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Forums » Art & Creativity » Annual Summer Art Trade Returns!

Kim Site Admin

artist_Elf.pngIT'S FINALLY BACK! We're doing an official RPR art trade. Please read the rules carefully, as they have changed since the last time we did this!

In this art trade, artists post information about a character (or characters, if they want to give the other person a choice of things to draw) they would like to receive gift art of. At a specified cut off date, submissions stop and each artist is randomly assigned someone else in the exchange. Then each artist draws the thing they got, and on a certain day, everyone exchanges what they drew. So you do art for someone else, and someone else gives you art. It's like secret Santa, but with art and in the summer!

ENTRIES DUE BY JUNE 18TH (That's a Friday)
ART IS DUE ON JULY 10th (That's a Saturday)

If you're not sure, just play it safe and don't enter. There's always next year!

I repeat:


Check your calendars carefully!

There will be a one week grace period for posting art in case of emergencies. If you don't turn in your art by the end of that one week grace period, you might not be able to participate next year. It's only fair that everyone who does art should get art in return.

This art trade is open to artists of all skill levels!
We are no longer dividing artists into "dabbler" and "devotee" categories. We do ask that this not be your first or second attempt at drawing, but if you've been drawing for roughly a year or more and are willing to do your very best, you're welcome here. Participants should go in with the expectation that the art they receive will be in an unknown style and completed by someone with an unknown skill level, and be excited to get a nice surprise whatever it turns out to be. If you think you may be upset if your gift art turns out to come from an artist who is not as experienced as yourself, or who uses a style of art that is not to your taste, this is not the art trade for you.

Remember, the art you will be given is a GIFT. Someone did their very best to capture your character to brighten up your new year. Please don't get angry if they made mistakes; they did their very best to the best of their ability and understanding to make you something nice, just like you are going to do for whoever you are assigned. :)

I'm not good at drawing (humans/animals/robots/reptiles/something else), can I specify that I don't want to be paired with someone with a character like that?
Nope. If you get thrown a curveball, you're going to have to do your best. Stretch out of your comfort zone! ;)

Is there a risk I could be paired with someone I have blocked?
No. Our matcher is largely random, but it DOES take into account people you have blocked and will not give such assignments. Please be certain you have blocked participants you want to be certain you are not assigned to draw for under any circumstances, and leave them blocked until you receive your art trade assignment.

What are the requirements of the artwork?
  • The following types of artworks can be submitted:
    • Digital drawing/painting/3d modeling
    • Hand-drawn or hand-painted items, so long as you have a method of taking a well-lit photo or good scan of your artwork
    • Sculpture/models you have created from scratch and painted or otherwise colored, so long as you have a method of taking a well-lit photo of your artwork
  • Please do full body artworks, unless the person you're assigned has specified they are okay with receiving a bust/head portrait.
  • Drawings should be in color, unless there is a strong, articulated reason why you made an artistic choice to do black and white. It needs to be something like "it matched the noir flavor of the character and I was really trying to capture that mood," or "I am legally color blind and was afraid I would use the wrong colors," not "I ran out of time" or "I was too lazy."
  • Backgrounds are not required, but you're welcome to include one if the muse moves you.
  • Please make sure your artwork is appropriate for posting on the public forums, so PG-13, non-nude, etc. :)
  • Artwork you submit must be your own original work. If your piece is found to be:
    • Directly stolen, or simply a recolor of an exisiting piece of art.
    • Traced in part or in total
    • Dramatically over-referenced
    You will be banned from the art trade for at least two years, and possibly permanently.

Does it have to be a surprise? What happens if I want to ask my assigned person questions about their character?
Many people like to keep their art trade assignments a surprise, and do a big reveal on the final day. If this is you, you can have me pass on your questions anonymously to your art trade recipients.

However, that's not required. If you prefer, you can ask your assigned person questions about their character directly. You're even free to post your art trade artwork early if you like! This is especially encouraged for those of you who are afraid you will forget or not be online around the time of the final art trade due date ;)

What happens if I did my part for the art trade, but the person who was assigned me goes AWOL?
If you did your part of the art trade, but don't receive anything in return by the deadline or after the grace period, we'll find another artist who will make sure you get a piece of gift art too.

What happens if I sign up but then have a BIG HUGE EMERGENCY that is going to prevent me from participating?
If this happens, please let me know ASAP so I can figure something out.

I've read the rules and I'M IN! How do I sign up?
To enter, fill out the following form for each character you'd like to offer as a possibility for the artist assigned to you. Remember, no matter how many characters you submit, the person assigned you is only required to draw a single character.

[b]Character Name:[/b] [b]Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:[/b] [b]Species:[/b] [b]Gender expression:[/b] [b]Personality:[/b] [b]I prefer to receive:[/b] (full body art/bust/either) [b]Brief physical description of the character:[/b] [b]Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background)[/b] [b]Anything else we need to know:[/b] [b]If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)[/b]
This is awesome! So excited to draw for someone. I've been waitin' on this for a while. :D

Character Name: Catriona Emberweaver
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: (feel free to draw Catriona with her romantic partner Trystan who is pictured and linked on her RPR page, he is a transgender prince she is recently betrothed to.)
Species: Ember Elf
Gender expression: Cisgender female
Personality:Bookish, can come off a bit cold and bitter - but is heartbroken and lovelorn. She can be very affectionate and protective of those she truly cares for. She loves to read and paint. In the RP she's in, she is teaching Trystan the dances of her homeland for an upcoming winter masq.
I prefer to receive: Either.
Brief physical description of the character: Catriona stands at a modest 5'3" tall, with a slender body with soft plush curves that are exaggerated by a corset, a small bust. Her eyes are wide, expressive, and soft green. Her hair is very long, almost knee-length, a vibrant but not overbearing auburn and naturally wavy almost curly, and if not down and pinned at the sides is often braided. Her skin is light and has soft pink undertones. Catriona has elegant and slim pointed ears that are about two or so inches longer than humans.

Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Snowy, castle, garden with lots of glue/purple flora.

Character Name: Harley Dixie-Abbot
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Cisgender female
Personality: Kindhearted in the end, stubborn, opinionated, determined, brave yet more anxious than she appears, haunted, family-oriented, sensual, hard-working, excitable, hot-tempered, ride or die, smarter than she appears, but can come off a bit dimwitted when people first meet her.
I prefer to receive: Fully body
Brief physical description of the character: Mixed race, Siksikaitsitapi Native American and White. She is 5'3" with a soft heart-shaped face, chubby pear-shaped body, strong arms, and legs. Olive-toned skin that is darker and slightly more red-toned in the summer. Eyes are a shifting green/brown.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Desert, saloon, farm, farmhouse living room, grazing field.
Anything else we need to know: Harley has two versions, modern-day southern and historical southern.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no) Not the two listed here directly, but as mentioned Catriona is free to be drawn with Trystan who is linked on her page.
Ground floor. Collapse tag just in case I fill this up.

here be characters

Character Name: Euros
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human/Air Elemental
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Friendly, mischievous
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: Has purple skin, ice-white hair, and half a dozen references on his profile
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Travel scenes
Anything else we need to know: you rock
Claine Moderator

I don't want to seem too keen.

But I aint gonna lie.

I'm keen.

Character Name: West
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Cis-Male
Personality: Reserved, Struggles to connect with others, violent + rude as a self defence mechanism.
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: Short with a stocky build, short white hair and red eyes (these are features of his homeland). Has a distinctive scar under his eye and across his lip. Not very fashion forward, but wears both neutral colours and garish pink. There are loads of reference images on his profile.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Cars, vibrant cities, cyberpunk-ish.
Anything else we need to know: I am perfectly okay with a little violence/blood in any artwork given to me!

Character Name: Barame
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Cis-Male
Personality: He's a man with two sides. Friendly and sociable in day to day life, yet he's able to hide how effortlessly cruel he is in his work.
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: He's a little on the shorter side, but he has a somewhat lanky build. He has long white hair (usually tied back) and red eyes (these are features of his homeland). His eyesight is very poor so he always wears glasses. He dresses like a 10 year old who has suddenly been given $1 million spending money. There are loads of reference images on his profile.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Vibrant cities, cyberpunk-ish.
Anything else we need to know: I am perfectly okay with a little violence/blood in any artwork given to me!

Character Name: Adael
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Spirit (who usually appears Human)
Gender expression: Usually appears male
Personality: Adael can come off as somewhat cold and calculating and driven by revenge. He is skilled at big-picture thinking and managing people and resources. He's not an emotionless creature, and he is soft in his own way but his time is overwhelmingly occupied by working towards larger goals.
I prefer to receive: Either
Brief physical description of the character: Adael is somewhat tall and muscular with brown hair. He wears an eyepatch over his right eye, the exposed one also brown in colour. While usually hidden by his clothing and eyepatch, Adael has many black scars and a magic seal on his body betraying his non-human nature. Here is an image showing them. There are plenty of other images on his page.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Vibrant cities, cyberpunk-ish.
Anything else we need to know: Do you like body horror? I like body horror! Feel free to go wild! + as above I'm fine with violence and blood.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Yes! Adael and Barame are in a relationship and West is a close friend. I'd love to see any of them drawn together :)
Character Name: Jack Barker
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: "Familiar" (black shuck)
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Mild, agreeable, sometimes pouty but is most definitely potty-trained.
I prefer to receive: Either!
Brief physical description of the character: You've either got a dude with pale skin, yellow eyes, an average build, black shaggy hair and nondescript taste in jeans, jackets, and shirts...or a large black dog with a shaggy coat, sharp teefs, and glowing yellow eyes!
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Whatever you like!
Anything else we need to know: He's a two for one! Feel free to draw him in whichever form you like! Man or beast, he's a Good Boy either way! Have fun!
Character Name: Rene
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human (cursed)
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Anxious (especially around others) distracted (by his 'friend') can get hangry very quickly
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Pale skinny dude with brown hair thats longer on top than it is on the sides and back. White iris and a large burn scar covering his right ear, that ear is completely deaf and useless. Generally wears a green military jumpsuit with press studs lining the seems and boots with no laces.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) I ain't fussy
Anything else we need to know: He has another form as well, big hangry deer beasty.

Character Name: Kiran
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Methodical, doesn't like to make assumptions, loyal, helpful, very matter-of-fact
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Tall (6'5") and fairly strong, dark red hair thats swept back but goes fluffy at the sides and down the neck and grey eyes. The dude is covered in red tattoos which there is a ref for. Clothing - white shirt with any color waistcoat, simple trousers and knee high black boots. This guy originally came from a 1890's / 1900's England setting.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) I ain't fussy
Anything else we need to know: In action, this guy is a walking body horror, the spells explain this well.

