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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Tolmeron seemed slightly bemused by this. Based on the few Salamanders he had met, it seemed on brand for them to do this, although an intrusive thought about whether other chapters of Astartes also did this sat firmly in the back of his mind.
Masanido Rei wrote:
"Hi, Boss!" Rei said and waved as he entered the bar. He carried a duffle bag and hopped over the bar counter to walk into the back.

He later returned with his natural blonde short and messy hair instead of the black pompadour wig Rei usually wore. He also wore a black vest over a white long sleeved buttoned-up shirt and red tie with black slacks and black non-slip shoes.

"You look great. Okay, our security here is my fellow member of Fate's Circle and brother-in-arms and according to Captain Aphael and Lieutenant Tolmeron, and honorary Astartes. Speaking of which, they both help keep the peace here. We also have Silveria. Merith is our server, and Azumi there is our mascot. Drael's daughter Fumizuki is permitted to use the oven because she's an incredible baker.

Speaking of which, Azumi, Fumizuki, and a Belgian Malinois named Thor is the Triumverate of Cuteness here. Joli is our busboy, and Zex washes dishes. Our delivery person is a mouse named Squee"
Donatos Aphael (played anonymously)

Azumi Hemmberg wrote:
Tolmeron wrote:
"I know of the Salamanders. Their history is one of triumph and tragedy. They are of the First Founding, like us. They were tragically caught in the Drop Site Massacre at the onset of the Age of Darkness, and as a result have never been at full strength since then. It is said that they were the only Legion that didn't directly produce any successors during the Second Founding."

Speaking of Salamanders, Azumi carried in her tiny arms a big basket of Salamanders Merchandise. Some seem to be handmade and knitted plushies. Others seem to be plastic miniatures prepainted by her.

"Hello!" Azumi smiled "The Salamanders have given me the opportunity to sell these wonderful Space Marine Memorabilia!"

"Azumi also managed to domesticate some Tyranids. They have renamed themselves "Hive Fleet Marshmallows" and she has a specific Hormagaunt named Mr. Tinkles and a basket of baby Hormagaunts. She has a Genestealer named Disco"

He picked up a Salamander plushie which instead of a skull adorning the power armor, it was a pink heart.

"Brother-Lieutenant, these are made from fune craftsmanship"
Alpin-Lynx Blackstone (played anonymously)

The prince walked in, stared, walked out, and took a deep breath. "I cant believe I am doing this." He muttered before walking back in, he looked so calm as he leaned against the wall but on the inside he was dying, there were so any people and he was just here to practice a little magic and inventing... and maybe improve his lightweightedness(so his drinking). Yeah he would work on that too, maybe it would help him feel as calm as he was on the outside. I mean, this was his second time being here, and he still couldn't handle all the noise and drinking. But he was a prince! He needed to get used to it!
"Welcome back, Your Majesty" he said with a pleasant smile.
merith (played anonymously)

Mathius Kothinto wrote:
"Welcome back, Your Majesty" he said with a pleasant smile.
she stared at the new comer, leaning towards her boss she asked "who is that?"

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