In whichever format you should prefer, ideally something that showcases descriptiveness, it can be with regards to their appearance or something you read about them and found interesting.
The aim of the game is to get you to type/write - so don't hold back! maybe you can weave an RP here.
There are going to be 20 questions regarding your interaction with the above character - You will make 3 rolls and answer the questions for the numbers you get - Roll D20
1, How would you feel if the above character was your friend?
2, How would you feel if the above character was your enemy?
3, Would you do harm to the above character, if given the opportunity? (Steal, Kill, etc.)
4, What is your most favorite and least favorite thing about the above character?
5, The above character asks you for help regarding their own objectives, what would you do?
6, Would you trust the above character with your life? why or why not?
7, Describe how you're most likely to meet the above character?
8, Would you date/fall in love with/marry the above character?
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
10, Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
11, Describe how you would aim to defeat the above character in battle
12, What would you think of the above character as a Leader/Ruler/Superior?
13, What would you think of the above character as a Servant/Worker/Subordinate?
14, How would the above character fare in your world?
15, How would you fare in the world of the above character?
16, What do you think is the first thing the above character would do to you?
17, What is the first thing you would do to the above character?
18, What is the last thing you do with the above character?
19, Do you see a relationship evolving with the above character? how would it proceed?
20, What do you think the future holds for the above character?
If you get a repeat default to one number before or after, your choice
3. The only wound Marcus receives from the one-eyed brigand before him is a scrape on his ego, if even that isn't numbed by war. That mossy-tinted eye appraise the with one glance down and another back up and, in the corner of Revenant's lip, a smirk grows, sly and defying. "Can his-- Your armor stop bullets?" — The smirk turns into a chuckle which quiets down as the brigand keeps looking at Marcus. Inside, his mind is spinning. 'Medieval' was a style he only thought existed in media. That and legends of regions of the galaxy with worlds inhabited by untouched, technologically inept people. The smirk, however, soon fades into a neutrality. "You don't seem to be the sort that would get in my way, after all--" — Revenant says, plainly, his eye steathily tracing across the knight's - the potential archnemesis - battle-hardened body. "--A hard-ass like you would know better not to."
17. Passive-aggression aside, there ain't much Revenant can or would do to Marcus at the moment without certain motivation. "Good day." — That's the farthest he gets to the other. For the time being. Even the prospect of contacting what looks like to be a protagonist from some sort of 'medieval' style book or augmented reality video game seems farfetched. After all, Marcus couldn't possibly have means of receiving mail, would he? Those are done through smartphones, after all.
8. "WHAT?!"
The intensity of his voice is the most clear answer Marcus gets. Every no good dirty 'professional' knows what a 'date' means in certain circles, but Revenant gets so bewildered by the suddeness of this question after such a tense stare-down that he jumps right away to the romantic meaning of date. And marriage is there too for good measure. "... Of course." — The answer is not a shocker. "I just hope we don't have mead or crap like that. I hate that shit. But, yeah, we can definitely strike a deal over some butter steak and potatoes." — The frown on Revenant's too battle-hardened features hints that, perhaps that's not the romantic sort of "date".
17. Passive-aggression aside, there ain't much Revenant can or would do to Marcus at the moment without certain motivation. "Good day." — That's the farthest he gets to the other. For the time being. Even the prospect of contacting what looks like to be a protagonist from some sort of 'medieval' style book or augmented reality video game seems farfetched. After all, Marcus couldn't possibly have means of receiving mail, would he? Those are done through smartphones, after all.
8. "WHAT?!"
The intensity of his voice is the most clear answer Marcus gets. Every no good dirty 'professional' knows what a 'date' means in certain circles, but Revenant gets so bewildered by the suddeness of this question after such a tense stare-down that he jumps right away to the romantic meaning of date. And marriage is there too for good measure. "... Of course." — The answer is not a shocker. "I just hope we don't have mead or crap like that. I hate that shit. But, yeah, we can definitely strike a deal over some butter steak and potatoes." — The frown on Revenant's too battle-hardened features hints that, perhaps that's not the romantic sort of "date".
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 28.
Note: Damn straight, I'm in.
Glad to hear that friend ^^
((If you click on the box with the sum of all three rolls, it shows each separate roll individually. At least for the one who posted it.))
8, No. Nothing Further on this.
9, "A rather confusing compound of a being which seems to be an amalgam composed of luck, bad decisions and unfortunate experiences which have lent to him the skills necessary to survive, the wounded arm concerns me and seems to be something of daemonic origin, his wares are rather incomprehensible by the standards of my realm, yet the eternities are infinite and each realm seems quaint and out of place to the other. With regards to personality, I would say rugged and reckless, as would befit a brigand someone averse to the disciplined and orderly confines of institutions such as the military, whom has lived an unsettled and uncouth life and favors it for the most part. As for the matter of demeanor, I would say it really depends on a range of factors, it does well to remember however that a bounty hunter's only friend is the coin-purse standing in the same league as mercenaries and condotiers, i'd imagine one who is brash, presents with limited civility but is well-traveled, I wouldn't expect him to enjoy protracted conversation, keep it short, sweet and straightforward. This being is rather obscure for me to provide an extensive judgment, I do not think there would be a circumstance where we should meet typically but if it does happen, then it's likely we would not see eye to eye, that of course does not mean I don't have a mild sense of appreciation, he is what he is and he does it well."
