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Forums » Forum Games » What are you eating? Character edition!

Yeah, what do they eat? Additionally, when and where, and do they have company?

Did they make it or hunt it themselves? Is it a favorite or something they don't enjoy at all?
Rene (played by Leighoflight)

“Jude, who was that last guy we ate? I can’t remember…wasn’t much on him to share between two…”

Boletti (Imperial pepperettes) and cherry tomatoes

Marc's favorite snack.
Ruin (played anonymously)

"I am in England. Good old Fish and Chips!"

Jude (played by Banshee) Topic Starter

"That scrawny, clueless dude? Was I supposed to ask his name? I'll keep an eye out for missing-posters in Russell..."
Kiran (played by Leighoflight)

“Whole roast pheasant with roast potatoes, root veg and a fruit jelly then almost 3/4 of a cherry pie and herbal tea.

I regret my choices…”
Geist (played by hexblading)

"A bar of chocolate. Yes, the entire bar."
Salem Lynch (played by Banshee) Topic Starter

"I am having herbal tea and home-made bisquits with my book this afternoon."
Ciira (played by fiesch)

"A heart, fresh from the chest....what? Why are you looking at me like that?"
Allan (played anonymously)

“Whatever I can find thats free. Sandwiches, pigeons, the neighbours cat but they are too hard to catch….the neighbour however is a lot slower…”
Fred (played anonymously)

"Hey Allan, I recently discovered it's not socially acceptable to eat live animals in public. Just a fair warning...

More on that topic, I got a delivery man with my pizza!"
Iskandar (played by hexblading)

"Hunter's stew, I'm having it at this inn. There's hare and lots of roots in it, but there I can still taste some ****ing bacon in it. Spoils the flavour. Hate it so damned much, but hey, it's always a gamble with Hunter's stew." He said, stirring a bowl of thick soup. It was clear he was sick of the taste, but didn't want to waste the money that went into buying the food. "****ing bacon."

"Wait, what was that about someone's cat?"
Allan (played anonymously)

"Is it socially acceptable to eat the neighbours alive in public?"

"I'll have the pizza if you don't want it"
Brynjar (played anonymously)

*currently chewing on a half a dear carcass in werebear form* Hmm? *casually takes pizza and eats it too*
IB15 (played anonymously)

Attracted by the scent of carrion, the creature not-so-subtly drags away the deer carcass while its previous owner is busy eating stolen pizza.
Fred (played anonymously)

*in a passive-aggressive tone of voice*

"You all seen to like pizza more than I do. Help yourselves."
Allan (played anonymously)

"But if we order more pizza for them then theres more delivery guys..."
Jessica Rivera (played anonymously)

“I made a fish tagine as four of my daughters are going to be over!”
Azura'ellys (played anonymously)

Azura raises an eyebrow, caught in middle of chewing her veggie wrap, but does not make any comments.
Nanaue (played by randomentity777)

"I eat nom nom." It was unclear exactly what Nanaue had been eating, but it was at one point part of a person.

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