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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Claude Mayday wrote:
"We got the best bartender and chef here," Claude said. "We can try our best to recreate whatever the Imperium has. Hey! No explosions or barges in the bar!"

"I suppose they wouldn't be able to whip up the synthetic amino-porridge that is the standard foodstuff for us Astartes?"
He rolled his eyes "I've made it for you before...."
"My apologies, Mathius. I was unaware of this."
"Would you like some?"
Skara (played anonymously)

"Hmph." She turned around and left.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Would you like some?"

"Certainly." Messinius removes his helmet so he can be a bit more casual.
"Three portions of amino portions all day. Got it"

(Sorry. Some kitchen vernacular slipped out lol)
Dax made her way over to the bar for her morning raktajino, although she seemed a little on edge about something.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Three portions of amino porridge all day. Got it"

"Might not seem like much at first, but it's really the only stuff that is able to provide us with the amount of protein that we need."
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"What about the Round Meal?"
"I think that was just a meme, Tensai."
"What is this round meal that you speak of?"
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"A massive wheel of macaroni and beef that you boil in a bag. It serves three men. Specifically men, as that's what it says on the package."
"They need almost as many nutrients as you Saiyans, but they can't eat like you and Oniyan do"
Evan Afton (played anonymously)

Evan was walking around, waving a little flag that said 'Happy Birthday' on it.
It wasn't his birthday*, but he had a bunch of birthday stuff anyway.

(( * He he, it's my birthday actually. ))
Fumizuki waves to Evan. "Hi fwend!"
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He jumped up when he saw Evan. He ran to him with his tail wagging and he rushed him and sniffed his face followed by a bunch of dog kisses.
Evan Afton (played anonymously)

Fumizuki wrote:
Fumizuki waves to Evan. "Hi fwend!"

"Ah, hi!" Evan stopped to wave at her.

Thor the Malinois wrote:
He jumped up when he saw Evan. He ran to him with his tail wagging and he rushed him and sniffed his face followed by a bunch of dog kisses.

Evan was then bombarded by dog kisses. "Who-whoa!" He stumbled a bit, but caught his balance. "Aw..hello doggy.." Evan said in a soft voice.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He cuddled Evan and looked at him.

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