Character Name: Yangin
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Fire Elemental
Gender expression: Appears and often confused as Male but technically Agender
Personality: Polite and eager to please
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: A large naga made from stone and lava. The plates along their body are broken up by liquid magma to allow movement. They have a collar, wrist and waist bindings which I have multiple refs on.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) I ain't fussy
Anything else we need to know:

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Rene and Kiran Yes - that would be funny because they wouldn't get along in the slightest. They'd both try to attack each other. Yang - separate.
I'm so excited for these to come back aaaaaaaaaa!!!! <333333

Character Entries

Algernon - Undead, Horror-esc

Character Name: Algernon Ashley Montague AKA Blighttongue
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR Profile | Full Gallery | Toyhouse Page
Species: Undead Human
Gender expression: Masculine
Personality: Pretty closed off, cold, calculating, ruthless - he's a mob boss and a scary one at that. Quite intelligent.
I prefer to receive: Whatever on this boy <3
Brief physical description of the character: Farmer's body (So muscular, but not necessarily defined), tall, imposing - Greyed undead skin, yellow glowing eyes with dried-blood red sclera. He tends to dress in button ups, vests, slacks, oxford-esc. shoes. His replacement jaw, made of metal, can 'unhinge' further than a natural jaw and show his ridiculously long tongue. Often found covered in a bit of blood, but also pretty cleanly when possible, so either works for him.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Dark, gritty, could be something like a dark, foreboding club scene or something similar (ex: John Wick 1) c: Nothing bright or joyous, he's a generally evil character
Anything else we need to know: Additional References
Feel free to draw him covered in blood or not (so long as it follows the rules of the trade I suppose ^^; ); He always is wearing a set of rosary beads - these might be around his neck, usually semi-hidden under his shirt, or he's dabbling with them in his hand... Also, feel free to draw him smoking a cigarette or cigar if you so desire. :)

Emora - Elf, Regal

Character Name: Emora Soulblood
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Full Gallery | Toyhouse Page
Species: Night Elf (Warcraft) - Just an elf with long ears essentially
Gender expression: Feminine
Personality: Regal, a bit ruthless and calculating, but overall not an evil character; She's just had a rough life where the way to hell was paved with good intentions... She's generally a bit emotionally closed off, but isn't necessarily a rough character either - Feel free to draw her regal and closed off or on her own enjoying the gentler things in life <3
I prefer to receive: Preference for Fullbody or Halfbody, not bust art </3
Brief physical description of the character: Hourglass curvature, regal, holds herself like a queen; Covered in random scars with small moles and beauty marks at random points on her body; Tends to wear beautiful gowns and dresses with a red/white or red/black color scheme. It's not unheard of for her to wear tiaras... Most of her jewelry is silver.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Red themed, tainted forests; Just beautiful forests in general (especially if purple-themed)
Anything else we need to know: Hmmm I don't think so :o

Ga'Kuna - Orc, Piggy pets!

Character Name: Ga'Kuna Irontusk
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR Page | Pinterest Board
Species: Orc
Gender expression: Neutral leaning towards Feminine
Personality: Comes off as gruff and rude towards humans, but compared to other orcs, she's actually really gentle and loving - she's a gentle soul who just loves piggies a whole lot <3
I prefer to receive: Anything - Fullbody is preferred, but since she doesn't have a fullbody art reference yet, something not-fullbody is totally acceptable <3
Brief physical description of the character: A slight hourglass figure, but ultimately she's rather fit and also an orc, so tends to lean towards people just seeing her lithe musculature over anything else. Tends to wear a lot of leather and furs.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Forest, Savannah-esc environments, Piggy farms!
Anything else we need to know: Ga'Kuna doesn't have a fullbody reference yet, but here is a pinterest board for clothing inspiration if it helps any!
Has a bunch of boar / wild pig pets, so feel free to draw her with one / several of those if you'd like :D
She tends to prefer bows to crossbows / guns if you decide to draw her with a weapon :o

Levi - Intelligent, Curious, Feral Character

Character Name: Anomaly 482-59-6 AKA Leviathan
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR Profile | Size Reference
Species: Unknown, but aquatic in nature
Gender expression: None
Personality: Very curious, intelligent, playful, if a bit lazy - but ultimately still an animal-esc being, so not much in the way of "Higher intelligence"
I prefer to receive: Fullbody or Bust <3
Brief physical description of the character: Long, lithe, appears more serpent like in nature if it weren't for the legs. Has two sets of legs more akin to something mammalian, save the lack of fur, and two sets of six legs more akin to something like a giant insect, though again, texture is different and more aquatic based. The use of these secondary insect-like appendages has yet to be determined aside from aiding in movement. Leviathan has ear shells, several sets of horns, fins, and a large tail that it seems to use as a weapon.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Arctic-esc environments, bee it beneath the waves in a hidden ice cave or above the waters relaxing in the snow and ice to soak up the sun c:
Anything else we need to know: Don't think so :o

Xo'En - Living galaxy, Etheral, No clothes but still SFW

Character Name: Xo'En
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR Profile | Full Gallery
Species: ??? Living Galaxy
Gender expression: Neutral leaning towards Feminine
Personality: Curious, gentle, kind, patient, but above all, curious
I prefer to receive: Fullbody
Brief physical description of the character: Slim feminine, small breasts, slim hips, soft pear shaped body; Their entire body is varying shades of purple with visible galaxies of all types, stars, shooting stars, etc. throughout their form - their hair seems to flow as if they were constantly under water. They're rather ethereal and delicate without any effort. Doesn't wear clothes, but doesn't have any visible sex characteristics either (Think Barbie doll-esc in that regard)
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Space!!!!
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to make them human-sized or unfathomably large - wanna put them next to a sun and have them be bigger than that sun? Cool! Wanna have them holding a planet? Cool! Wanna have them human sized and falling into an atmosphere? Cool! They're minimum size is 'human' (4ft tall minimum), but they don't seem to have a max height / size, so go nuts.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
No, they're all separate </3
Oh my goodness I’m so excited! I forgot ArtFight is in July, not June, so I’ve been itching for more art inspiration to weasel me out of art block and here we are!!

