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Forums » Fantasy Roleplay » Trixie's Bar (Everyone welcome)

Smolensk (played by AgitoAceXIII)

And out comes the smoke puff. If you really must know, the brand is Laika, and they’re pretty much discontinued anyway.
Smolensk wrote:
“It’s a Russian brand. Now be quiet, I’m trying to smoke without having an aneurysm.”
ew nah dont smoke that brand it sucks havent you tried black breath?
Gwen foster (played by scare)

Cairo geria wrote:
Gwen foster wrote:
Gwen was looking around
right gwen?

Gwen um right she went to the bathroom
Shade Waker (played by Shadeslayer45)

"she's russian she doesn't care"
Smolensk (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“No, I prefer my own stuff, not your American shit.”
Oh ho ho black breath isnt an american brand its an all natural south african brand they got everything a smoker could want
Shade Waker (played by Shadeslayer45)

just starts reading "how to hate everything" by who cares ignoring everyone
Ren Hemmberg (played by Revereen)

Ren continues to brush Azumi's excess fur, putting it in a medium-sized bag that is nearly full of his mother's fluff

"Can we make a pillow out of this?", Ren asked

"I guess. I'm not sure if either of us are good at making pillows you know", she smiled at Ren
Smolensk (played by AgitoAceXIII)

Cairo geria wrote:
Oh ho ho black breath isnt an american brand its an all natural south african brand they got everything a smoker could want

“I don’t give a shit about your capitalist things.”
Shade Waker (played by Shadeslayer45)

just snorks and keeps reading his book
Gwen foster (played by scare)

Gwen felt a little angered by how Cairo was being talked to
Smolensk wrote:
Cairo geria wrote:
Oh ho ho black breath isnt an american brand its an all natural south african brand they got everything a smoker could want

“I don’t give a shit about your capitalist things.”
where did you even get those if theyre discontinued anyway
Shade Waker (played by Shadeslayer45)

"first rule of talking to a russian don't ask questions second rule of talking to russians don't annoy the russian"
Smolensk (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“Is none of your concern.”
But i must know
Smolensk (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“I said it is not your concern.”
Gwen foster (played by scare)

Cairo geria wrote:
But i must know

gwen don't worry about it Cairo
Gwen foster wrote:
Cairo geria wrote:
But i must know

gwen don't worry about it Cairo
but babe this is an important tradition of my people
Shade Waker (played by Shadeslayer45)

"annoying people is how you get killed so quit while your ahead"
Smolensk (played by AgitoAceXIII)

“And believe me, I will kill you.”

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