10, Likely travel, if the hunter commissions his ship, I'd assume for Marcus it would be nothing short of a miraculous marvel to behold the majesties of the realms and universe beyond what he finds himself in. Other things I could imagine are probably learning the intricacies of the machine, advanced science or firearms from this individual either himself or making his troops learn from him. There's probably not a lot on Marcus's world he could offer that wouldn't seem primitive and or mundane in contrast, Revenant literally has free reign of the galaxy, there wouldn't be much attracting him to Marc's neck of the woods unless relatively untouched worlds are rare in his universe.
9, "A rather confusing compound of a being which seems to be an amalgam composed of luck, bad decisions and unfortunate experiences which have lent to him the skills necessary to survive, the wounded arm concerns me and seems to be something of daemonic origin, his wares are rather incomprehensible by the standards of my realm, yet the eternities are infinite and each realm seems quaint and out of place to the other. With regards to personality, I would say rugged and reckless, as would befit a brigand someone averse to the disciplined and orderly confines of institutions such as the military, whom has lived an unsettled and uncouth life and favors it for the most part. As for the matter of demeanor, I would say it really depends on a range of factors, it does well to remember however that a bounty hunter's only friend is the coin-purse standing in the same league as mercenaries and condotiers, i'd imagine one who is brash, presents with limited civility but is well-traveled, I wouldn't expect him to enjoy protracted conversation, keep it short, sweet and straightforward. This being is rather obscure for me to provide an extensive judgment, I do not think there would be a circumstance where we should meet typically but if it does happen, then it's likely we would not see eye to eye, that of course does not mean I don't have a mild sense of appreciation, he is what he is and he does it well."
10, Likely travel, if the hunter commissions his ship, I'd assume for Marcus it would be nothing short of a miraculous marvel to behold the majesties of the realms and universe beyond what he finds himself in. Other things I could imagine are probably learning the intricacies of the machine, advanced science or firearms from this individual either himself or making his troops learn from him. There's probably not a lot on Marcus's world he could offer that wouldn't seem primitive and or mundane in contrast, Revenant literally has free reign of the galaxy, there wouldn't be much attracting him to Marc's neck of the woods unless relatively untouched worlds are rare in his universe.
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 26.
Note: Lets Go !
Whoops rolled the wrong dice.
I've been rolling d100s for the Tombola for a month
I've been rolling d100s for the Tombola for a month
rolled 3d100 and got a natural 90.
5. The above character asks you for help regarding their own objectives, what would you do?
Does he even have goals of his own? It seems he bends the knee to whoever fills his pocket. I am no mercenary. If you want me to set aside my own goals for yours (or your client's), you must find something more valuable to offer than money. And if you do have such a thing to offer, I would be a fool to pass it up.
8. Would you date/fall in love with/marry the above character?
I think this is unlikely.
15. How would you fare in the world of the above character?
It is very old fashioned, I'm sure I'd miss all the luxuries of the modern world. Warm showers, being able to buy anything and have it delivered to you in just a day or two, having a device that knows everything and can contact anyone in my pocket at all times, being able to travel anywhere I want with no effort. But in all, I think I would adapt. It's not like I'm unfamiliar with traditional warfare. I think it depends on how prevalent magic is in this world. If anyone with the slightest training could dispel me - I would consider that a problem. On the other hand, if this world is completely without magic, I would have nothing to eat. It would only be a matter of time before I lose my mind with desperation and eventually died.
Does he even have goals of his own? It seems he bends the knee to whoever fills his pocket. I am no mercenary. If you want me to set aside my own goals for yours (or your client's), you must find something more valuable to offer than money. And if you do have such a thing to offer, I would be a fool to pass it up.
8. Would you date/fall in love with/marry the above character?
I think this is unlikely.
15. How would you fare in the world of the above character?
It is very old fashioned, I'm sure I'd miss all the luxuries of the modern world. Warm showers, being able to buy anything and have it delivered to you in just a day or two, having a device that knows everything and can contact anyone in my pocket at all times, being able to travel anywhere I want with no effort. But in all, I think I would adapt. It's not like I'm unfamiliar with traditional warfare. I think it depends on how prevalent magic is in this world. If anyone with the slightest training could dispel me - I would consider that a problem. On the other hand, if this world is completely without magic, I would have nothing to eat. It would only be a matter of time before I lose my mind with desperation and eventually died.
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 28.
4. What is your most favorite and least favorite thing about the above character?
"Oh, no. Is this one of those awkward break-the-ice conversation starters they make you do at parties?" Maisi cringes, seeming to shrink into her red and brown-patterned sweater. "Well, um... I think your eyepatch is really cool."
She nods as if in agreement with herself. The second half of the question takes longer for her to think about, and she appears to be weighing all her options carefully. Insulting people on a first introduction is not something the young artist often does, and she doesn't like to be unnecessarily mean, as is probably evident by the somewhat worried furrow of her brow.
"And...I guess..." She speaks at last. "You being five inches taller than me makes me feel short, so let's just say that's my least favorite thing."
The statement is punctuated with a good-natured, friendly smile to signal that she means no harm and the height difference doesn't actually bother her.
6. Would you trust the above character with your life? why or why not?
The artist is quiet for a long time, sometimes squinting at Adael, other times gazing off into the middle distance. She's probably putting far too much thought into the question and doubts she'll ever see the man again, but still.
"Depends," she says finally. "On the one hand, I feel like you'd go to great lengths to protect your family, friends, and allies. I also get the feeling you're a very loyal, brave person, at least to the aforementioned people. If I were one of them, I think I'd definitely trust you with my life if it came down to it. On the other hand--"
The artist has been holding out one hand, as if displaying some invisible item; as the argument switches, she retracts the first arm and extends the other illustratively.