Oh boy character time

Character Name: Noen
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human - Somebody
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Bubbly, Excitable. Hasty and easy to befriend, but determined and unwavering.
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Noen is 4’11”, with violet, curly hair and bangs covering one eye. Her eyes are a vibrant shade of green, with thick lashes and an eager smile. She wears baggy cargo capris and a tight black cropped shirt, with a light green jacket. The chain necklace she wears is very important to her. A mechanic at heart, When not depicted with her keyblade, she can wield a tire iron and will definitely use it.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Any of the Kingdom Hearts worlds, but you’ll certainly see her in the Realm of Darkness, or Wonderland!
Anything else we need to know: Noen is a Kingdom Hearts OC!

Character Name: Marcello Esposito
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Cambion (Half Human, Half Incubus)
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Short-tempered; sly; confident; adventurous
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Marcello is albino- his skin is quite pale, his eyes cloudy pinkish/red and his hair a ghostly shade of white. His face and arms are marked with scars, which he’s usually hides under a wool cloak, though he can appear without it. Usually, Marcello controls the aspect of his transformation- and will sport a slightly too long tail, that sweeps along the ground around him when his walking stick is not on hand, to help identify the space around him.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) The woods, or any quiet, secluded places.
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to draw his demonic appearance if you want!

Character Name: Xeha
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Calm, Collected, Self Depricating; little sense of self preservation
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: He’s a bit of a himbo- tall, beefy, and a little stupid. Honey Tan skin and grey eyes, with long grey hair (grown to his hips) and a scar diagonal across his face, not to mention smaller ones littered across his built in chest, Xeha come across as a knight in everything except his withdrawn personality.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Anything snowy! He lives in the mountains alone- however he doesn’t bundle up in the snow, so feel free to experiment with his outfit! As long as it’s comfortable, he’s cool.
Anything else we need to know: When under the influence of the demonic entity in his body, Xeha’s eyes shift to gold, and his personality becomes warped- sadistic and cocky, he is willing to inflict wounds to himself in order to win. Do with this information as you please.

Character Name: Johann Sokol
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human?
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Cold; Calculating; Wicked; Has an Ego problem
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Either
Brief physical description of the character: Johann is tall and beefy, but certainly not a himbo. Standing at 6’7”, he’s 235 lbs of muscle and obsession. He is tanned, somewhere along a medium, with grey eyes and thin, black hair, sporting a strange beard. Johann usually goes shirtless, save for the heavy red cloak he wears, and wields a claymore. He can also be depicted with a black direwolf, with emerald eyes.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) cliffs, mountaintops- anywhere he can see over everything.
Anything else we need to know: He’s got an ego problem and leads a cult.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Nah, they’re all separate or their connections are very distant.
alright lets do this lmao

thar be characters

Character Name: Cinnan Fuxire
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Toyhouse and ArtFight!
Species: Fuschia-blooded Alternian troll
Gender expression: non-binary
Personality: Nervous and shy. Has a lot on their shoulders but is expressive around those they adore.
I prefer to receive: Full body!
Brief physical description of the character: Rather tall and lanky. Cinnan dresses femme to avoid suspicion but has no chest. For reference, they are non binary. If you decide to draw their eyes open, they have no pupils/iris. Any art depicted as such is in their past.
Suggested environments: Ocean and forests. Cinnan doesn't enjoy cities/busy places too often. Libraries are good too.
Anything else we need to know: A lot of their information can be gleaned off their ref and profiles. You're welcome to choose an outfit off of the art done of them or make your own, but if you do, please don't expose their grubscars (the fuschia marks on their waist) as it's ooc. Cinnan also doesn't wear ponytails plain. Don't hesitate to ask questions!

Character Name: Noccio Sirvex
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Toyhouse and ArtFight!
Species: Lime-blooded Alternian troll
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Stoic to the point of appearing cruel. Doesn't show emotion often, unless around those he likes.
I prefer to receive: Both are fine!
Brief physical description of the character: Incredibly tall. Noccio is well over 7 feet in height without counting horns. He dresses modern chic, so simple designs, like turtlenecks, long coats, and short boots are a classic.
Suggested environments: Libraries and forests. His house is basically a massive treehouse so feel free to put him in there.
Anything else we need to know: The headband and jewelry cannot be forgotten. They're all essential to his character.

