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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Michari Apela (played anonymously)

(( I'd character connect with you, but your character is in Draft Mode! ^^; ))
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

(Let me fix that. ;) )

Vickie walked back to the table and bent down on one knee, "Still hungry?'
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

(( Thanks! ))

Michari then finished the last half.

Michari noticed Vickie walked back and he smiled, showing his sharp teeth. "I think I'm good now."
"Uhm, thank you." Michari said, looking up at her.
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

"You're welcome." She still had on her police uniform. "My name is Victoria, but most call me Vickie. What is your name?"
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

"My... name is Michari!" Michari told her, feeling safe enough to crawl out from underneath the table. He was not human, it was clear.

His teeth were sharp and he had small horns peeking out of his caramel hair.
Michari also dressed normally for the most part, up top, but he was wearing a dark blue loincloth with gold pieces around the waist, and...
...ankle manacles?

"Vic...Victoor..." He tried to pronounce her name, "Vickie. Vickie, it's nice to meet you." Michari gave up and used the nickname she told him.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Michari Apela wrote:
Michari was startled by Thor pulling on his sleeve, and quickly looked at him. "Ah!"
"Do—Doggy?" Michari tried to speak in human tongue, he wasn't sure if he said it correctly but oh well.

Michari pulled away from the dog, trying to tug his sleeve away from him. "Stop'it-" Michari whined, a little scared of the dog.

He looked at him and sat wagging his tail. He suddenly got so excited, he started running around with the zoomies. He stopped and laid on his back offering his belly to the boy.
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie could see the boy was not human but she did not care. He was a boy in need and she was glad to have helped. Then she decided to play with the dog by using her ring to create a construct of a cat and it meowed at Thor.

Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

Thor's instincts took over and he nuzzled the cat. He sniffed the cat and pawed at it in confusion since he couldn't smell the kitten.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari noticed the dog, and Thor once again, startled him. Michari stared at the dog, offering his belly to him, but didn't understand what to do.
But thankfully, the dog was distracted by the strange, green, glowing cat Vickie made with that ring of hers.

Michari crouched down to look at the cat, and was confused too, why was it glowing? Why was it green? Why didn't it have a smell?
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

The cat nuzzled Thor in return and meowed again. Vickie adored the scene. Then she tried to grab Michari's hand to aid him into petting Thor, "See? This what the dog wanted you to do. You pet him, like this."
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari wanted to pull back at first, because he wasn't used to humans touching his hand.

Well, he wasn't used to nice humans touching his hand.

The Ikblick stared at Vickie putting his hand onto the dog to pet him, a soft frown on his face, wary of petting the dog at first.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He wagged his tail more and did a little prance with his front paws as he was petted. He licked his face a few times in return. Afterwards, his soulful eyes remained on Michari.
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

The cat disappeared in a puff of smoke as Vickie nodded her approval to Michari, "See the dog wag his tail? That means he likes it. And his licking your face? That means he likes you." She also petted Thor. He reminded her of a police dog.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari gasped as the dog licked his face. "Ah, he's tryin' to eat me!" He panicked, until Vickie explained that it just meant the dog liked him.

So, the boy continued to pet him, smiling a bit at Thor wagging his tail.
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He looked up at the boy with adoration and offered the boy his paw.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari gently took the dog's paw and smiled warmly.
Mother of Champions (played by randomentity777)

Victoria Blake wrote:
Vickie could see the boy was not human but she did not care. He was a boy in need and she was glad to have helped. Then she decided to play with the dog by using her ring to create a construct of a cat and it meowed at Thor.


"Wait, you're a Green Lantern?"
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie looked at the stranger who asked, "Close. In the universe I live in, there are no Green Lanterns. However, I do have a power ring."
Mother of Champions (played by randomentity777)

"Oh, I see." Mei-Xin nodded as she took in this information. "I'm Wu Mei-Xin, the Mother of Champions. Nice to meet you."
Victoria Blake (played anonymously)

Vickie nodded and said, "Victoria Blake, but you may call me Vickie since everyone does. Nice to meet you too, Wu-Xin, Mother of Champions."

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