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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Oniyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Clownie wrote:
Clownie caught one of the candies and smiled. They mewed to say thanks to Azumi before opening the candy wrapper.

"Hey clown-cat, can I pet you? My girlfriend would like you...."
Clownie (played by Jaws)

Clownie popped the candy into their mouth and stashed the wrapper into a pocket. They looked up at the man with gravity defying hair asking to pet them. Clownie nodded their head and took off their hat.
Miquella -AU- (played anonymously)

Miquella was dramatically sprawled out on a booth seat, his hair flowing across the seat as if blonde waterfalls.
He seemed content for the most part.
Oniyan (played by VoliminalVerse)

Clownie wrote:
Clownie popped the candy into their mouth and stashed the wrapper into a pocket. They looked up at the man with gravity defying hair asking to pet them. Clownie nodded their head and took off their hat.

He smiled and started gently petting the clown-cat. He gave a smile and started scratching under the cat's chin and behind the cat's ears. His kitten Piano looked at the cat curiously.

Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Miquella -AU- wrote:
Miquella was dramatically sprawled out on a booth seat, his hair flowing across the seat as if blonde waterfalls.
He seemed content for the most part.

Azumi painted Miquella's face while dancing around. The fox spirit still wore her witch attire.

She sang:
"Just imagine what's around the bend Maybe magic or mischief? Gods forfend!
Endless marvels, myst'ries, newfound friends
Wilder than wildest dreams portend
Tender hearts or sorrow's skies to mend oh oh
Fill them with golden tones instead
Steady forward, there's so much to see for you and me
Together you and me!"gl-1447267-1728474022.jpg

*This image of Azumi is causing the Narrator to spontaneously combust into rainbows*

((I'm too obsessed with Witch Azumi XD SOOO CUTE!))
Miquella -AU- (played anonymously)

Miquella opened his eyes when he felt Azumi painting his face.
He then snapped his fingers, which would briefly, for a few seconds, blind her with a bright light.
He covered his face due to laughing so hard he turned blue.
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Miquella -AU- wrote:
Miquella opened his eyes when he felt Azumi painting his face.
He then snapped his fingers, which would briefly, for a few seconds, blind her with a bright light.

Azumi yelped in pain like a little puppy for a few seconds before waddling over to Mathius. She tripped many times as her witch hat slightly obscured her vision.

"I heard of this fabled sweetened beverage that is served hot!" Azumi smiled "It is called ''Taho' and I would like to ask if you know how to make some. If you are able to, I'd like a small bowl of it!"
He would pelt Miquella with a kiwifruit before he looked at Azumi and lifted her hat up so she could see again.

"I have the ingredients, so let me get to work on your taho"
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

Donosciel kicked the door open (thankfully not down) and flapped his blood-stained wings, floating into bar.
He was wearing some headgear braces, unlike last time he was here.

Donosciel went right to the counter, poured out a bunch of coins that seemed to be tooth money, and then grinned brightly, his braces showing. "All desserts ordered is now on the house!"

He then snickered and said to himself, quietly. "Because desserts make people's teeth fall out, and that means more teeth for me to collect!"
"Why do you want our teeth?"
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

Donosciel looked to the Lieutenant and grinned again, "I'm the tooth fairy, duhhh, or a tooth fairy. There's a few tooth fairies but something-something-mumble.."

"Boss'll be pissed if I don't get enough teeth!" Donosciel winked, and proceeded to briefly twirl like one of those motorized fairy toys that was really popular in the early 2010s..
He brought Dono a new pair of dental pliers. "I owe you these"
He was laying in a booth groaning in obvious distress. He was holding either side of his face. He saw Dono and his suit opened and he stepped out. "You gotta help me....please be wisdom teeth...they came in sideways and they are pushing against my gums and other teeth...."
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

Donosciel looked to Drael and let out a childish squeal, grabbing the dental pliers. "Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! They look so shiny!" He held them in both hands as if cradling a hamster.

"Can't wait to yank someone's tooth out with it!" Donosciel made a yanking motion with the pliers, the pliers making a sharp snap noise, before he stopped and slowly looked at Drael.

He quickly put the pliers behind his back and grinned awkwardly.

Upon hearing Andrew, he whipped around, his wings making a loud flapping noise, a few drops of blood from them dripping on the floor.

"Wisdom teeth aren't bein' too wise, huh? I can help! 'pecially with these new dental pliers given by big ol' buff man here." Donosciel gestured at Drael, then flied over to Andrew, "Open y' mouth and say Aaaaah!" Donosciel cooed, as if talking to a small child, despite being one himself. However, though his voice sounded sweet, the grasp on the pliers screamed serial killer.
Andrew didn't care. He simply sat down and opened his mouth wide.
He watched the dental procedure happen and pulled his phone out and got ready to send in two different painkillers and an antibiotic to a pharmacy through an app made expressly for doctors.

Luke looked up at Todd "dad, the tooth fairy is a boy, so you don't have to worry about writing a per-snip-tion for cooties when he comes to get my baby tooth that fell out"

That made the doctor bust out laughing. "But your friend Fumizuki's is a girl"

Luke rolled his eyes in frustration "Yeah, but she's different. You know this"
*confused floof*
Donosiciel (played anonymously)

(( sorry for the wait! ))

Donosciel put the pliers in Andrew's mouth and grabbed one of the wisdom teeth with the pliers, his grin only growing bigger, his headgear braces making a soft creaky noise.
He then suddenly yanked the absolute [CENSORED] out of, pulling it out in the most painful way possible.

Donsociel admired the bloody tooth, "Wow! This one's huge, so much bigger than the teeth I collect from underneath kid's pillows!"
A series of beeps came from Andrew after the first wisdom tooth was yanked out. His face started to swell almost immediately.

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