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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari gasped. "You're a kitty!" He seemed even more excited. "You look like one of the small ones that make the little... mew! noise though, but you're kind of big, like the big scary cats that have big teeth." Michari approached a few steps more. "You have magic too? I have magic, but humans try to take it from me, it's very painful." Michari said...probably a bit too casual. "What kind of magic do you have? I have moon magic, it's like electricity, but from the moon! I think?"
Joot (played by Jooters)

Joot almost squeals.
"I HAVE MOON MAGIC TOO!" He exclaims. "But it's more like..."
Jooters moves his staff in the air and suddenly summons a small moon above him and casually shoots it at the wall, creating a big explosion.
"And also comet..."
He shoots a small, magical blue comet from his staff that crashes into the floor.
With another wave, several blue stars emerge from the tip of his staff and shoot towards the ceiling before crashing down.
"Moony weapons..."
Magical aura surrounds his staff, creating a big magical hammer that he slams on the ground, sending a shock wave out that knocks a few tables over.
He plants his staff into the ground and several portals appear in the sky, shooting out meteors mixed with purple magic.
"And ice!'
He keeps his staff planted down and summons a vortex of icey wind around him that spreads throughout the bar, leaving frost everywhere and knocking a ton of things over.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Despite the chaos of Joot using all these spells and magic-y stuff, Michari was still absolutely excited.
"Whoa! So cool!" Michari said, "Mine is like... like..." Michari paused, his voice faltering.

"... Well, I can't really use it right now, because I don't... have the energy to, but it is shiny, and sparkly!"

"Like the thing humans call... glitter!" Michari said, "And it makes my skin sparkly too. And my eyes glow!"
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters thinks for a moment before pulling out a small bag from his large backpack. He reaches a paw into it and pulls out a small blue shard.
"Here!" He says, offering it to Michari. "If you crush this, it becomes a powder! And doing it helps people gain the energy they need to cast spells where I come from. It's called a Stardust Shard..."
He said Stardust Shard very dramatically, almost as if playing up how cool it is.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari looked at the shard, sniffing it, before grabbing it, looking at it again, and finally he stuck it in his mouth and attempted to chew on it with his sharp teeth. This was probably not how it worked.
Joot (played by Jooters)


The shard shattered into a million of pieces, before seeming to disappear with no trace, Michari's mouth empty as if it was never there at all. Michari's body was then covered in a blue aura, their eyes turned a glowing blue, and their mind racing with focus as if they just drank a 270 mg caffeine energy drink.
"Did it work?" Jooters asked.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari coughed a bit, then Michari looked at his hands, and his hands were shaking. "I... think so?"
He looked around, then suddenly ran off on all fours, jumping up onto a table, then a seat, then another table, the counter, and back to Joot.

"Ifeelveryjitteryshouldifeeljitteryhahathisisfunandkindofscarywhatisthisstuffcalledagainstardustshardyeahthatscoolihopedoctorluciwillstayawayfromstardustshards" Michari blurted out kind of quickly.

Michari then used his hands to make a sudden spark of a sparkly white blast of moon magic, which went in all different directions, hitting a light fixture and breaking it and almost hitting a customer. "Oops!"
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters looked on in amazement.
"Well uh- Looks like it worked!"

((Note: It doesn't give the energy of one, just the focus - which is required to cast magic in Joot's universe :3))
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

(( I kind of figured as much, but you have to think, Michari isn't the same species as Joot or a typical human. ;)
It might affect him differently. ))
Joot (played by Jooters)

((Well, I guess eating a piece of a star would do that to someone XD))
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Michari placed his hand on his chest, "Heyisyourheartsupposedtoberacinglikethis" He glanced around.
He then let out another spark from his hands, involuntary this time. "Oh." Michari stared, then he just suddenly faceplanted on the floor and stopped glowing.

Michari was breathing and alive, and seemed back to normal now, but sheesh, how startling.
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters shrugged, crushed one, turned into a moon, and (since he assumed he was dead) flied away to not be charged with murder.
Michari Apela (played anonymously)

Joot is like "I'm not responsible for this. I have never seen this kid in my life. What's a Stardust Shard, never heard of that. Bye" XD))
Joot (played by Jooters)

Tolmeron gently nudges Michari with his foot, checking if the boy is still alive.

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