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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Ms. Charlie (played by Taro_Nuke1)

Ms. Charlie would then grapple hook into the Tavern before tossing the grappling hook gun to Gear Master. "Hm. Seems like the Grapple Gun really is useful. Thanks, Gear Master."
Gear Master (played by Taro_Nuke1)

"No problem, lol!"
He chuckled
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude busted through the front doors"Sorry that I'm late!"
Mathius looked at Claude with a knowing smirk before going into the kitchen. He looked between Claude and zoniyan and shook his head laughing.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

"Had to get a cleaning job done," Claude explained while changing into a shirt in the back. She returned and tossed the bloody shirt in the garbage. "And I couldn't say no because my friends will-" She made the slit throat motion across her neck. Ironically, Claude had a faded Cut Here with a dotted line tattoo on her neck.
Fumizuki looked around in confusion. "Where's Auntie Astoria?"
He sighed. "I saw her while I was away. I came back because now I have the power to help her, but I have to figure out how. Then again, I can't see any of my children either" He looked down feeling as if he failed his family.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude patted her uncle on the back. "It isn't your fault. Life just gets busy at times," she said.
He pursed his lips and nodded "I suppose"
Little teasers

Supreme Art: Long Bow of the Heavens, Arrow of Susano'o-no-Mikoto
Domain Expansion: Clouded Hall of the Divines, Astral Judgement
Bindind Vow, Unsealed. Domain Expansion: Clouded Skyfall's Apocolypse

Kumokami, the Disaster Curse of Storms, Curse User of the Ages, pupil of Sukuna, stealer of mortal forms. Current in Possession of a Body capable of stealing souls to prolong it's life. The immort God of Storms, coming soon.
((While your teasers for characters are lovely as always, Soul, but I think a appropriate spot for them is in the RP Discussion forum or maybe someone's DMs. Just not OOC in Trixie's Bar.))
(idk i was bored lol. :\)
(I could make it charlie. She did inherit her Mothers position of Herald of Newcomers. Idk, just my way of making it known for other characters of new ideas :D)
He drummed his fingers on a table and stared straight ahead.
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He sighed. "I saw her while I was away. I came back because now I have the power to help her, but I have to figure out how. Then again, I can't see any of my children either" He looked down feeling as if he failed his family.

"Huh? Why not?"
Fumizuki wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He sighed. "I saw her while I was away. I came back because now I have the power to help her, but I have to figure out how. Then again, I can't see any of my children either" He looked down feeling as if he failed his family.

"Huh? Why not?"

"I'm not sure. I can feel and sense Charlie and Wish, but my wife had gone into a coma. I did spend time with her while I became Cel'Ethi, but now I can't sense her at all. It's okay. I still have you, your father, my children, and your sister, so I'm not alone"
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

"Mathius, forgive me a thousand times for speaking out of turn, but my Brothers and I consider you one of The Emperor's most powerful allies. Not only do you have we Blood Angels and White Consul Astartes as friends, you also have the light of The Emperor with you"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Fumizuki wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He sighed. "I saw her while I was away. I came back because now I have the power to help her, but I have to figure out how. Then again, I can't see any of my children either" He looked down feeling as if he failed his family.

"Huh? Why not?"

"I'm not sure. I can feel and sense Charlie and Wish, but my wife had gone into a coma. I did spend time with her while I became Cel'Ethi, but now I can't sense her at all. It's okay. I still have you, your father, my children, and your sister, so I'm not alone"

"And you have me" Azumi proudly stated towards Mathius"your comedy relief!"

This was the first time Azumi ever admitted this.
He put Azumi in the papoose to overwhelm the world with unscrupulous adorableness..

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