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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Prince Zuko wrote:
@Akira and Fumizuki,
๐Ÿ”ฅ Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ถ
๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”ธMore information on profile

Zuko looked up at the two, a tear rolling down his cheek. He sniffled and spoke up, "Can.. can you two help me find my Uncle Iroh too?" He murmured softly.

Akira smiled and nodded, "Of course."
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei nodded and put his pen back into his pouch. He held up two fingers towards Claude, and she later brought a kettle of sbiten with another mug. He nodded towards Claude and gave her a tip. Sergei poured himself some more into his mug. He looked at Heather and held up the kettle towards the other mug, quietly offering her to have a drink with him.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He sat with Akira "hey imลto-chan" he set a slice of cheesecake in front of her and a slice for himself "let's have some cheesecake"

She blinked in surprise, "Cheese...cake?" Being so new to the world, she has never heard of such a thing! She looked at the strange dessert that sat in front of her with the awe and wonder of someone who has never seen this before. Eager to explore this new thing, she touches it with her fork after observing Mathius, "What is cheesecake?" That may seem dumb at first blush, but for her she has never seen this before. They don't have cheesecake where she came from.

Tilting her head to the side, unused to using a fork but chopsticks instead, she takes a bite of this cheesecake. Her mouth explodes with new sensations and tastes, "Mmmm!" She chewed, then swallowed, "This is delicious! Did you make this?!" She asked, taking another bite!
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

She smiled softly and nodded, pushing the mug towards him
Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira smiled and nodded, "Of course."
๐Ÿ”ฅ Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ถ
๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”ธMore information on profile

Zuko cracked a soft smile, but hid it as he wiped his tears away and sniffled again.
"When can we leave?" Zuko asked, before seeing Mathius set the cheesecake in-front of Akira. "Maybe.. maybe after you're done with that? If.. if that's okay." Zuko sat, looking at the cheesecake.
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei pours the warm, fragrant drink into her mug. He places the kettle on the counter once he was done. He grabbed a pocket radio from his coat and turns the dial to a radio station playing Moscow Nights by Vladimir Troshin.
Prince Zuko wrote:
Akira Hoshi wrote:
Akira smiled and nodded, "Of course."
๐Ÿ”ฅ Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ถ
๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”ธMore information on profile

Zuko cracked a soft smile, but hid it as he wiped his tears away and sniffled again.
"When can we leave?" Zuko asked, before seeing Mathius set the cheesecake in-front of Akira. "Maybe.. maybe after you're done with that? If.. if that's okay." Zuko sat, looking at the cheesecake.

He got up and got Zuko a slice. "On the house. You, Akira, my niece and my brother need their calories before going out....especially the big guy there" he pointed at Drael
Akira Hoshi wrote:
Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He sat with Akira "hey imลto-chan" he set a slice of cheesecake in front of her and a slice for himself "let's have some cheesecake"

She blinked in surprise, "Cheese...cake?" Being so new to the world, she has never heard of such a thing! She looked at the strange dessert that sat in front of her with the awe and wonder of someone who has never seen this before. Eager to explore this new thing, she touches it with her fork after observing Mathius, "What is cheesecake?" That may seem dumb at first blush, but for her she has never seen this before. They don't have cheesecake where she came from.

Tilting her head to the side, unused to using a fork but chopsticks instead, she takes a bite of this cheesecake. Her mouth explodes with new sensations and tastes, "Mmmm!" She chewed, then swallowed, "This is delicious! Did you make this?!" She asked, taking another bite!

"Yes I did, but my son is better at making desserts than I am"
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Vladimir Troshin's singing was like honey, and Sergei hummed along to the song. He took a couple more drinks of his sbiten.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

She took a gentle sip of hers, and smiled moaning as the flavor hit her tongue, she licked her lips, licking any of the excess drink that may have landed on her lips, she listened to him and once she learned the words, she began singing with him, her voice sounding like a gentle run of the river, soft and melodic
Thor the Malinois (played anonymously)

He went to Heather and put his head on her lap after sitting in front of her.
Heather Mitchell (played anonymously)

Heather looked down as she was singing and she smiled, she leaned down stopping her singing, and kisses his forehead and whispered "such a handsome boy" she scratched behind his ear and giggled
Sergei Dragunov (played by Jaws)

Sergei slightly smiled at Heather's liking of the sbiten. He set his mug down on the counter. When Heather started singing, he simply laid his head down on the counter. Sergei noticed the Belgian Shepherd by its brown and black markings.
Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

She looked at the Prince and nodded with a warm smile, "Yes, we can leave as soon as I finish my cheesecake."

THen she looked at Mathius, who had become a sort of adopted big brother in a short time, "Its so delicious! Thank you for sharing it with me."

And finished it.
Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
He got up and got Zuko a slice. "On the house. You, Akira, my niece and my brother need their calories before going out....especially the big guy there" he pointed at Drael
๐Ÿ”ฅ Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ถ
๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”ธMore information on profile

Zuko smiled, it was faint, but it was one. "Thank you.." He took the plate with the cheesecake slice on it, and began eating it, a bit quickly, he must haven't eaten much in a while..
Akira Hoshi wrote:
She looked at the Prince and nodded with a warm smile, "Yes, we can leave as soon as I finish my cheesecake."

THen she looked at Mathius, who had become a sort of adopted big brother in a short time, "Its so delicious! Thank you for sharing it with me."

And finished it.
๐Ÿ”ฅ Zuko in this AU is younger than canon. ๐Ÿ”ธ๐Ÿ”ถ
๐Ÿ”ถ๐Ÿ”ธMore information on profile

Shortly after Akira finished her cheesecake slice, Zuko did too.

Zuko then slowly stood up, brushed the cake crumbs off his outfit and then looked to Akira and Fumizuki. "Let's get going! We'll find my uncle first, and then the Avatar!" He seemed excited.
Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

(( Should I start another forum elsewhere? :) For just us?
Or a PM if preferred. ))
A tall, blond, oddly familiar man enters the bar, his hair dragging on the floor below but seeming to gather no dirt. He seemed almost ethereal and ghostlike.
Following him is a giant of a man, closer to the size of an elephant than the size of a man. He had red hair coming out the back of his lion carved helmet and seemed to glare at everyone in the room. A bodyguard, perhaps.
Prince Zuko wrote:
(( Should I start another forum elsewhere? :) For just us?
Or a PM if preferred. ))

((Whichever works the easiest. I don't mind either.))
Prince Zuko (played anonymously)

Akira Hoshi (played anonymously)

(PMs are preferred but I'll go for the forum now that you have already started it. :) )

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