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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira smiled at the brave Fumizuki, "Then, if the Prince accepts my offer, I would be honored if you helped too."
He stood "I can't let Fumizuki go alone. I'll go too....I just want to be a good father"
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei made a beckoning signal towards Claude. When Claude came over and leaned towards him, he said something inaudible. Claude nodded and went to prepare his drink. After a bit, Claude came back with a warm mug of sbiten and slid it towards him. Dragunov nodded and sipped the fragrant and spicy drink to warm himself up.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Akira waved a hello at Sergei.
Drael Chæzkath wrote:
He stood "I can't let Fumizuki go alone. I'll go too....I just want to be a good father"

"Okie, Papa." Fumizuki smiled happily, as she was more than okay with having Drael along. Besides, his strength might come in handy.
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei looked at Akira and simply nodded before returning to his warm sbiten. He had brought a pink tank model kit with him and started to work on it, snapping the plastic pieces off their frames.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

She watched what was going on between everyone, seeing thor look between her and fumizuki, she smiled softly
He sat with Akira "hey imōto-chan" he set a slice of cheesecake in front of her and a slice for himself "let's have some cheesecake"
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

He started to hum a random tune off his head. Sergei had already built the base of the tank and was almost finished with his sbiten. His light gray fur-lined winter coat hung from the back of his chair. He took a moment to take another sip of his drink.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

Heather stood up and walked over to Sergei and sat d9wn in fr9nt of him "hi there, my name is heather"
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei looked at Heather with a impassive express. "Hm," he simply responsed and continued on his model kit. The unfinished tank was hot pink. He briefly held it up and analyzed it for a second.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"hot pink? that's a supris8ng choice? Is that what you wanted or all they had left?" he rose an eyebrow
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei looked at Heather and simply sighed. Honestly, he didn't mind the hot pink color. It gave the model tank charm in his opinion. Sergei looked over to the instruction and gently placed on the tank's turret, finishing his work. He briefly smiled at the tank.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

she narrowed her eyes "Зажгите любовь, это простой вопрос, вы, русские мужчины, и ваше использование слов"
Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

@Akira and Fumizuki,
🔥 Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. 🔸🔶
🔶🔸More information on profile

Zuko looked up at the two, a tear rolling down his cheek. He sniffled and spoke up, "Can.. can you two help me find my Uncle Iroh too?" He murmured softly.
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei looked up again at Heather who spoke decent Russian. He could understand her English perfectly fine too. "Hm." He reached for a small leather pouch attached to the back of his winter coat and grabbed a pen then wrote on a napkin. He did it cautiously to not rip it in the process. Once Sergei finished, he passed the napkin over to Heather. It read, "Розовая модель этого танка — моя любимая."

The pink model of this tank is my favorite.
Prince Zuko wrote:
@Akira and Fumizuki,
🔥 Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. 🔸🔶
🔶🔸More information on profile

Zuko looked up at the two, a tear rolling down his cheek. He sniffled and spoke up, "Can.. can you two help me find my Uncle Iroh too?" He murmured softly.

Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

She took the note and looked at it, and smiled before saying "... Почему вы предпочитаете не говорить?"
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei frowned slightly at Heather's question about him not speaking. He found simply finds not talking easier especially for the type of work he was in. "Hm." He pondered of his answer before writing again. "Просто потому, что."

"Simply, because."

A/N: The translation for the Russian might be butchered due to using Google Translate.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

"hm" she nodded softly

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