"--I'm not your family or your friend or your ally. Not as far as I know, anyway. And not that I'm against you, of course," she adds quickly. "But, as the situation stands, I generally don't trust my life to anyone I don't know. ...Unless my coworker offered me a ride and it was my only way to get home, which I have done before and immediately regretted. So--maybe I would trust you with my life in the sense that I'd let you give me a lift somewhere, but I don't think I could trust you to the extent that you'd choose my life over something you really want or need and have to sacrifice me to get to."
She pauses, blinking as her tone switches from quite serious to far more lighthearted. "All of this is hypothetical, of course."
10. Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
"Um." Maisi stares at Adael helplessly, at a loss for ideas. "...You like chess?"
A sheepish laugh and some thought later, the artist gradually comes up with a better answer.
"Alright, how about some sort of tour around town? I'm always getting myself lost in any place populated with more than five buildings. You seem very friendly, I can imagine you'd be nice enough to give me some directions or maybe show me some places I might need to visit."
"Oh, no. Is this one of those awkward break-the-ice conversation starters they make you do at parties?" Maisi cringes, seeming to shrink into her red and brown-patterned sweater. "Well, um... I think your eyepatch is really cool."
She nods as if in agreement with herself. The second half of the question takes longer for her to think about, and she appears to be weighing all her options carefully. Insulting people on a first introduction is not something the young artist often does, and she doesn't like to be unnecessarily mean, as is probably evident by the somewhat worried furrow of her brow.
"And...I guess..." She speaks at last. "You being five inches taller than me makes me feel short, so let's just say that's my least favorite thing."
The statement is punctuated with a good-natured, friendly smile to signal that she means no harm and the height difference doesn't actually bother her.
6. Would you trust the above character with your life? why or why not?
The artist is quiet for a long time, sometimes squinting at Adael, other times gazing off into the middle distance. She's probably putting far too much thought into the question and doubts she'll ever see the man again, but still.
"Depends," she says finally. "On the one hand, I feel like you'd go to great lengths to protect your family, friends, and allies. I also get the feeling you're a very loyal, brave person, at least to the aforementioned people. If I were one of them, I think I'd definitely trust you with my life if it came down to it. On the other hand--"
The artist has been holding out one hand, as if displaying some invisible item; as the argument switches, she retracts the first arm and extends the other illustratively.
"--I'm not your family or your friend or your ally. Not as far as I know, anyway. And not that I'm against you, of course," she adds quickly. "But, as the situation stands, I generally don't trust my life to anyone I don't know. ...Unless my coworker offered me a ride and it was my only way to get home, which I have done before and immediately regretted. So--maybe I would trust you with my life in the sense that I'd let you give me a lift somewhere, but I don't think I could trust you to the extent that you'd choose my life over something you really want or need and have to sacrifice me to get to."
She pauses, blinking as her tone switches from quite serious to far more lighthearted. "All of this is hypothetical, of course."
10. Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
"Um." Maisi stares at Adael helplessly, at a loss for ideas. "...You like chess?"
A sheepish laugh and some thought later, the artist gradually comes up with a better answer.
"Alright, how about some sort of tour around town? I'm always getting myself lost in any place populated with more than five buildings. You seem very friendly, I can imagine you'd be nice enough to give me some directions or maybe show me some places I might need to visit."
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 20.
14, How would the above character fare in your world?
"Not too well I imagine, Valradia is in a state of civil war at the moment and is being invaded by barbarians from all borders, she would have to go to immense lengths to adapt and a lot of well, modern luxuries would be unavailable to her, I imagine disease and starvation would be her biggest concerns and I struggle to imagine what would happen to her if a band of brigands found her or some fanatics decided to try her as a witch. Survival alone will be difficult but almost assuredly she would not enjoy it and find herself quite miserable, she might eke out an existence as an artisan in one of the larger more affluent cities, other than that I'm not sure my world has much room for her."
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
"A bit of a wolf and lamb dilemma, I think we would dislike each other to a fair degree. On my part, I'd view her as undisciplined, hesitant, foolish and unsettled and I assume on her part she'd view me as tyrannical, authoritarian, possessive, and stern, I prefer the rigors of discipline whereas she prefers her creative freedoms, an artist and a soldier are fundamentally at odds, one creates, the other destroys. Her moral compass is too absolute, she's someone adapted for her times, as I am for mine. Any communion would be unlikely and unfortunate"
15, How would you fare in the world of the above character?
"Also not a favorable situation for myself, in modern society I would be too out of place, given the time and understanding I suppose I could adapt but it would be a tedious and difficult process, the way I imagine it, it would start out with a lot of strange glances and eventually land me in prison for I cleft a man in twain due to perceiving disrespect and then be viewed as criminally insane when I tried to explain being transported from an entirely different realm"
"Not too well I imagine, Valradia is in a state of civil war at the moment and is being invaded by barbarians from all borders, she would have to go to immense lengths to adapt and a lot of well, modern luxuries would be unavailable to her, I imagine disease and starvation would be her biggest concerns and I struggle to imagine what would happen to her if a band of brigands found her or some fanatics decided to try her as a witch. Survival alone will be difficult but almost assuredly she would not enjoy it and find herself quite miserable, she might eke out an existence as an artisan in one of the larger more affluent cities, other than that I'm not sure my world has much room for her."
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
"A bit of a wolf and lamb dilemma, I think we would dislike each other to a fair degree. On my part, I'd view her as undisciplined, hesitant, foolish and unsettled and I assume on her part she'd view me as tyrannical, authoritarian, possessive, and stern, I prefer the rigors of discipline whereas she prefers her creative freedoms, an artist and a soldier are fundamentally at odds, one creates, the other destroys. Her moral compass is too absolute, she's someone adapted for her times, as I am for mine. Any communion would be unlikely and unfortunate"
15, How would you fare in the world of the above character?