Character Name: Sangris Atsennu
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: RPR, Toyhouse and ArtFight
Species: Moon Demon (Neptunian)
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Bubbly and sweet, Sangris is also incredibly naïve in certain instances as well. Always smiling and trying to put one on other's faces.
I prefer to receive: Full body!
Brief physical description of the character: Curvy and cute, his hair is incredibly long and often in a ponytail. Has no gendered limit to clothing but prefers things that are easy to move (read: fight) in. Skirts, sweaters, and other typical cute clothes are a go to. Often wears pastels due to his complexation.
Suggested environments: Libraries or parks. Sangris likes nature a lot.
Anything else we need to know: Sangris' white streak is not dye! It's natural. His eyes are galaxies and he has no pupil. With that in mind, they change color due to his emotions, so if you decide to change the color, please make sure his expression accurately reflects it.

You're totally welcome to DM me about anything! I know my characters may have some things about them that can seem confusing and I would rather just have things be cleared up instead of something large forgotten and I get upset by it.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants?

Yes! But only Noccio and Cinnan. Sangris has no connection to either of them so please don't draw them together <3
Let's give this a shot.


Character Name: Pavol
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Nyctoran - Luminary
Gender expression: Feminine/demiboy
Personality: arrogant, demanding, playful, stubborn, mischievous, vain
I prefer to receive: full body art
Brief physical description of the character: Pale, like a living diamond or light. Appears like a graceful human boy, though is a bit fem, with the head tufts and tail of a pure white peacock. Wears elegant and graceful or well tailored outfits.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Someplace bright, crystalline, clean, which denotes power and/or beauty.
Anything else we need to know: Male luminaries might be seen as cross dressers but don't wear things to actually make people think they are women. Professionally, they will wear sharp and stylish outfits that still fits male gender norms.

Character Name: Nasr
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Nyctoran - Valra
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Distant, nervous around new people, cynical towards cities and luminaries, caring towards those less fortunate, enjoys causing trouble. ( Need to update his profile )
I prefer to receive: either
Brief physical description of the character: Scrawny, human like build with raven-feet forearms and feathers growing in his hair. Where's a half shirt made of leather strips and feathers with a bird skull hanging from middle. Pants are snug with a belt which holds feathers giving the illusion of a tail. Gothic like boots with metal on them to represent raven's feet.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Dark, spooky, nightmarish themes.
Anything else we need to know: Dream Form: Looks something like a shadowy were-raven with purple glow coming from inside. Could be portrayed as a shadow. He's also a shapeshifter able to take the shape of a raven with a jagged beak, wereraven, and raven/wolf griffon. Has hollow bones and is lighter than most his height.

Character Name: Uvasi
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Nyctoran - Mranuvas
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Vain, mischievous, playful, evasive, flirty, trickster
I prefer to receive: either
Brief physical description of the character: Looks like a dark kitsune or fox spirit, human with fox ears and 3-9 tails. Fur is black and fades into purple, tipping off with an eerie blue. Has iridescent eyes of blue and purple. Not keen on wearing clothing that covers too much of his body. Often hides face behind a black kitsune mask with purple and blue markings and may pull it aside to reveal one eye or half his face.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) A dark forest with eerie yet delightful asian-like charms and talismans hanging about or someplace that suits his flirty side.
Anything else we need to know: Uvasi can create clones of himself with his fox fire. He may be a flirt but he can be an equally cruel trickster. His mask doesn't have to be on but if it is, it can change it's expression.

Character Name: Gavin
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Human - Zaiver Kru
Gender expression: Male
Personality: quiet, family orientated, thoughtful, protective, curious
I prefer to receive: either
Brief physical description of the character: Looks like a ghostly pale teenager with hair and eyes like ice. Wears baggy jeans and a black hoodie which hides ice spikes/horns on the top of his head. Other draconic features include sharp teeth, claws, and a tail.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background): A wintry landscape or coliseum
Anything else we need to know: He can use ice to create armor, wings, and other things to help him fight or defend.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Yes. Pavol has issued a hunt to wipe out Valra but Nasr has made it a personal goal to destroy/annoy Luminaries. In short Pavol with any of the dark Nyctorans, Nasr or Uvasi, could be fun.
Nasr and Uvasi could find kinship in their dark element but the the Valra's love of weaving nightmares vs the Mranuvas' flirty nature could be an interesting scenario.
Gavin isn't apart of Nyctoria but might be fun to see his caring and naive nature paired with Uvasi's love of being pampered and mischievous mind.
I'm excited to see who I get matched to!

Only these characters can be drawn together

Character Name: Victoria Delaney
Link to Character's RPR profile
Species: Human
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Firey, Work Obsessed, S-Class, Very Intelligent, and desperate to prove her superiority in her field (robotics).
Brief physical description: Victoria is an average height for a human female with red hair, faint freckles, and a slightly muscular build from her current work in the military. Please see profile for images of outfit inspo. She has blue eyes and often wears high heels.
Suggested environments: Asleep at work desk, working on wiring or programming, at an award ceremony having a badge pinned to her suit, at a Dinner date with Lewis
Additional Information: Victoria is the #1 up-and-comer in the robotics field of Thornico, and is work-focused to the point of obsession. She was neglected as a child and now neglects her adult relationships, namely her romantic relationship with Lewis Garret.

Character Name: Lewis Garret
Link to Character's RPR profile
Species: Human
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Lewis is has a short temper and is very possessive of his Girlfriend, Victoria. He likes jokes and a hard drink with lunch, dinner, and in between, every day. He also has diagnosed pyromania.
Brief physical description: Tall, brown haired, blue eyed. Very muscular from his time in Thornico. Arms are covered in burns from his favored weaponry, and the left side of his face is disfigured from an explosion.
Suggested environments: Sitting on couch with beer, sitting in shower with beer, cooking with beer. At a shooting range or cleaning a weapon. At dinner or beach with Victoria.
Additional Information:He was an important, advanced soldier in Thornico and finally recently retired after 30 years of service. Loves his girlfriend and will make sure you know it.

