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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Bob. (played anonymously)

Out of nowhere a skeleton in a suit walks into the bar smoking a cigarette
Joot (played by Jooters)

"Hi fwend!" Fumizuki waves to Joot.
Joot (played by Jooters)

Fumizuki wrote:
"Hi fwend!" Fumizuki waves to Joot.

Jooters just Stares at Fumizuki like
Joot (played by Jooters)

Suddenly, Joot explodes into a blue light and a second Joot ran in.
Joot (played by Jooters)

"Oh, hi Fumi!" Joot exclaimed, waving to her. "Long time no see!"
"Hi Joot."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Claude's eyes scanned the room then focused on her little sister and Joot. She called them over with a whistle and left two apple juice boxes on the counter for them. Claude then returned back to wiping out glasses.
"You. Eldest child. I think I broke your boyfriend. He's been asleep for a day and a half after training"
Joot (played by Jooters)

Claude Mayday wrote:
Claude's eyes scanned the room then focused on her little sister and Joot. She called them over with a whistle and left two apple juice boxes on the counter for them. Claude then returned back to wiping out glasses.

Jooters lets out an exaggerated gasp and rushes on over, grabbing a juice box eagerly.
"Thank you ma'am!" Jooters says, before tearing out the straw, piercing it through the top, and chugging it down.
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Drael Chæzkath wrote:
"You. Eldest child. I think I broke your boyfriend. He's been asleep for a day and a half after training"

"Pops, you what?" Claude looked up from the glass she was wiping out. "No problem." She said to Jooters with a smile.
"Oniyan. I trained him too hard"
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"I didn't think it was possible for a Saiyan to train too hard."
"I put him in the chamber that I train in, and put weights on his feet and arms. I also don't allow him to do that Super Saiyan thing"
Exusiai (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Well, at least that sort of stuff wouldn't happen to me, I can't do any of that Super-stuff."
"He does. He's my oldest's boyfriend, which should have been expected. While she takes after my attitude, her boyfriend is very nice"
Exusiai (played by AgitoAceXIII)

"Well, I mean, everyone has their super abilities, I'm sure. I'm a master with my gun, so that's obviously a "super"."
Drael Chæzkath wrote:
"I put him in the chamber that I train in, and put weights on his feet and arms. I also don't allow him to do that Super Saiyan thing"
I would be careful to not kill him. Excessive training can lead to a lot of negative effects.
Tensai (played by randomentity777)

"I wonder how strong I am compared to Oniyan. He and I have never actually sparred at all."

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