"Also not a favorable situation for myself, in modern society I would be too out of place, given the time and understanding I suppose I could adapt but it would be a tedious and difficult process, the way I imagine it, it would start out with a lot of strange glances and eventually land me in prison for I cleft a man in twain due to perceiving disrespect and then be viewed as criminally insane when I tried to explain being transported from an entirely different realm"
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 39.
13, What would you think of the above character as a Servant/Worker/Subordinate?
"Luddy mussy! How on earth'd that happen? I ain't ever been in charge a nuthin' or nobody 'fore. Ain't even sure if I like the idea. But ... say I had a warrior like Marcus ... wait... do I get the whole ding merc-nary party? Them Wolvenborn?"
Despite her claim of not liking the idea of being in charge, she gets maybe just a little starry eyed at the thought of wielding that much manpower. It's probably a good thing she's not in charge.
"There's a place in Texas I'd like ta burn ta the ground - long with a couple folks inside a it."
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
"Marcus don't seem like the type that laughs or smiles too much. That can be intimidatin' sometimes.. maybe a lot a times. Bobby didn't laugh too much neither though and me and him got on alright most a the time. Kinda can make 'im seem ... I dunno... cold? I guess. Like all he cares bout is figgurin' out how ta kill everyone.
Marcus seems braver'n I am too. I only ever been in a couple battles and they weren't ones I got into cause I wanted to or chose it. Least not on purpose. Somebody once told me any battle ya walk way from is a victory, but I dunno... sure didn't feel like no victory."
20, What do you think the future holds for the above character?
"Guess it could go a couple ways. Marcus might meet his end on the battlefield. Sooner or later luck's gonna turn. Seems like he's been pressin' his for a long time. Seems like the type that glorifies that, I guess. And I ain't knockin' it or nuthin'. Folks be writin' songs bout him, I reckon.
"If he just gets hurt though and can't fight no more, I could see him turnin' to the bottle if he don't got a purpose no more. You got a wife, Marcus? Or kids? How bout some nieces and nephews? Ya should get someone... else things is gonna get lonely for ya when you're too old for battle."
"Luddy mussy! How on earth'd that happen? I ain't ever been in charge a nuthin' or nobody 'fore. Ain't even sure if I like the idea. But ... say I had a warrior like Marcus ... wait... do I get the whole ding merc-nary party? Them Wolvenborn?"
Despite her claim of not liking the idea of being in charge, she gets maybe just a little starry eyed at the thought of wielding that much manpower. It's probably a good thing she's not in charge.
"There's a place in Texas I'd like ta burn ta the ground - long with a couple folks inside a it."
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
"Marcus don't seem like the type that laughs or smiles too much. That can be intimidatin' sometimes.. maybe a lot a times. Bobby didn't laugh too much neither though and me and him got on alright most a the time. Kinda can make 'im seem ... I dunno... cold? I guess. Like all he cares bout is figgurin' out how ta kill everyone.
Marcus seems braver'n I am too. I only ever been in a couple battles and they weren't ones I got into cause I wanted to or chose it. Least not on purpose. Somebody once told me any battle ya walk way from is a victory, but I dunno... sure didn't feel like no victory."
20, What do you think the future holds for the above character?
"Guess it could go a couple ways. Marcus might meet his end on the battlefield. Sooner or later luck's gonna turn. Seems like he's been pressin' his for a long time. Seems like the type that glorifies that, I guess. And I ain't knockin' it or nuthin'. Folks be writin' songs bout him, I reckon.
"If he just gets hurt though and can't fight no more, I could see him turnin' to the bottle if he don't got a purpose no more. You got a wife, Marcus? Or kids? How bout some nieces and nephews? Ya should get someone... else things is gonna get lonely for ya when you're too old for battle."
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 42.
16, What do you think is the first thing the above character would do to you?
"Shoot, shoot straight and shoot to kill, and if she's as wise as I think she is that better damn well. If one of us is defeated or embraces death in the venture it'll have been the mandate of the fates, I cannot say I am fond of brigands and though she is fetching and amicable in her mannerisms, I have strong principles that I adhere to and I suppose she does too. If we walk through it, then we would've become the best of friends or the worst of enemies."
1, How would you feel if the above character was your friend?
"It would certainly instill a sense of fortitude, she's a rough merciless wench if I've ever seen one, reminds me of a Talgardian Valkyrie or Braethwyn Huntsmistress, I can trust her to watch my back but not around my wares or pockets i assume. She ought to have an entertaining tale or two about her that i'd be keen to hear on some drink. And if she still partakes in her former trade, then i'd gladly throw in my silver."
13, What would you think of the above character as a Servant/Worker/Subordinate?
"She seems loose, feral, and stray in her mannerisms but despite that, there is a powerful will inside her, it is an untamed sort of fire however lacking direction or control, many have walked into the legion with the same sort of look upon their faces, the same sort of drive. She will likely not find the discipline and orderliness I shall deal pleasant by any means some find it mortifying, sadistic and cruel, she will hate me with unbridled rage and fury and if she survives she will come to respect me much as I will come to respect her. I've whipped boys into men and men into legionaries, I have broken down grown men and women into their most insecure, weak, primal pulp and then restructured them into fine soldiers the Empire can be proud of. There is potential in this one, but it needs work, after all the forging makes for worth, otherwise what is steel but a lump of shining rock? I expect from her insubordination, disobedience and resistance, resistance of a most supreme order. I will not take this one as a servile or a maid or a servant in any manner for such a role is anathema to her, she's too free and wild for that. A she-wolf such as this I am willing to make a soldier or warrior out of though, and by the gods i shall make her one lest she perishes, becomes lamed or withdraws."
