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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

He was going to put his armor on and brandish his swords, but decided against it. He merely started cleaning his kitchen.
Donatos Aphael wrote:
"Brother-Captain Messinius, should we attack?"

"Uncertain. The rules of this establishment forbid us from taking action, but if this creature poses a threat, then we will attack."
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

His father had called him in for an audience that morning, telling him to travel to a location, for it was his destiny. Knowing better than to ask questions, he traveled to Trixie’s Bar…

… only to come upon an entirely unexpected scene. He didn’t know if he should take action, but at least he was wearing his golden armor.

Surely whatever this was, wasn’t his destiny. His father made it sound more like he needed to meet someone for some reason, not engage with a—he assumed it was a Soul Devourer, but he honestly didn’t know what it was.

So, awkwardly, the human-looking man tried to move away from the fight. However, if one had a discerning eye, it was apparent that he was, at the very least, a heavenly official from the Jade Emperor’s court. Someone without a discerning eye might take him for some sort of gold-clad lancer with a unique sense of fashion.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

As Akira sat drinking tea, she observed Xi Xuan and with her keen eye, he seemed to be from the Jade Emperor's court. Perhaps? Maybe. Either way, she was tempted to get involved with the fight but thought better of it.
Crepito (played anonymously)

Mint walked in, two bodyguards dressed in armor and white ribbons with red rune-like marking on them, beside him. The bodyguards' faces were covered by the armor, but they could see out of them.

Mint looked around the room, with soft, curious eyes, then gently took a few steps forward, the bodyguards quickly following. "Ah, this place, it is a venue for drinks and food, yes?" His voice was gentle, "Please, any employees of the venue, I'd like to see what I could order for myself and my guards." Mint warmly smiled.
"Whyy is miquella here... Ahem, forgot I cant break the fourth wall. " She teleports a menu to Mint and his men. "Here you go sir, welcome to Trixie's bar."
Crepito (played anonymously)

Mint gently took the menu, and read it, the guards looking over Mint's shoulders to read it to. Mint whispered to the guards, discussing what they'd all get. Mint looked up, "Strawberry shortcake sounds lovely, could we go with that? And some steak for him?" He asked, pointing at one of the guards at the last part.

"Also, my name is Crepito Minttu, I'm not sure of this, uhm, Miquella you speak of however."
Blaidd bursts into the bar, icey sword at the ready.
"MIQUELLA THE KIND!" He growls. "At long last I corner you. You violate Ranni's goal for the godless Age of Stars. I will be the one to slay you once and for all! FOR LADY RANNI!"
Blaidd charged at Crepito but stops dead in his tracks.
"Wait a minute... You're not Miquella! Your hair is too short, consort nowhere to be seen, and you have no circlet!"
Crepito (played anonymously)

Mint turned around to see Blaidd charge at him and gasped, the guards holding their weapons to try and protect him, but the wolf man stopped. "This Miquella person must be popular around here!" He said in a surprised voice. "And from what I gather, not a very nice person if you're wanting to slay them." Mint frowned, then gestured for the guards to lower their weapons. "Sorry for the scare, dog man." Mint nodded his head gently in respect to Blaidd.
Mathius saw Xi. He was able to sense his divine energy, so he gestured Xi to come to the kitchen. He was desperate to help his wife, so it was worth a shot. He had only seen his son since his return, and he was desperate to bring his family back together
Kaiza Zenin (played by Jaws)

"Horn Boy?" Kaiza pointed to himself then started to laugh. He heard the bartender, Claude, call him that after serving him.
He glared at the Saiyan that was all cuddled up with his daughter. He scowled a bit. Overprotective dad? Definitely.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Full glad was he that he didn’t have the greeting that this ‘not Miquella’ individual had. He wondered what the story was there, however someone caught his eye—and gestured for him. This must have been his destiny.

He didn’t hesitate to head towards the kitchen, at least it would keep him out of Soul Devourer range, if nothing else.

Once he was able to hear himself think, he spoke up, “I’m Xi Xuan—are you the one I’m meant to meet?”
Haruka Nana (played by Jooters)

A small girl wearing shades struts in, every step full of swagger like a 90s hiphop artist.
"Ey." She said, her voice childish in almost a cartoonish way. "Pour me some tequila on the rocks. Your best kind, I'm a celeb 'round these parts."
Charlie blinks. "Ma'am, you look like a child actor, I cannot serve you alcohol."
Haruka Nana (played by Jooters)

Nana laughs.
"I'm basically 18. 10 I'm almost 11, and 11 is the new 12, and 12 is pretty much the same as 13, and we can round up from there to say I'm 18 and by Japanese law able to drink alcohol!"
Haruka Nana (played by Jooters)

"And I'm no actor! I'm your local rapper, yo!"
Haruka Nana (played by Jooters)

"Put some respect on my name, SMH!!!"
Xi Xuan wrote:
Full glad was he that he didn’t have the greeting that this ‘not Miquella’ individual had. He wondered what the story was there, however someone caught his eye—and gestured for him. This must have been his destiny.

He didn’t hesitate to head towards the kitchen, at least it would keep him out of Soul Devourer range, if nothing else.

Once he was able to hear himself think, he spoke up, “I’m Xi Xuan—are you the one I’m meant to meet?”

"Mathius Kothinto......yes you's about my wife, and I've exhausted every resource I had" the blue his eyes radiated darkened to a royal blue.
Haruka Nana wrote:
"Put some respect on my name, SMH!!!"

"Sweetie, I don't know you enough, your possible reputation holds no value here. Unless you can show me ID proving you are of age, I can't serve you alcohol."

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