Only these characters can be drawn together

Character Name:Kai'ino Puahiohio
Link to Character's RPR profile
Species: Human
Gender expression:Female
Personality: Kai'ino is a spoiled S-Class socialite. She sucks on the silver spoon, even after a 10 year cryosleep and waking up in a post apocalyptic wasteland.
Brief physical description:Kai'ino is short and very curvy with a flat chest. Her father was african-american and her mother was asian, and she has warm toned skin, grey eyes, and a splash of vitiligo over her nose. Her hair is very close textured and she wears it naturally, when possible, or else in protective braids with all-natural styling products (She does not, under any circumstances, have straight hair, even in 'just for fun' art)
Suggested environments: Sleeping in a cryopod, Gathered around a campfire, shooting sniper rifle. Seated beside Oliver, perhaps pre-apocalypse, at a dinner table. Sitting on the hood of her brand new sports car, pre-apocalypse.
Additional Information: Kai'ino is very spoiled and doesn't allow anyone to backtalk her or treat her as anything less than an S-Class. She had 3 boyfriends before being partnered, but settled monogamously with Oliver with minimal tears involved. She is the life of the party and Keeps Oliver on his toes, she has all the charisma he lacks.

Character Name: Oliver Josin
Link to Character's RPR profile
Species: Human
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Oliver is intelligent and somewhat reserved. Even before the apocalypse, he allowed Kai'ino to fight his fights for him, and now Oliver is the only person who can calm down his spitfire. He's the brains of the group.
Brief physical description: Oliver is German/Middle eastern descent. He has olive toned skin, blue eyes, wears glasses, and has a nuclear relay watch pipboy that he always wears. When Kai'ino decided what he wears, he looks very put together, and she keeps him shaved and trimmed.
Suggested environments: Asleep in cryopod, working on engine of a car, putting together a ridicilously large gun. Pre-apocalypse, perhaps standing to have his clothes fitted, or sitting alone in a pool/hottub with Kai'ino
Additional Information: Oliver's family is B-Class and he never expected to get partnered with the popular Puahiohio daughter. His mother is a city-famous seamstress. Oliver worked in the Nuclear plant and only missed that day of work because Kai'ino kept him out late the night before, drinking and partying.

These characters can only be standalone

Character Name: June Mayberry
Link to Character's RPR profile
Species: Half-Faun
Gender expression: Female
Personality: June is friendly and sweet! She loves nature and generally likes meeting new people.
Brief physical description: June has curly brown hair, hazel eyes, and many freckles on tan skin. She has short curved rams horns and goat ears, but her body is otherwise completely human. She has a modern version and a fantasy version, details on profile.
Suggested environments: Model photoshoot, Magazine cover, Movie poster, sitting at pool... Sitting at bar, singing with lute, doing magic
Additional Information: June has a Fantasy version and a Modern version, They are VERY different.

Character Name: Ida Arthur
Link to Character's RPR profile
Species: Human
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Ida is very friendly and playful. She loves flirting with men! She's dumb as a bag of bricks, and refuses to believe that she has the capacity to be a great mage. Her magic is harnessed by passing pearls to a 'magical fish' and wishing for items.
Brief physical description: Ida is short and chubby with blonde hair and brown eyes. She often has sunburn and a few sparse freckles. A portion of her right iris has begun to turn blue and lights up neon when she's doing magic. She is a pirate and dresses like it, sometimes.
Suggested environments: On a ship, on a beach, doing magic, shucking oysters
Additional Information: Ida will one day be a great mage, and will specialize in summoned weapons!

Characters are listed in order of preference for each collapse, i.e. I prefer Victoria over Lewis. I have absolutely no preference about how my characters are presented (Full/Bust/Etc). If you have any questions or need someone to give you advice please ask ThornDrayton about the
FEMALES ONLY, he is intimately familiar with the characters presented here.
Ilmarinen Moderator

Awwwwwww YISS!

Character Name: Magnus Mortlock
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: (the top image on the page is his best reference)
Species: human
Gender expression: masculine
Personality: Fun-loving and vain with a confidence bordering on cockiness. He's the friend who will drag you on 5 AM jogs.
I prefer to receive: Anything!
Brief physical description of the character: He's stacked. Just totally hench, brah. Mesomorphic and massively muscled. He has tanned skin and blond hair (mostly hidden under a bandana), and his attire is cool and sporty. Often seen wearing shades and a gold chain.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Training at a gym, or training his Pokemon! Or lounging on the beach.
Anything else we need to know: Magnus's main team is Machoke, Jolteon, and Steelix!

Character Name: Sivwikkas
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: isswas (bipedal four-armed alien)
Gender expression: androgynous
Personality: Nervous and naive to a fault. They constantly worry about how they are perceived by their peers and superiors, and desperately want to prove themself as competent. Very intelligent, but perhaps not very wise.
I prefer to receive: Anything!
Brief physical description of the character: A diminutive vaguely-amphibian alien with four arms and a worried smile. Triple-bulbed antennae as well as color changing spots always make it particularly obvious how they're feeling.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Academia, space stations, anything sci-fi or hackery.
Anything else we need to know: Feel free to reinterpret their outfits! The black caps on their toes are like little shoes. I haven't fully decided all the details of their color changing ability, so you can interpret that if you'd like.

