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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Keria (played by Evi_Berry)

she would yawn she watched as everything happened
Joot (played by Jooters)

Jooters walks in with a stack of handmade fliers before putting them over every wall he could see. They read,
"Come to Jooter's birthday party on October 1st!!
An illustration can be seen on it of Jooters eating an oversized cake.
"Fumizuki, do you want to go to Joot's party?"
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
Jeff wrote:
Drael Chæzkath wrote:
He picked up the box and perked a brow before opening it.
"Whats inside? Can I eat it?"

"No, yiu can't eat digital code, Jeff. I put in an order to get meat. Can you get that order tomorrow?"
"Sure thing!"
Goes to the office and brings Jeff his paycheck. "You missed payday..."
For some reason, I pictured Jeff and Drael as a comedy duo like Chris Farley and David Spade, Craig and Smokey, or Steve Martin and John Candy
Drael Chæzkath wrote:
Goes to the office and brings Jeff his paycheck. "You missed payday..."
Jeff gasps and grabs the pay check withhis mouth "Yes I finally have money after all these years!" Jeff goes out of the window to get the package
VoliminalVerse wrote:
For some reason, I pictured Jeff and Drael as a comedy duo like Chris Farley and David Spade, Craig and Smokey, or Steve Martin and John Candy
A bright blue portal opens up in the bar next to one of Joot's posters. Eerie music can be heard from within. Will you enter?
Drake peaks his head in, took a quick look around, and entered.
"Hey, who is the owner of this place?" He asks. "I'm looking for work."
"Wonderful. I need a new dish washer. Interested?"
Drake rolled his eyes.
"... No. I am a healer." He said. "This is a bar. It is prone to fighting and over drinking, is it not? I can treat anything as soon as needed. A hangover, a chipped tooth, a lost eye. I am more than happy to provide this service below the standard for my position, I just need a bit of cash."
Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim enters the bar its large arms swinging. "Greetings mortals Im Zylthragoth Vortexinaxultharim Harbinger of the Cosmic Cataclysm and Weaver of Nightmares from the Abyssal Depths of Forgotten Realm!"
"That's a mouthful, but welcome to Trixie's" He said. His eyes were back to their normal bright blue glow.
Drake Firekeeper wrote:
Drake rolled his eyes.
"... No. I am a healer." He said. "This is a bar. It is prone to fighting and over drinking, is it not? I can treat anything as soon as needed. A hangover, a chipped tooth, a lost eye. I am more than happy to provide this service below the standard for my position, I just need a bit of cash."

"We have a 'no fighting' policy here. Anyone fights, I kill them. The chef and I have destroyed galaxy-sized death gods. That doesn't make us too good to make an honest dollar. Dishwasher is the only position we have open. Do you wish to work or not?"
"And what if one gets injured but did nothing to deserve being killed? What then? Just let that person bleed out and hope there's someone with healing magic nearby?" He asked. "The lack of a designated healer on grounds in a business labelled as a 'bar,' 'tavern,' or 'pub' violates Inter-dimensional Business Code (IBC) rule #4,567."
The dragon man reaches into his bag and plops down a large book larger than his head.
He perked a brow. "Do you think mouthing off to my bouncer is a good idea if you're trying to get a job here?"
Jeff comes out of the window with a box "I have brought the meat ordered!"
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Drake Firekeeper wrote:
"And what if one gets injured but did nothing to deserve being killed? What then? Just let that person bleed out and hope there's someone with healing magic nearby?" He asked. "The lack of a designated healer on grounds in a business labelled as a 'bar,' 'tavern,' or 'pub' violates Inter-dimensional Business Code (IBC) rule #4,567."
The dragon man reaches into his bag and plops down a large book larger than his head.

"Ooh! Lawyer stuff!" Azumi laughed nervously "...I definitely have not broken a few laws unintentionally by travelling through my own teleportation spells rather than using the designated interdimensional portals..."
Jeff wrote:
Jeff comes out of the window with a box "I have brought the meat ordered!"

He grabbed the order and started putting it away and documenting it.

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