How would you like to buy something from the famed Patches Emporium? Where you don't need a refund, cause everything's top notch! I've got a sale on this armor I'm wearing, if you're interested in protectin' yourself. Wouldn't wanna get stabbed now would ya?"
Skara (played anonymously)

Skara heard the name 'Patches' and she looked at the the Hyena. Then she could not hide her smirk, remembering the brief conversation he had with the Detective and tricking him to go outside. A clever move. She was tempted to say something, a warning to Matt, but it was not her business. So she stayed silent.
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"I- What? I have NO exact idea what your talking about right there. Besides, I been stabbed before. Many things stabbed me!" Matt said to Patches. "Besides, I'm not a full-on pirate yet. Yes, I get I steal random crap, but I only did it for a reason for f- CENSORED-'s sake! Not trying to start a fight here too anyway." Matt shrugged before sitting down, cracking open a can of beer. "So. Anything new I missed so far?"
Skara (played anonymously)

"You missed someone dancing and controlling fire while she did." Skara said to Matt. "Oh, and a soldier fought a giant space octopus."
"And a argument between me and Mathius's sous che-"
Fake Peppino (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

Still, none he knew entered the tavern, he was just humming a little and wrote it on a little notebook.

He closed it, trying to find his inspiration, but nothing, nada, it’s annoying..

It been a while he haven’t seen a dragon.
Skara (played anonymously)

"Ah, I missed that one." Skara said.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

"Oh no, they are arguing again.."

He opened his notebook,

"Oh joy.."

The rain was still there, falling as usual.

Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"...Pretending I didn't hear the argument part." Matt said before pulling out a "sword" of his, AKA: Ultra Pro 9000X. Before you ask, yes it's a damn hockey stick. No, you cannot ask Matt why the hell he has it in the first place. (lol)
Skara (played anonymously)

"As long as you use it to bring glory to your clan." She said to Matt.
Matt (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Matt then blinked. "...a what now?-"
Skara (played anonymously)

Skara shook her head, forgetting not everyone knew what a clan was, "Family." She corrected herself.
Dwarf Peewit (played by Okiwaru-Napp)

The word 'family' caught him off guards,

He appears to be shocked here.

"Is it that important?"

He asked, before keeping his attention on the notes.

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