"Shoot, shoot straight and shoot to kill, and if she's as wise as I think she is that better damn well. If one of us is defeated or embraces death in the venture it'll have been the mandate of the fates, I cannot say I am fond of brigands and though she is fetching and amicable in her mannerisms, I have strong principles that I adhere to and I suppose she does too. If we walk through it, then we would've become the best of friends or the worst of enemies."
1, How would you feel if the above character was your friend?
"It would certainly instill a sense of fortitude, she's a rough merciless wench if I've ever seen one, reminds me of a Talgardian Valkyrie or Braethwyn Huntsmistress, I can trust her to watch my back but not around my wares or pockets i assume. She ought to have an entertaining tale or two about her that i'd be keen to hear on some drink. And if she still partakes in her former trade, then i'd gladly throw in my silver."
13, What would you think of the above character as a Servant/Worker/Subordinate?
"She seems loose, feral, and stray in her mannerisms but despite that, there is a powerful will inside her, it is an untamed sort of fire however lacking direction or control, many have walked into the legion with the same sort of look upon their faces, the same sort of drive. She will likely not find the discipline and orderliness I shall deal pleasant by any means some find it mortifying, sadistic and cruel, she will hate me with unbridled rage and fury and if she survives she will come to respect me much as I will come to respect her. I've whipped boys into men and men into legionaries, I have broken down grown men and women into their most insecure, weak, primal pulp and then restructured them into fine soldiers the Empire can be proud of. There is potential in this one, but it needs work, after all the forging makes for worth, otherwise what is steel but a lump of shining rock? I expect from her insubordination, disobedience and resistance, resistance of a most supreme order. I will not take this one as a servile or a maid or a servant in any manner for such a role is anathema to her, she's too free and wild for that. A she-wolf such as this I am willing to make a soldier or warrior out of though, and by the gods i shall make her one lest she perishes, becomes lamed or withdraws."
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 30.
10, Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
"I - I find myself uncertain as to how our paths would cross, but he does appear a hardened soldier, and soldiers do come seeking the wisdom of the Archives. I suppose that would be the activity, then - helping him seek maps, writings of past battles or forgotten weaponry, whatever might grant his forces an edge. War has never sat well with me, but neither can I turn away from its existence, and it is my duty to aid those who come seeking help." Dael's expression is solemn, touched with sadness even as he offers a small smile and gestures to his slender frame. "As for other activities, I - well. I am uncertain I could keep up in any sort of training capacity, and I am not certain what a man like him would do for recreation."
8, Would you date/fall in love with/marry the above character?
"Certainly not!" A horrified squawk leaves the boy before he can stop himself, and he's turned a rather impressive shade of red. He clears his throat and shrinks, looking chagrined. "I - that was rude. I do not mean that in a bad way, of course, not in a - I simply - he's, he's not unattractive, in fact in a rather rugged sense one might say he - not that I! I do not, notice those sort of things, I simply meant that - look at him. Look at me. H-he is very clearly a man of combat, of strength, who marches and gives orders. Why would he ever be interested in someone like me?"
The redness has not subsided.
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
Dael seems relieved at the change on topic, attempting to compose himself. "He seems - a blunt man, certainly, but not necessarily uncouth. There is a difference between one who speaks without 'sugarcoating', and one who curses and speaks vulgarly without cause. He is a soldier, but he is not the type of soldier who spits tabacco tar upon the floors and harasses women. At least, I do not believe he is."
His brow furrows in thought, eyes narrowed, and he quietly shakes his head. "... I am inclined to think he may, like other warring types, think me cowardly or weak-willed. That is not an unfair assessment. I would - I would raise a weapon in defense of loved ones, if I had to, but I have never sought battles. However, perhaps we similarly felt a call to duty, to serving others, and have simply founds methods of doing so that suit our unique strengths. I think he would be very interesting to speak to at length. I think he is very intimidating." A small smile. "But I think he is likely used to people being intimidated by him."
"I - I find myself uncertain as to how our paths would cross, but he does appear a hardened soldier, and soldiers do come seeking the wisdom of the Archives. I suppose that would be the activity, then - helping him seek maps, writings of past battles or forgotten weaponry, whatever might grant his forces an edge. War has never sat well with me, but neither can I turn away from its existence, and it is my duty to aid those who come seeking help." Dael's expression is solemn, touched with sadness even as he offers a small smile and gestures to his slender frame. "As for other activities, I - well. I am uncertain I could keep up in any sort of training capacity, and I am not certain what a man like him would do for recreation."
8, Would you date/fall in love with/marry the above character?
"Certainly not!" A horrified squawk leaves the boy before he can stop himself, and he's turned a rather impressive shade of red. He clears his throat and shrinks, looking chagrined. "I - that was rude. I do not mean that in a bad way, of course, not in a - I simply - he's, he's not unattractive, in fact in a rather rugged sense one might say he - not that I! I do not, notice those sort of things, I simply meant that - look at him. Look at me. H-he is very clearly a man of combat, of strength, who marches and gives orders. Why would he ever be interested in someone like me?"
The redness has not subsided.
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
Dael seems relieved at the change on topic, attempting to compose himself. "He seems - a blunt man, certainly, but not necessarily uncouth. There is a difference between one who speaks without 'sugarcoating', and one who curses and speaks vulgarly without cause. He is a soldier, but he is not the type of soldier who spits tabacco tar upon the floors and harasses women. At least, I do not believe he is."
