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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Xi Xuan wrote:
So they needed to locate a displaced Arbiter, likely in the middle of a Tribulation. Well things went from potentially manageable to an absolute nightmare in a matter of moments. Though he tried not to express his growing concern—it was clear Mathius was already stressed.

“N-No, no,” he tried to reassure. Truthfully, it was good that one of his friend’s was there to comfort him.

He then tried to solve the problem, as it were. “Would you like for me to speak with your children? Even if it’s not the sort of Destiny Book I’m accustomed to, I might still be able to read it.” Be it thread, or something else.

"Even my children won't speak to me. I'd give up my place as one of the Cel'Ethi if it meant making my son and my daughter happy. I'd even leave Fate's Circle if I could hold my wife for one more night"
Akira Hoshi wrote:
A fenghuang?! Truly, Akira was honored to be in the presence of such a being! She never thought she would actually meet one. But then she nodded her understand to Mathius, "As you wish, Mathius-nii." She said, choosing to respect his wishes on the matter. She was tickled pink inside at the thought of being considered his little sister.

She was about to comfort him when that big intimidating man chose to instead.

He looked at her "you have nothing to be afraid of..."
"Huh? Does this mean I have new family members?"
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Even my children won't speak to me. I'd give up my place as one of the Cel'Ethi if it meant making my son and my daughter happy. I'd even leave Fate's Circle if I could hold my wife for one more night"

That certainly made the situation difficult. He considered how best to proceed, and he felt guilty pressing the clearly grief-stricken man, but he had to try. “Do you know where I could potentially find them? And… ah, I suppose names would help.” He considered, placing a thoughtful hand on his chin. “Otherwise, do you have any items that belonged to your wife? Cherished ones.”
Fumizuki wrote:
"Huh? Does this mean I have new family members?"

"It means your uncle loves zms. Akira like a baby sister, so I suppose she's sort of like your cousin"
Xi Xuan wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Even my children won't speak to me. I'd give up my place as one of the Cel'Ethi if it meant making my son and my daughter happy. I'd even leave Fate's Circle if I could hold my wife for one more night"

That certainly made the situation difficult. He considered how best to proceed, and he felt guilty pressing the clearly grief-stricken man, but he had to try. “Do you know where I could potentially find them? And… ah, I suppose names would help.” He considered, placing a thoughtful hand on his chin. “Otherwise, do you have any items that belonged to your wife? Cherished ones.”

"My daughter's name is Charlotte. The family calls her Charlie. My son is named Wish.....and all I have is the knife she gave me"

He revealed the fighting knife and he held the knife to him presenting the handle.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"My daughter's name is Charlotte. The family calls her Charlie. My son is named Wish.....and all I have is the knife she gave me"

He revealed the fighting knife and he held the knife to him presenting the handle.

He was certainly the odd one out—the three others seemed to have a history with Mathius, though he supposed he would, too, eventually.

Charlie and Wish—he’d keep them in mind. He could only hope they were taught about the ins and outs of fate from their mother, otherwise he would be out of luck.

Well, mostly.

Taking the knife carefully, he looked it over. It certainly could hold a sliver of his wife’s divine consciousness. Though it would need to react to something—like one of her children. Particularly if they inherited her divine essence.

“I… realize this is a keepsake, however one of your children may be able to help me find her with this,” he explained softly.
"Whatever it takes...." there was obvious desperation with him as well as depression "she comes and goes....maybe it IS me, and they would be better off without me, and if that's the case, should I let them go?"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

"You should never let family go, Mathius-nii. Family is very important and you should hold onto that." She said.
Olivia (played anonymously)

Olivia then entered and nods, agreeing with Akira. "She has a point, Mr. Mathius. And, I used to have to face the same problems too, with my brother Olly... I didn't want him to be evil, and sometimes, I can't help but blame myself for this, but, that doesn't mean I gave up on him... It's just... It's just hard to forget about it after witnessing it once, and it just stays glued in your head..."

Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

The fenghuang gave Akira an appreciative nod. He wasn’t the best when it came to comforting others, though at least he didn’t have to stumble through it alone. “Shimei is right.”

With a motion, the knife would seem to vanish without a trace, but in reality it would be sent into spacial storage.

“It might take time for them to understand. They only see what’s in front of them, instead of taking the entire situation into account. They might believe you can control the situation more than you actually can,” he explained. “My own father… while I have a good relationship with him, I sometimes don’t understand why he doesn’t take direct action.”
He looked at Olivia and couldn't help but smile "there's a reason I was excited about you being with Charlie...."

He then returned his attention to Akira, Drael, and Xi "do you at least understand why I partially feel like a failure as a husband and a father?"
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira gave Xi a soft smile, then turned her attention to Mathius, "Yes, partially, I can understand why. By observing how my own parents reacted to their own failures, I can partially understand your own." She tried locking eyes with Mathius, "And its okay to have such feelings, it means you genuinely care. As long as you learn from your failures is where true strength lies. Then you become stronger by that experience by letting it forge you into a better man. Or," She continued, "you can let this experience destroy you by letting your failures overcome you."

She smiled at him, her hand on his shoulder, "You have come to look at me as a sister even if we are not related by blood. Please, try and rise above this and gather strength from it."
Olivia wrote:
Olivia then entered and nods, agreeing with Akira. "She has a point, Mr. Mathius. And, I used to have to face the same problems too, with my brother Olly... I didn't want him to be evil, and sometimes, I can't help but blame myself for this, but, that doesn't mean I gave up on him... It's just... It's just hard to forget about it after witnessing it once, and it just stays glued in your head..."


Fumizuki offers a hug to her friend.
Xi Xuan (played by Straye)

“I understand,” he began, offering a sympathetic nod to Mathius. “I’m without wife or offspring, but… if I were in your situation, I wouldn’t fare much better.” Or he’d be worse.

Akita offered a compassionate and thoughtful reply, to which he would have added onto—except he was just given an important piece of information.

Looking over towards the youthful Olivia, he asked softly, “You’re friends with Charlie? Would you be able to introduce us?”
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

Shellingford once again snoops his way into the bar.
"His paw prints lead back here again!" Shellingford exclaims. "Where is this man? This vile criminal?"
"Huh? Who are you looking for?"
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

"Patches the Hyena..." Shellingford said to Fumizuki, not looking up from his magnifying glass.
Fumizuki thinks for a moment, her smol face furrowing with concentration. "Hmmm…there was a hyena here a while ago, but I don't know if it was him."
Shellingford (played by Jooters)

"I encountered one here, but his name was Lapp." He said. "And I'd rather not suspect every single hyena I come across."

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