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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Father Pyratus (played by Jooters)

The man noticed Fumi and his face twisted into a grin.
"Hello, girl." He said. "I am Pyratus. I was here before for a deal with some sort of doctor before some ruffian came and attacked me. Would you happen to know where either went?"
"Nope, sowwy." Fumizuki has absolutely no idea what he's talking about.
Caramel Justice (played anonymously)

A tall young man around his twenties pushed the doors to the bar open, one of his eyes covered by thick locks of his brown hair. In one hand, he held a large, eccentric sword that was a dark silver color, stained with what could only be blood from a previous attack using said sword. His steps were slow, and his body almost seemed to eerily sway with each step. His eyes weren't quite blank, but it was a dark stare.

Karaméla stepped up to the counter, resting his sword down by his side, "Surprise me, an alcoholic drink."

He then pulled out a small bag and opened it, pouring out a few coins onto the counter, the coins making a gentle rattle against it.
"Please put your sword in the weapons box.."
Claude Vuong (played by Jaws)

Caramel Justice wrote:
A tall young man around his twenties pushed the doors to the bar open, one of his eyes covered by thick locks of his brown hair. In one hand, he held a large, eccentric sword that was a dark silver color, stained with what could only be blood from a previous attack using said sword. His steps were slow, and his body almost seemed to eerily sway with each step. His eyes weren't quite blank, but it was a dark stare.

Karaméla stepped up to the counter, resting his sword down by his side, "Surprise me, an alcoholic drink."

He then pulled out a small bag and opened it, pouring out a few coins onto the counter, the coins making a gentle rattle against it.

Claude grabbed the coins and twirled them around in her fingers. She then grinned and placed them into the register. "Flavor or kick?" Claude asked.
A strange, unmarked box falls from the ceiling. It is only labeled with: "From CFM."
He picked up the box and perked a brow before opening it.

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