Hello! My name is trixie and welcome to my wonderful bar. Whether you need a drink, chat or maybe even a special magical item, we can help you. With a little imagination you can find anything you need here.
The moment you walk through the door, this is what you see: A big room with wooden beams and candles everywhere. Multiple doors that lead to other magical or non magical rooms. And ofcourse a huge wooden bar, decorated with glasses, cool looking bottles that are filled with all kinds of liquids and weird non magical items as decorations. When you walk a bit further, you'll find that the corners of the rooms are decorated to different aesthetics. So...
Take a hipster dive in our neon light, license plates and coffee filled room, read a book in our cosy book nook where the pillows are always perfectly piled up and the light never hurts your eyes, have a cosy magic filled dnd game in our Monsters and Masters room and so on. Let your imagination run wild , play foosball with friends Or just have a drink and chat with me or one or hank, my trusty helper. Bring your friends and meet new people. Let strangers become family and be astonished by how beautiful both worlds can be.
Why did I start this place? My mom was human but my dad belonged to a beautiful magical land called the imagination. They fell in love and they had me. After they both died, I realised I didn't want to choose between those two worlds so I created a place where anyone can feel at home. I found that imagination had helped me through the toughest of days and since I had been so grateful to all the places I had visited like the wonderful world of dnd and Rprepository where I wrote stories with so many wonderful people, I wanted to give something back but also take i a little piece of the world and connect anyone who wanted to not choose for once.
And Since it's the premiere and opening of our bar, we have a stage for anyone who would like to play music, share a talent or just do some karaoke.
So, the drinks are cold, the air a perfect temperature but most importantly, our doors always open. So come on in, I would love to meet you.
The moment you walk through the door, this is what you see: A big room with wooden beams and candles everywhere. Multiple doors that lead to other magical or non magical rooms. And ofcourse a huge wooden bar, decorated with glasses, cool looking bottles that are filled with all kinds of liquids and weird non magical items as decorations. When you walk a bit further, you'll find that the corners of the rooms are decorated to different aesthetics. So...
Take a hipster dive in our neon light, license plates and coffee filled room, read a book in our cosy book nook where the pillows are always perfectly piled up and the light never hurts your eyes, have a cosy magic filled dnd game in our Monsters and Masters room and so on. Let your imagination run wild , play foosball with friends Or just have a drink and chat with me or one or hank, my trusty helper. Bring your friends and meet new people. Let strangers become family and be astonished by how beautiful both worlds can be.
Why did I start this place? My mom was human but my dad belonged to a beautiful magical land called the imagination. They fell in love and they had me. After they both died, I realised I didn't want to choose between those two worlds so I created a place where anyone can feel at home. I found that imagination had helped me through the toughest of days and since I had been so grateful to all the places I had visited like the wonderful world of dnd and Rprepository where I wrote stories with so many wonderful people, I wanted to give something back but also take i a little piece of the world and connect anyone who wanted to not choose for once.
And Since it's the premiere and opening of our bar, we have a stage for anyone who would like to play music, share a talent or just do some karaoke.
So, the drinks are cold, the air a perfect temperature but most importantly, our doors always open. So come on in, I would love to meet you.
Dust walks into the bar, "well this place is interesting, I'll have to let Sally and Lazari know about this place, they'd love it."
''Hiya! You're our first official customer. Welcome, take any seat in the house and tell me what I can get you. Since you're our first, your first drink is on the house.'' She said as she slapped the towel she was using to dry some glasses, over her shoulder.
"Also, I suggest you definitly do some exploring, you never know what you find here." She winked at the newcomer and leaned against the bar towards them.
"Also, I suggest you definitly do some exploring, you never know what you find here." She winked at the newcomer and leaned against the bar towards them.
"Do you have a target range? and would you mind if my entire group moved here? I have a feeling that this places agments itself in order to please as many people as possible." Dust asked, looking around the lobby area for a seat, and picked on near the door and in the corner.
"We do, it's hidden in one of the many rooms so you might have to look a bit before finding it. And please, the way we operate is mouth to mouth advertisment. The more souls, the merrier." She said and turned on the jukebox. "If you'd like to listen to music or buy a drink, we take any type of money, even bitcoin!."
"alright, I'll look around then," Dust said, bringing out his phone and calling someone, presumably the group, "They'll be coming shortly"
Turvold ducked through the doorway, drawing himself up and being careful not to hit his head on anything. In his signature deep voice, he quietly said, "Quant. Reminds me of home." He then turned to the bar and waved slightly, being gentle as to not break or knock anything around. "Good evening."
Turvold grunted. "No. If I need someone dead, I would rather it be me committing the act."
"Hello, what can I get for you today?" Trixie said to the person with the bright blue eyes. She had seen more people come in but they seemed to be in a conversation so she let them be and focused on the one sitting at the bar. "If you need a meny, let me know. We have anything from drinks, advice to magical items." She said and handed him a very thick piece of folded paper, inside were lots of different pages that unfold to multiple different sections.
His head turned to the bar as he smiled and took a seat at the bar, hoping he would not break the chair. "Hello," he said to the person behind the bar. "Might you have any mead on hand?"
Tom looks at the menu for a few moments before looking back at the Lady "Some mead please?"
Dust starts to walk through the building, and discovering several rooms that would be useful.
Turvold Thornmight wrote:
His head turned to the bar as he smiled and took a seat at the bar, hoping he would not break the chair. "Hello," he said to the person behind the bar. "Might you have any mead on hand?"
"Ofcourse! Coming right up!" She grabbed a big tankard, poured in mead and slid it towards the guest. "The price is listed on that menu, you can pay in whatever your world uses for payment, it should be included on the list." And she pointed to the wooden pole that was supporting the bar.
Tom wrote:
Tom looks at the menu for a few moments before looking back at the Lady "Some mead please?"
Like with the other customer, she grabbed a tankard, filled it up and slid it towards him.
"If you need anything else, we have loads of other workers who can help if I'm busy. You'll always have someone around to get what you need from."
he nods and takes a seat before taking a sip from the tankard "This is very good mead"
He nodded in thanks and looked to the pole. He rummaged down in a leather sack on his hip and retrieved a small pile of silver coins, setting them on the bar. he then drank the mead as he glanced around the environment.
After drinking about half of the tankard Tom examines the pole before placing a few golden coins on the counter
Turvold slugs down the rest of the tankard and licks the foam from his mustache, setting the mug back upon the bartop.
"Mind if I have another?" Turvold asked. The mead was well-made; enough so that it reminded him of his fathers mead, the fabled, "Mead of Poetry".
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