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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

"That she is." She grinned, she nodded her agreement, "I cried when I saw that movie!"
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"Oh same as I, I know people were upset that she let go of jack, but what could she do? He was dead." she nodded
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

"Oh, I agree!" She grinned, having found a kindred spirit, "Sad that he died, but there was nothing she could do."
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"yes everyone else died as well, she was just one of the lucky ones, though I had hoped her ex fiance would've been the one to die" she rolled her eyes
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

She giggled before she leaned forward, "I know, right! He was such a jerk!"
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"he was!" she then smiled "I want to find my Jack, but all men i have met have been creeps, besides you mattius" she called out to him "but no man has treated me the way jack treated rose " she smiled sweetly
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

Linda smiled knowingly, "Not all men are creeps, some are genuinely great guys but with the flaw of moving too fast!" She said, but then added her agreement, "But I hear you! There needs to be more men like Jack in the world."
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"i know not all mn are creeps, but the men i have met? ugh" she rolled her eyes
Ms. Danvers (played anonymously)

She nodded, "Me too. I hope you meet Mr. Right someday." She said with the smile of a movie star.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"you as well" he nodded, sipping her beer
The Captain (played anonymously)

Luke walked in, an actual alien. He sat down and ordered prune juice.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

Heather looked up frorm her beer at luke and smiled softly "hello there, my name is heather"
The Captain (played anonymously)

Luke looked at her with those red eyes of his. His blue lips turned up into a smile as he kept things professional, "I'm Cap--" He began, then stopped himself because he was off duty, "I'm Lucas, you can call me, Luke. Nice to meet you Heather."
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"nice to meet you as well" she smiled "cute name"
The Captain (played anonymously)

He had to chuckle, "First time I've heard my name being called cute." His drink arrived and he took a sip, gaining an upper lip that had prune juice on it. He wiped it away with a napkin.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"ooh yeah? well it is" she giggled softly "so if i may ask, I don't mean to offend you if I do, why are you blue? its a great color on you"
The Captain (played anonymously)

"I'm blue because I'm not human." He nodded, "I'm from another planet. But I wasn't raised by my biological parents, I was raised by humans and I love them very much."
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"oh so your an alien? well thats nice" she smiled and nodded before taking a sip of her beer
The Captain (played anonymously)

He smiled in return, sipping more of his prune juice. "So...why did the bad sailor fail to learn the alphabet?"
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

She realized he was telling a joke, so she turned towards him for he had her full attention, tossing her hair behind her back and crossed her leg over the other "why?"

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