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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Aidan and Hal - Fire and Will (played anonymously)

Hal turned to the bartender, "Put her drinks on my tab." He said regarding Heather. The woman has been through a lot and he cannot help much but he does not want her to worry about having to pay for her drinks. He lost his own Dad a long time ago so he knew the pain all too well. His Mom too was lost.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

Heather overheard him "oh sir, you do not have to do that!" she quickly said
Aidan and Hal - Fire and Will (played anonymously)

Hal nodded, "I know, but I want to." He sipped his drink, "One least burden for you to carry."

He offered a warm smile, "I'm Hal, by the way."
Aidan and Hal - Fire and Will (played anonymously)

(*least = less
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"well...okay fine..." she nodded, she then smiled a little as she stroked thors fur still "I am heather"
Aidan and Hal - Fire and Will (played anonymously)

"Nice to meet you, Heather." He said, keeping the smile.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

She smiled shyly and nodded, looking down at thor as she continued to pet him
Claude Vuong (played anonymously)

Claude nodded and went to the register, putting Heather's drink on Hal's tab. She slipped out her flask again to drink, only to realize it was empty. Claude frowned and grumbled some swears in Vietnamese before slipping the flask back into her blazer pocket.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

Heather bit her lip "hal you don't have to pay for my meal, i don't want to seem like im trying to get things because of my dad being sick..."
Azumi Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Heather Mitchell wrote:
Heather bit her lip "hal you don't have to pay for my meal, i don't want to seem like im trying to get things because of my dad being sick..."

"Oh your father is stricken with an illness?" Azumi tilted her head as she sounded concerned "Here, dearie. This may help you. 'Tis a divine talisman of healing. May the gods guide your way"

The talisman in question had the silhouette of a inari shrine fox statue, except it was made of the fox spirit's own fur. A Kitsune's fur is often very potent and filled to the brim with divine magic, which is what most individuals, both innocent and sinister, desire.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

heather took it softly "thank you" she smiled sweetly
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He continued to comfort Heather.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

She got some meat off of her plate, and held it up to thor "here you go... " she took a look at his collar and smiled "here you go thor " she held it up to him again
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He ate the meat and then returned to comfort her.
Aidan and Hal - Fire and Will (played anonymously)

Heather Mitchell wrote:
Heather bit her lip "hal you don't have to pay for my meal, i don't want to seem like im trying to get things because of my dad being sick..."

"Alright." He smiled and nodded.
He sat back in his chair.
Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Don't worry about paying. My treat" He said with a welcoming smile. His eyes were a crystal blue, but the light emanating from them looked more like the light was coming out of his skull instead of just his eyes.

He would wipe his hands on his hand cloth.

🔥 Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. 🔸🔶
🔶🔸More information on profile

The small prince still couldn't help but stare at the glowing.

Do not come back unless you have found the avatar.

Zuko's whole body flinched subtly but didn't make a noise. He instead, replied to Mathius.
"Than— Thank you, s-sir." Zuko stuttered.

"Could.. could I just get..some tea? Jasmine Tea? My.. my uncle likes tea and I miss him, so.." Zuko rubbed his arm, rubbing at a small wound, a scratch, that was agitating him.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

As Akira drank her tea, fire sparked in her hand before going out. Then she manipulated the water in her tea just for fun! Then, with a wave of her hand, she blew out the candle with a small gust of wind.
Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
As Akira drank her tea, fire sparked in her hand before going out. Then she manipulated the water in her tea just for fun! Then, with a wave of her hand, she blew out the candle with a small gust of wind.
🔥 Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. 🔸🔶
🔶🔸More information on profile

Zuko noticed this and his eyes widened, it was clear his heart just started racing. "Wa— wait, you!!" Zuko approached her quickly, "I seen that! The.. The fire, the water, the air!" Zuko pointed at her. "Are you the avatar?!" Zuko panicked a bit, he sounded both anxious, excited and as if he was going to cry all at the same time.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

(lol, that reaction was even better than I hoped)

Akira looked up at the excited young man with a scar on his face, then giggled, "Perhaps I am, or maybe I am not. It could be possible I am this Avatar or perhaps I am of another time that has appeared before you for some reason." She was speaking in riddles! But she had a point. Did she look like the Avatar Zuko was hunting?

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