Character Name: Gullintanni/Heimdall
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: dragon
Gender expression: none/agender
Personality: Stoic and sleepy. It enjoys riddles, and can be quite impish when the mood strikes it.
I prefer to receive: Anything!
Brief physical description of the character: A colossal black dragon with beady grey eyes, ram's horns, and thick, spiky scales. Occasionally its scales are carved or inset with gemstones. It wears a gold ring around its left ring finger.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Anywhere! The dragon is my mascot/online persona, so it can be depicted in ways that seem "out of character," such as sitting at a computer, etc.
Anything else we need to know: It no longer wears the Thor's hammer pendant.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your characters to be drawn together if the artist wants?: No thank you!
Oh this sounds like fun! Are we allowed to request characters we don't have a profile for yet? If they have to be on here that's okay too!
I'm excited about this!! It looks really fun.

Character Name: Old God
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: (Visual reference is also included)
Species: Deity (They take the form of an anthro cat)
Gender expression: Mostly neutral, though she leans somewhat to feminine expression. Character uses she/they pronouns.
Personality: Rather serious and solemn, they tend to be rather guarded and closed-off, more likely than not. Unfortunately not very good at bonding with people.
I prefer to receive: Any is fine!
Brief physical description of the character: A lavender anthropomorphic cat with two darker purple horns and a white halo. They wear a white gown that eventually turns black, and they have one feathery wing and one bat-like wing. Additionally, they have one fluffy tail and one impish tail to compliment this.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background): I personally recommend anything with stark contrast to each other, or angelic/demonic theming, but no worries if that's not possible!
Anything else we need to know: She uses light and dark magic, and additionally, she is very tall, around 8 ft.

Character Name: Moonwisp
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: (Visual reference is here!)
Species: Fairykin (original species I made up, still working on the info, sorry about that)
Gender expression: Neutral! Character is female and uses she/her but she's just vibing.
Personality: She is a very sarcastic folk, liking to also mess around and generally rather sly. She does have good intentions, but good luck on getting her to speak straight, not be sarcastic, or even be serious.
I prefer to receive: Any is fine!
Brief physical description of the character: She is a light-blue furred bipedal creature with fennec-like ears and galaxy ear tufts. On the ends of her limbs and and ears are somewhat more purple, her eyes a dark blue with light undertones. She is about as fluffy as a winter leopard, her hair never being less than long. She has a small tail that is the same color as the rest of her fur. She additionally has some golden metal pieces around her waist and shoulders.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background): Anything galaxy-themed works good for her!
Anything else we need to know: She has the ability to warp wherever she pleases, at least if she knows where she's generally going. The portals should be in her ref!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no):
Sure!! Both are acquaintances with each other while Moonwisp can sometimes get under Old God's skin, so feel free to do so!.
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

FishyFrisk wrote:
Oh this sounds like fun! Are we allowed to request characters we don't have a profile for yet? If they have to be on here that's okay too!
If you have a very thorough description of them, I'm okay with it.
Character Name: Alex
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Click here! He has an RPR but there is mature artwork on it.
Species: Anthro Tiger
Gender expression: Cismale
Personality: Soft, gentle, kind.
I prefer to receive: Whatever goes!
Brief physical description of the character: Best shown in his ref - short and thin with gentle, youthful features. He is, notably, an adult. Just a very small one!
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background): He can be drawn either 1600-1700's era or modern - I've included some refs for both.
Anything else we need to know: He does not have a full tail anymore as shown in his main ref - the modern one at the bottom (in the blue sweater) where it's a bit more than a stump is accurate. He has quite humanoid features for an anthro character so hopefully he's not too much trouble!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no):
Just the one character!
Ooooh, this looks exciting!

Character Name: Hades
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Demon
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Friendly and outgoing, albeit a little scatterbrained.
I prefer to receive: Either!
Brief physical description of the character: Hades is anthro, mostly resembling a cat with bird talons for feet. Her fur is primarily orange, her underbelly, nose bridge and talons are yellow, while her arms and legs are black. She has a shaggy mane of red fur, and freckles on her face. Don't forget the horns and tail!
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) A dark forest, please!
Anything else we need to know: There's a fullbody image on her profile (in the Guest Area), if you need a better reference than the one I've given! Also, if you struggle with drawing her fur markings, you can draw her in a pink nightgown instead!

Character Name: Mixie
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Species: Demon
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Voracious, aggressive, and deranged. Normally comes off as charismatic or happy, though don't let her twisted clown smile fool you.
I prefer to receive: Either!
Brief physical description of the character: Short and thin. Has yellow hair, black horns, and pointed ears. Has four arms and gray werewolf legs. She has red eyes, pale skin, and a long black demon tail. Clothing-wise, she wears a black crop top and shorts, along with a yellow jacket with short sleeves.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Something dark and creepy!
Anything else we need to know: This is completely optional, but if you'd like to draw some blood and body horror, then feel free to do so! Also, while she doesn't have a fullbody image on her profile yet, I do intend on adding one, so keep your eyes peeled!

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants (yes or no)
Go ahead! Both characters are acquaintances; Hades is a bit more on the friendly side.
Let's give this a try!