His brow furrows in thought, eyes narrowed, and he quietly shakes his head. "... I am inclined to think he may, like other warring types, think me cowardly or weak-willed. That is not an unfair assessment. I would - I would raise a weapon in defense of loved ones, if I had to, but I have never sought battles. However, perhaps we similarly felt a call to duty, to serving others, and have simply founds methods of doing so that suit our unique strengths. I think he would be very interesting to speak to at length. I think he is very intimidating." A small smile. "But I think he is likely used to people being intimidated by him."
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 27.
2: How would you feel if the above character was your enemy?
Hah! You honestly think I'd be scared of some bookworm priest. Sure, he might have some ability with magic. Sure, he may be able to heal himself. He may even get hints that I'm waiting around the corner with a dagger. I'm not saying he couldn't survive or put up a fight., but ultimately I don't think he poses any threat to me. When it comes down to it, he's never had any experience with warfare or strategy or the criminal world. I'd feel very confident is coming out on top in this conflict.
6: Would you trust the above character with your life? why or why not?
Look, Dael, don't get me wrong, you seem like a decent guy. Probably as trustworthy as anybody is gonna get. I got a twin sister too, I respect you looking out for yours. But all my life I've learned time and time again that the only person who looks out for you is yourself. Maybe this makes me bitter and cynical, but I stand by it. If we ever truly in a rough situation together you'd save your own arse first. You'd save your sister. And I know this because I'd do the same. I don't even say this as a criticism of you, it is simply a cold hard fact. It is human nature(-or I guess Elven?).
15: How would you fare in the world of the above character?
Do I need to study to be a priest and be cooped up in the dark with dusty books. I'd go mad with the boredom. But if we're talking about the larger world? That might actually be pretty fun. Like getting teleported to a video game or a novel. I don't know what I'd want to become. I wouldn't want to be a mercenary, risking my life for any scumbag with a vault of money and an agenda. But I also wouldn't want to be a town guard or something like that, always taking orders and bending knee to a king. Perhaps there's some kind of spy or criminal guild, that'd be fun.
But the more that I think about it, the less certain I get. I mean, how do you all survive without phones. Even simpler than that - without heating or proper lights or big stores where you can buy anything. Without cars. Do your streets smell of horse shit? Crops were bad this year, enjoy your bowl of rotting corn gruel. It'd probably be fun living in a world like that for about 30 seconds, then reality sets in. It'd be cold and filthy and boring. In the end, I'd rather stay where I am.
Hah! You honestly think I'd be scared of some bookworm priest. Sure, he might have some ability with magic. Sure, he may be able to heal himself. He may even get hints that I'm waiting around the corner with a dagger. I'm not saying he couldn't survive or put up a fight., but ultimately I don't think he poses any threat to me. When it comes down to it, he's never had any experience with warfare or strategy or the criminal world. I'd feel very confident is coming out on top in this conflict.
6: Would you trust the above character with your life? why or why not?
Look, Dael, don't get me wrong, you seem like a decent guy. Probably as trustworthy as anybody is gonna get. I got a twin sister too, I respect you looking out for yours. But all my life I've learned time and time again that the only person who looks out for you is yourself. Maybe this makes me bitter and cynical, but I stand by it. If we ever truly in a rough situation together you'd save your own arse first. You'd save your sister. And I know this because I'd do the same. I don't even say this as a criticism of you, it is simply a cold hard fact. It is human nature(-or I guess Elven?).
15: How would you fare in the world of the above character?
Do I need to study to be a priest and be cooped up in the dark with dusty books. I'd go mad with the boredom. But if we're talking about the larger world? That might actually be pretty fun. Like getting teleported to a video game or a novel. I don't know what I'd want to become. I wouldn't want to be a mercenary, risking my life for any scumbag with a vault of money and an agenda. But I also wouldn't want to be a town guard or something like that, always taking orders and bending knee to a king. Perhaps there's some kind of spy or criminal guild, that'd be fun.
But the more that I think about it, the less certain I get. I mean, how do you all survive without phones. Even simpler than that - without heating or proper lights or big stores where you can buy anything. Without cars. Do your streets smell of horse shit? Crops were bad this year, enjoy your bowl of rotting corn gruel. It'd probably be fun living in a world like that for about 30 seconds, then reality sets in. It'd be cold and filthy and boring. In the end, I'd rather stay where I am.
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 23.
7, Describe how you're most likely to meet the above character?
10, Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
20, What do you think the future holds for the above character?
- As I don't have a Wild West AU for Rosaline, odds are they won't likely meet each other. However, this is a purely hypothetical situation where anything can happen and therefore I'll open my eyes to the possibilities! Rosaline would definitely be a businesswoman, probably in the liquor industry, coming from old money and using it to carry on the family name. Her wares would be the target of gangs and outlaws, and she'd be more than likely to put out a bounty for a hunter to take.
10, Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
- A lawful business interaction that starts with a firm handshake and ends with one, as well.
20, What do you think the future holds for the above character?
- Life as a bounty hunter is a very dangerous way to live, to constantly chase after outlaws through hell and high water, and let's not mention the bullets! Oh my, the bullets. If Frank gets his nest egg and retires early, he can rest and live a more peaceful life working someone else's farm, but if he doesn't survive before then... hoo boy.
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 37.
This seems fun. Let's see, rolling first.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 13.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 15.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 1.
1, How would you feel if the above character was your friend?
"Friend!!? Ze. Maybe a business associate. She probably signs off on all my killing contracts, or is probably my go-to when I'm trying to get jobs. You know all those nobility types, they -hate- getting their hands dirty dealing with so called scum like me, so they send their fancy and dolled up hound dog to talk to me instead of coming in person. Not that I blame them, I'd judge them all day long for being so weak, ze. If they didn't pay my bills.. anyway. Friendship with Rosaline seems unlikely, but if it were to happen I would certainly welcome it. Better to have her at my back than plotting my demise. Plus, friends with benefits anyone? She is pretty cute! Hahaah!! Ze."
13, What would you think of the above character as a Servant/Worker/Subordinate?
"Now that's more like it, ze. I don't think I'd have her as my maid, it'd be a waste of her talents, but now I get to tell her to go out into the world and find me jobs! It's a lot better for me, I hate dealing with all the FREAKING paperwork. It gets in the way of my training, and filing stuff is probably something she enjoys, ze. For anything else, I'll just give her to Ru and have her train her, my Kitsune is a lot more patient than I am, ze."
15, How would you fare in the world of the above character?
"Join the local assassins' guild, get jobs, get paid. It's what I normally do, ze. Judging by Rosa's profession I'd probably do just fine."
"Friend!!? Ze. Maybe a business associate. She probably signs off on all my killing contracts, or is probably my go-to when I'm trying to get jobs. You know all those nobility types, they -hate- getting their hands dirty dealing with so called scum like me, so they send their fancy and dolled up hound dog to talk to me instead of coming in person. Not that I blame them, I'd judge them all day long for being so weak, ze. If they didn't pay my bills.. anyway. Friendship with Rosaline seems unlikely, but if it were to happen I would certainly welcome it. Better to have her at my back than plotting my demise. Plus, friends with benefits anyone? She is pretty cute! Hahaah!! Ze."
13, What would you think of the above character as a Servant/Worker/Subordinate?
"Now that's more like it, ze. I don't think I'd have her as my maid, it'd be a waste of her talents, but now I get to tell her to go out into the world and find me jobs! It's a lot better for me, I hate dealing with all the FREAKING paperwork. It gets in the way of my training, and filing stuff is probably something she enjoys, ze. For anything else, I'll just give her to Ru and have her train her, my Kitsune is a lot more patient than I am, ze."
15, How would you fare in the world of the above character?
"Join the local assassins' guild, get jobs, get paid. It's what I normally do, ze. Judging by Rosa's profession I'd probably do just fine."
I just noticed there's no 18 on the list
5: The above character asks you for help regarding their own objectives, what would you do?
I would flat out refuse. I'll never be so desperate for credits that I'd accept a job transporting slaves, or to actually kill someone! And you know what - I'm not usually the kind of person to do this - I don't kiss the boots of cops. You see someone pass money under a table or pocket something from a shop, you just keep your mouth shut it's none of your business. But if I were to find out about a slaver I'd probably be running to report it.
17: What is the first thing you would do to the above character?
Before finding out they're a slaver? All the normal things? Introducing myself, finding out her name. After finding out they're a slaver - leaving.
19: Do you see a relationship evolving with the above character? how would it proceed?
Only evolving in a negative sense. If I find out her profession and turn down a job offer, I'd be worried that I've just put a target on my own head. Alternatively, would I be driven to help the people enslaved by her? I like to think I'm a pretty good guy, that I'd want to help people in such a terrible situation. I know I'm a pretty big guy - and don't tell anybody this - but I'm actually not very good at fighting. Somebody skilled in assassination would have no problem ending somebody like me. But I don't know if I could let it go...
5: The above character asks you for help regarding their own objectives, what would you do?
I would flat out refuse. I'll never be so desperate for credits that I'd accept a job transporting slaves, or to actually kill someone! And you know what - I'm not usually the kind of person to do this - I don't kiss the boots of cops. You see someone pass money under a table or pocket something from a shop, you just keep your mouth shut it's none of your business. But if I were to find out about a slaver I'd probably be running to report it.
17: What is the first thing you would do to the above character?
Before finding out they're a slaver? All the normal things? Introducing myself, finding out her name. After finding out they're a slaver - leaving.
19: Do you see a relationship evolving with the above character? how would it proceed?
Only evolving in a negative sense. If I find out her profession and turn down a job offer, I'd be worried that I've just put a target on my own head. Alternatively, would I be driven to help the people enslaved by her? I like to think I'm a pretty good guy, that I'd want to help people in such a terrible situation. I know I'm a pretty big guy - and don't tell anybody this - but I'm actually not very good at fighting. Somebody skilled in assassination would have no problem ending somebody like me. But I don't know if I could let it go...
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 42.
3, Would you do harm to the above character, if given the opportunity? (Steal, Kill, etc.)
If it was a case of ‘do I fancy harming them?’ then no, if they came at me with the intent to harm? then yes but in self defence. I’m a doctor after all. I’m really not one for stealing because I have enough to legally pay for what I need.
7, Describe how you're most likely to meet the above character?
If they were to come into my practice most likely, that or maybe a tavern? I have no idea what all that 'space travel' nonsense is about. Perfectly happy on the ground thank you.
11, Describe how you would aim to defeat the above character in battle
I don’t think that I’d struggle with that in the slightest. Although they may have technology that can rival magic. I’d put money on myself certainly. Offensive magic is a speciality of mine after all.
If it was a case of ‘do I fancy harming them?’ then no, if they came at me with the intent to harm? then yes but in self defence. I’m a doctor after all. I’m really not one for stealing because I have enough to legally pay for what I need.
7, Describe how you're most likely to meet the above character?
If they were to come into my practice most likely, that or maybe a tavern? I have no idea what all that 'space travel' nonsense is about. Perfectly happy on the ground thank you.
11, Describe how you would aim to defeat the above character in battle
I don’t think that I’d struggle with that in the slightest. Although they may have technology that can rival magic. I’d put money on myself certainly. Offensive magic is a speciality of mine after all.
9, How would you describe the above character's demeanor and personality? how does that align with yours?
I think i quite like the good doctor's mannerisms, he seems professional and to the point, not overly inquisitive or bothersome beyond what is required but definitely someone capable of entertaining an intellectually stimulating conversation. I think by and far, we're of a similar vein, he saves live, I end them and we both deal with death. I think I'd have a good opinion of the man.
10, Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
A game of crixtus (Imperial card game), tablut or chess perhaps.
19, Do you see a relationship evolving with the above character? how would it proceed?
I think if the doctor were to lend his services to the legion and would remediate my men from the injuries and grievances they suffered as a result of warfare I'd be quite thankful, there certainly aren't a great many who can master the complicated art of medicine because it is, arguably, far more difficult to save lives than to end them. I am concerned however, about his occultism, Marc is suspicious of magic, as are most in his own realm, he treats it in a similar vein to radiation in that the idea that one can actually control something as dangerous and unpredictable as magic is only illusory at best, there is naught a sorcerer whom can say they have not borne some sort of ill as a result of dealing with sorcery. But the doctor, on account of being largely to the point and concerned with his duties (Atleast I hope) would likely reduce this concern, nonetheless, Marcus would remain wary. Keep a close eye on the enemy and the closer eye on your friends as they say.
I think i quite like the good doctor's mannerisms, he seems professional and to the point, not overly inquisitive or bothersome beyond what is required but definitely someone capable of entertaining an intellectually stimulating conversation. I think by and far, we're of a similar vein, he saves live, I end them and we both deal with death. I think I'd have a good opinion of the man.
10, Describe an activity you would perform with the above character.
A game of crixtus (Imperial card game), tablut or chess perhaps.
19, Do you see a relationship evolving with the above character? how would it proceed?
I think if the doctor were to lend his services to the legion and would remediate my men from the injuries and grievances they suffered as a result of warfare I'd be quite thankful, there certainly aren't a great many who can master the complicated art of medicine because it is, arguably, far more difficult to save lives than to end them. I am concerned however, about his occultism, Marc is suspicious of magic, as are most in his own realm, he treats it in a similar vein to radiation in that the idea that one can actually control something as dangerous and unpredictable as magic is only illusory at best, there is naught a sorcerer whom can say they have not borne some sort of ill as a result of dealing with sorcery. But the doctor, on account of being largely to the point and concerned with his duties (Atleast I hope) would likely reduce this concern, nonetheless, Marcus would remain wary. Keep a close eye on the enemy and the closer eye on your friends as they say.
rolled 3d20 and got a natural 38.
OOC: Since there's a double roll, I'll answer question 15 instead!
14, How would the above character fare in your world?
"So long as he keeps himself sharp, which I don't doubt that he would, he'd do well for himself. Hells, he can keep up his indulgences and habits and still would fit right. The only advise I give is proper money management, but that's not up to me to decide."
Going off of several posts I've seen that Marcus being something of a mercenary, I think he'd do well in Faerun in similar veins. That's a world that needs its share of adventurers, heroes on the path, you know the like! He'll do well for himself, plenty of jobs and strange goings-on in that world that needs someone who can kick ass and take names.
15, How would you fare in the world of the above character?
We actually have worked this out! Rosa has an place in Tyranoth as a frumentarius where the Valradic Empire is having its share of civil unrest, and is forced to take herself and her most trusted allies (a modest unit aptly named the Flock) out of the limelight before they're offed in a politically-charged purge. She'd personally seek out something more substantial than an obvious winning side, and lend her skills to help someone secure a more stable form of power in tumultuous times than simple influence, and one who would definitely not off the Flock at first chance as loose ends. It's a mutual back-scratching kind of deal, or at least that's how she currently sees it.
18, What is the last thing you'd do with the above character?
"Not to cross him directly, obviously. The man has a reputation for his being alive, despite all odds. He's stood against assassins before, and I hear that warning loud and clear."
If she's presented with any contracts on this mf, she'll politely refuse it just on virtue of wanting to live a day longer.
14, How would the above character fare in your world?
"So long as he keeps himself sharp, which I don't doubt that he would, he'd do well for himself. Hells, he can keep up his indulgences and habits and still would fit right. The only advise I give is proper money management, but that's not up to me to decide."
Going off of several posts I've seen that Marcus being something of a mercenary, I think he'd do well in Faerun in similar veins. That's a world that needs its share of adventurers, heroes on the path, you know the like! He'll do well for himself, plenty of jobs and strange goings-on in that world that needs someone who can kick ass and take names.
15, How would you fare in the world of the above character?
We actually have worked this out! Rosa has an place in Tyranoth as a frumentarius where the Valradic Empire is having its share of civil unrest, and is forced to take herself and her most trusted allies (a modest unit aptly named the Flock) out of the limelight before they're offed in a politically-charged purge. She'd personally seek out something more substantial than an obvious winning side, and lend her skills to help someone secure a more stable form of power in tumultuous times than simple influence, and one who would definitely not off the Flock at first chance as loose ends. It's a mutual back-scratching kind of deal, or at least that's how she currently sees it.
18, What is the last thing you'd do with the above character?
"Not to cross him directly, obviously. The man has a reputation for his being alive, despite all odds. He's stood against assassins before, and I hear that warning loud and clear."
If she's presented with any contracts on this mf, she'll politely refuse it just on virtue of wanting to live a day longer.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 14.
rolled 1d20 and got a natural 18.
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