"Good, good." This time Megan took a swing of the Gaelic Punch. "They're enemies of Iron Fist, the guerilla I'm in," she explained. She finished her drink and placed it down.
Megan jolted up from her relaxed stance and tapped on her eyepiece. "Lieutenant Megan S. Rensford reporting. What is the problem?" Capt. Diluc had called a meeting and needed her there ASAP. "I'm on my way," she said and slid her card to Mathuis.
Megan jolted up from her relaxed stance and tapped on her eyepiece. "Lieutenant Megan S. Rensford reporting. What is the problem?" Capt. Diluc had called a meeting and needed her there ASAP. "I'm on my way," she said and slid her card to Mathuis.
He keyed in her payment and then slid her the tablet to sign.
Oniyan, and exhausted father, was holding his baby to his chest, but he was actively drifting in and out of sleep. Piano was asleep with his belly up indicating his comfort.
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