Scion of the Reaper, The Man in Red, Reaver
Character Name: Vexel Sparrow
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Gaze upon, and despair...
Species: Human/Ethereal Being
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Brooding, mysterious. Filled with Edge. Go wild!
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Any!
Brief physical description of the character: A tall, thin man often seen in a red/maroon two piece suit. Always covers his face in a metal mask depicting a simple line for a mouth, and two narrow, furrowed eyes.
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Just about any environment. Reaver gets about!
Anything else we need to know: Being mysterious and ambiguous is his forte, life as an immortal gets rather dull when you're always to the point. Only his lost wife and his beloved daughter, Hailey, has ever seen his face, and he fully intends to maintain that. Also very fond of tea.


Blessed by Antigamus, Traveller of Universes, Bird-brain
Character Name:Angeliko Skylight
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials: Make sure to bow! He's a king, after all...
Species: Angelic
Gender expression: Male
Personality: Adventurous, hot-headed, arrogant
I prefer to receive: (full body art/bust/either) Any!
Brief physical description of the character: At a quick glance, Angel looks like a human. Two arms, two legs, a head. But the first distinct difference is the two bird-like wings sprouting from his shoulder blades. Or, rather singular wing. He lost one and he's had a robotic replacement. Arm too! His angelic heritage also gives him a natural wacky hair colour, white with green flecks. He lost his left eye after an attack against a mechanical tiger!
Suggested environments (if the artist feels like adding a background) Both fantasy and sci-fi style backgrounds work. He used to live in a sci-fi world, before being transported to a more fantastical one.
Anything else we need to know: He loves his wife very much! Many years in the military gives him some good weapon skills, but something about swords just won't click with him. Because of that, punching things tends to work more in his favor.

As a note, I would request that these characters not be drawn together. Reaver has no interest in Angeliko, and Angeliko doesn't know Reaver exists beyond myths and ghost stories.

If you have questions about these characters, don't hesitate to ask Laineie! She is intimately familiar with these characters, and knows just as much as I do about them!
Sounds super exciting! While I have created none of the art for my characters, I have reference images of them on their pages!

Character Name: Abigail Welsh
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Her preferred appearance! But her page is here.
Species: Nekomimi (Mostly human with cat ears on top of her head and a fluffy tail behind her)
Gender expression: Female
Personality: Abigail is pretty timid, but enjoys doing her best to try and help others. A cheerful being.
I prefer to receive: Either full body or bust!
Brief physical description of the character: Abigail isn't very tall, about 5 feet 4 inches. Her long hair is a rosy pink, matching in color with her wide and innocent hues. She typically tends to wear flowy dresses that don't really show off her figure all that much (cozy baggy sweaters work too). Because she tends to be timid her gestures are never very exaggerated and she often keeps to herself.
Suggested environments: (if the artist feels like adding a background)Abigail likes cozy places!
Anything else we need to know: Abigail is mostly human. The only animal like additions she has to her are her ears and tail. You can dress her up as you wish, though she typically tends to wear long dresses that don't really show off her figure as she is self conscious. Baggy sweaters work too!

Character Name: Moe Crockett
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Moe's reference image. I will also link her page but there may be some uncomfortable/ mature themes in her bio so beware.
Her page.
Species: Fallen Angel. Mostly human but sometimes shows off her angel wings behind her.
Gender expression: Female
Personality:Moe is innocent and a bit naïve. She tends to be very motherly and likes caring for others.
I prefer to receive: Either full body or bust!
Brief physical description of the character: Moe, despite her old age, appears rather youthful. Her body is thin and frail. Moe normally wears dresses that are white in color. A long scarf is attached at her neck. She is only five feet tall and tends to have a rather blank expression on her face (maybe a small smile).
Suggested environments: (if the artist feels like adding a background)Moe likes tall places, or nature scenes.
Anything else we need to know:Moe isn't very expressive unless she is being motherly. Her hair is short , waving around her face and neck.

My friends character who I would love to see art for. Hope that's okay~.
Character Name: Vermillion
Link to Character's RPR profile or other reference materials:
Vermillion's reference image but his website is here
Species: Humanoid. (Is actually an alien)
Gender expression: Male.
Personality:Is described as " Obedient and respectful, but also has a constant disposition of being anti-social as he's an alien trying to fit into human society. He can become very friendly and loyal to those that gain his trust."
I prefer to receive: Either full body or bust!
Brief physical description of the character: Vermillion is just about 6 feet tall, appearing to be around 20-23. He has short red hair, his eyes matching in this same red color. He tends to wear casual clothes- so long as they consist of mostly red, black or white!
Suggested environments: (if the artist feels like adding a background)Vermillion could be seen anywhere.
Anything else we need to know:Despite being an alien he appears human. He actually has a bit more muscle then the reference image shows. He normally only wears red, black and sometimes white.

If you've listed more than one character, is it okay for your
characters to be drawn together if the artist wants:

Abigail and Vermillion are very close. Despite her timid nature she admires his courage and strength. I would love <3 to see them together.

Abigail and Moe could get along, so sure!

Moe and Vermillion: They do not know each other so I would prefer them not be drawn together!!
Kim Topic Starter Site Admin

Just a reminder, you have until Saturday to sign up. FRIDAY is the last day to get your entry in!

You are on: Forums » Art & Creativity » Annual Summer Art Trade Returns!

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Auberon, Claine, Sanne, Dragonfire, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus