“I haven’t yet, no. Just got here myself.” he smiles politely as he watches the illusion magic at work “Very impressive.” he nods to the magic on display “Sometimes I feel restricted in my own training, it’s not the most useful in everyday situations. I have a friend who can cast illusion magic and other cantrips, seems to have no end of applications.”
He stopped to consider that he used his magic on a very regular basis, his home realm wasn’t a particularly friendly one but nor was it complete hostility non stop.
Looking around to see if there were any other vendors that may catch his attention. Something off-world to take home with him rather than something commonly found anywhere. “I might look for a leatherworker of some sort….” muttering out loud to no one in particular “Maybe bags…weapons…jewellery…” Turning his head back to Cornelius with a smile “Anything your particularly interested in?”
He stopped to consider that he used his magic on a very regular basis, his home realm wasn’t a particularly friendly one but nor was it complete hostility non stop.
Looking around to see if there were any other vendors that may catch his attention. Something off-world to take home with him rather than something commonly found anywhere. “I might look for a leatherworker of some sort….” muttering out loud to no one in particular “Maybe bags…weapons…jewellery…” Turning his head back to Cornelius with a smile “Anything your particularly interested in?”
Certain spells are cast as people discuss topics, demonstrating a concept being described or presenting descriptive representations of creatures, objects, and processes. Unfortunately, however, the general consensus seems to be that the event is more of an open-attendance, light-spirited industry conference or convention than a festival. That said, plenty of people seem interested in answering questions and using various tools to make their explanations, so it's possible that talking to people could be a very good source of entertainment with the help of a few questions and a bit of boldness.
Laralute realizes this is more of what humans might call an academic event as opposed to party. She'd heard of such places as wizard schools where humans, gnomes, elves, and others go to study the art of magic. Many wizards liked to get into in-depth studies of the arcane formulas and theories behind how magic worked. This was how new spells were created and learned. As Laralute moved about, she heard someone discussing how they had channeled particular spell components and implements for a new spell they were researching. BORING!
There were other types of magic users, though. Some used their magic for entertaining purposes such as bards. Someone like that might be fun to talk to. Some bards used song, dance, and even instruments to invoke magic. Maybe she could find someone dressed in colorful performing attire that would easily identify them as such a person. Alternately, she might find another fey like herself. Laralute concentrated on keeping her eye out for someone like that who might be able to make a more interesting conversation beyond theory and spell components.
Laralute realizes this is more of what humans might call an academic event as opposed to party. She'd heard of such places as wizard schools where humans, gnomes, elves, and others go to study the art of magic. Many wizards liked to get into in-depth studies of the arcane formulas and theories behind how magic worked. This was how new spells were created and learned. As Laralute moved about, she heard someone discussing how they had channeled particular spell components and implements for a new spell they were researching. BORING!
There were other types of magic users, though. Some used their magic for entertaining purposes such as bards. Someone like that might be fun to talk to. Some bards used song, dance, and even instruments to invoke magic. Maybe she could find someone dressed in colorful performing attire that would easily identify them as such a person. Alternately, she might find another fey like herself. Laralute concentrated on keeping her eye out for someone like that who might be able to make a more interesting conversation beyond theory and spell components.
In spite of himself, Cornelius’s pale face flushes a little and his smile takes on a somewhat smug quality. “Thank you. Illusions indeed have a wide variety of applications. So do many forms of magic, provided,” he lightly taps his forehead with his pointer finger, “you can put your mind to it.”
While he waits for Emi to finish taking measurements, Cornelius eyes the neighboring vendors with a passive interest while listening to the tattooed mage. The moment Kiran’s question graces his ears, his brows furrow and he hums a low, solitary note as he thinks about how to answer.
“Well, actually, an acquaintance of mine may be among the academic demonstrations at this hour. I’ve agreed to meet with her and exchange notes, perhaps attend some of the other lectures given I find the time. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in joining me? We may find a demonstration or two that’ll open your eyes to more...varied applications of your skills, as I hope they will do for mine. Speaking of...“ the curious head tilt returns. “What is, exactly, your field of expertise?”
While he waits for Emi to finish taking measurements, Cornelius eyes the neighboring vendors with a passive interest while listening to the tattooed mage. The moment Kiran’s question graces his ears, his brows furrow and he hums a low, solitary note as he thinks about how to answer.
“Well, actually, an acquaintance of mine may be among the academic demonstrations at this hour. I’ve agreed to meet with her and exchange notes, perhaps attend some of the other lectures given I find the time. I don’t suppose you’d be interested in joining me? We may find a demonstration or two that’ll open your eyes to more...varied applications of your skills, as I hope they will do for mine. Speaking of...“ the curious head tilt returns. “What is, exactly, your field of expertise?”
He listens carefully to Cornelius and giving some well timed nods to show he’s paying attention, having his practitioner face on at the moment.
The idea of lectures and academic demonstrations did not interest him in the slightest. Be it past bad experience with his own educational history or more keen to go shopping he politely shook his head. “I think I will look for a leatherworker or jewellery first then I wouldn’t mind seeing if I can practice a new spell or two!” Going home with a new spell would be something he was interested in.
At the mention of his own field of expertise he hesitated for a moment, an ingrained reaction. “It’s a form of life magic..” still keeping up the nice description of it and pulling his arms behind his back out of embarrassment.
“And yourself?-“ quickly changing the subject. While he knew he was free to talk here it was still unfamiliar to speak so openly about his art. “Is it Illusion magic for you as your main school?"
The idea of lectures and academic demonstrations did not interest him in the slightest. Be it past bad experience with his own educational history or more keen to go shopping he politely shook his head. “I think I will look for a leatherworker or jewellery first then I wouldn’t mind seeing if I can practice a new spell or two!” Going home with a new spell would be something he was interested in.
At the mention of his own field of expertise he hesitated for a moment, an ingrained reaction. “It’s a form of life magic..” still keeping up the nice description of it and pulling his arms behind his back out of embarrassment.
“And yourself?-“ quickly changing the subject. While he knew he was free to talk here it was still unfamiliar to speak so openly about his art. “Is it Illusion magic for you as your main school?"
Laralute wandered around observing different beings interact, discussing magic, and demonstrating their craft. After a little while, she realized as fascinating as this strange world was, it was time for her to get back to her forest. Laralute reverted to her normal pixie form and took flight. She made her way back to one of the waiting wizards near the station to inquire about how she should go about returning home.
OOC: Thanks for hosting! It was a lot of fun, but I have a busy week ahead and need to start wrapping things up here.
OOC: Thanks for hosting! It was a lot of fun, but I have a busy week ahead and need to start wrapping things up here.
Knocking on the door to the station, or just buzzing around at the door enough, gets the attention of one of the spellcasters inside. The heavy-jawed, grey skinned creature gives a friendly smile as they open the door and ask, "Hey there, how can I lend a hand? Need a ride back now, or do you need to pre-plan something particular for your trip back later?"
Kiran and Cornelius:
Emi pipes up as they work, replying to Kiran's intent to look for new spells. "It may be a touch more complex to find a spell of your liking here than you would expect, dear customer. I'm sure many here would be willing to try and teach such things, possibly even this other fine patron of mine," they nod to Cornelius, "but the wit of a joke in a foreign language is easily lost, even if one is a most masterful fool or player. It is not impossible to learn the words, cadence, and intonations by rote, but it may still feel awfully strange to the tongue. In any case, I wish you luck. Perhaps you will find spells in the logic of your home here, if you are fortunate." They then tuck their eyepiece away and return to their sewing.
Knocking on the door to the station, or just buzzing around at the door enough, gets the attention of one of the spellcasters inside. The heavy-jawed, grey skinned creature gives a friendly smile as they open the door and ask, "Hey there, how can I lend a hand? Need a ride back now, or do you need to pre-plan something particular for your trip back later?"
No worries, and thank you! ^v^ I've admittedly been less active than I would like this week, stuff came up work-side and kinda whammied me. @v@ Good luck dealing with whatever's rolling up on you!
We'll need a couple passes to get this finished up, but I actually have time and am not completely drained right now, so it shouldn't take too long.

Kiran and Cornelius:
Emi pipes up as they work, replying to Kiran's intent to look for new spells. "It may be a touch more complex to find a spell of your liking here than you would expect, dear customer. I'm sure many here would be willing to try and teach such things, possibly even this other fine patron of mine," they nod to Cornelius, "but the wit of a joke in a foreign language is easily lost, even if one is a most masterful fool or player. It is not impossible to learn the words, cadence, and intonations by rote, but it may still feel awfully strange to the tongue. In any case, I wish you luck. Perhaps you will find spells in the logic of your home here, if you are fortunate." They then tuck their eyepiece away and return to their sewing.
more OOC!
Because everyone at the event thinks about magic so differently, learning new spells might be an adventure. Some people visualize runes, understanding their meaning, some see any spell as a balance of the focus of bodily fluids/humors, some experience magic as precise gestures and words, and a couple see it as series of complex (as in using real and imaginary axes) wave functions put through elaborate differential equations and transforms. Figuring out how Kiran thinks about magic, how magic is understood back home, might be helpful. ~v^
Kiran focused and listened carefully to Emi’s words, which did make a lot of logical sense.
“Spells in the logic of my home….” he repeated quietly to himself and thought long and hard about it. “From what I was taught magic is sourced from all the non-physical aspects of the world, like emotions as a very basic example…-“ he then looks rather sheepish “I must admit I’ve forgotten all the academic explanations on magic…It’s rather automatic now to go into that mindset and intention to cast that it’s there when I need it…” At a loss for words he stared up at the sky, as if the answers were there, they weren’t.
“Most of my spells are prepared and ready to go, they just need to be struck to activate” figuratively and literally speaking. “Like having a match box and match, it’s there, ready, just needs an action to put the two together….I’m sorry, I’ll stop rambling!”
“If you need to go attend your friend’s demonstration then by no means let me take up more of your time!”
“Spells in the logic of my home….” he repeated quietly to himself and thought long and hard about it. “From what I was taught magic is sourced from all the non-physical aspects of the world, like emotions as a very basic example…-“ he then looks rather sheepish “I must admit I’ve forgotten all the academic explanations on magic…It’s rather automatic now to go into that mindset and intention to cast that it’s there when I need it…” At a loss for words he stared up at the sky, as if the answers were there, they weren’t.
“Most of my spells are prepared and ready to go, they just need to be struck to activate” figuratively and literally speaking. “Like having a match box and match, it’s there, ready, just needs an action to put the two together….I’m sorry, I’ll stop rambling!”
“If you need to go attend your friend’s demonstration then by no means let me take up more of your time!”
Knocking on the door to the station, or just buzzing around at the door enough, gets the attention of one of the spellcasters inside. The heavy-jawed, grey skinned creature gives a friendly smile as they open the door and ask, "Hey there, how can I lend a hand? Need a ride back now, or do you need to pre-plan something particular for your trip back later?"
"I think I'm good to go now," Laralute replied. "It was lots of fun, but I really need to get back home. Maybe like not this very moments, but pretty soon! I don't want to be missed or anything."
"I think I'm good to go now," Laralute replied. "It was lots of fun, but I really need to get back home. Maybe like not this very moments, but pretty soon! I don't want to be missed or anything."
"I completely understand," the mage says with a nod, "When you are ready to go, please let me know. I will need you to clearly focus on your destination in your mind. An image, scent, specific sound, or general emotional state you experience in that place will do. That will be enough for me to target the spell. It's a very straightforward process."
Whenever she's ready, she can be swiftly teleported back home with minimal effort.
"I completely understand," the mage says with a nod, "When you are ready to go, please let me know. I will need you to clearly focus on your destination in your mind. An image, scent, specific sound, or general emotional state you experience in that place will do. That will be enough for me to target the spell. It's a very straightforward process."
Whenever she's ready, she can be swiftly teleported back home with minimal effort.
Cornelius is now very deliberately paying close attention to Kiran’s body language. Strange, how reluctant he seems to discuss his field of study. Does it embarrass him? Or is it shame? Maybe fear? Perhaps his practices are frowned upon in his homeworld.
So the mage wonders...what is “life magic” to Kiran? Healing? Surely not. That branch of magic has so many very vital everyday applications that it doesn’t quite line up with his previous comments. Perhaps he means necromancy? That, Cornelius could see as a taboo topic, even among other practitioners of magic.
He similarly considers specific applications of terramancy, alchemy, and the acceleration of plant growth or the manipulation of literal “life forces” before he runs out of theories.
So in pursuit of a more elaborate answer, he tries to pique Kiran’s curiosity in turn, “My field of study is actually quite broad. Illusions are among my primary spells, but so is alchemy, shapeshifting, and, erm, some abilities which you may consider more…primal.”
He lets the tailor have their say, offers them his thanks, and leaves his payment on the counter.
“I’m in no hurry,” he says to Kiran, “I actually recall her mentioning she’d not have her lecture until the end of the event. By all means,” his smile spreads to his eyes now, which are slightly narrowed as he peers down at the young man over his wire-rimmed glasses. “Do continue rambling! In a way, that’s what I am here for- I seek experience which I could not discover without leaving my homeworld.”
His eyes go back to scanning the hall of vendors. They widen slightly as he catches sight of this bushel of silvery tails, attached to a familiar form at the other end of the stalls.
“Ah, speak of the blight,” he mutters to himself.
So the mage wonders...what is “life magic” to Kiran? Healing? Surely not. That branch of magic has so many very vital everyday applications that it doesn’t quite line up with his previous comments. Perhaps he means necromancy? That, Cornelius could see as a taboo topic, even among other practitioners of magic.
He similarly considers specific applications of terramancy, alchemy, and the acceleration of plant growth or the manipulation of literal “life forces” before he runs out of theories.
So in pursuit of a more elaborate answer, he tries to pique Kiran’s curiosity in turn, “My field of study is actually quite broad. Illusions are among my primary spells, but so is alchemy, shapeshifting, and, erm, some abilities which you may consider more…primal.”
He lets the tailor have their say, offers them his thanks, and leaves his payment on the counter.
“I’m in no hurry,” he says to Kiran, “I actually recall her mentioning she’d not have her lecture until the end of the event. By all means,” his smile spreads to his eyes now, which are slightly narrowed as he peers down at the young man over his wire-rimmed glasses. “Do continue rambling! In a way, that’s what I am here for- I seek experience which I could not discover without leaving my homeworld.”
His eyes go back to scanning the hall of vendors. They widen slightly as he catches sight of this bushel of silvery tails, attached to a familiar form at the other end of the stalls.
“Ah, speak of the blight,” he mutters to himself.
Kiran nods as he listens “I have a…friend?-“ he wasn’t quite sure on that one “Who’s quite skilled in illusions, very useful magic.” He then took the bait “Primal magic..? as it what way?”
He looked around the environment, having no clue as to when this event was ending but he wanted to at least hit one more stall before then. Or even collect his clothes before he left. Attention returned to Cornelius with a hesitant smile “I’m sorry, it’s engrained in me now not to speak of my skills so openly. What I practice carries the death sentence if your caught using it around the wrong people…”
Back home there was a whole community, while they didn’t practice it, if he used it before them they wouldn’t tell on him. A case of each party having incriminating evidence on the other.
More than happy to change the subject, he looked off in the direction that Cornelius was facing and muttering to himself “Is everything alright?”
He looked around the environment, having no clue as to when this event was ending but he wanted to at least hit one more stall before then. Or even collect his clothes before he left. Attention returned to Cornelius with a hesitant smile “I’m sorry, it’s engrained in me now not to speak of my skills so openly. What I practice carries the death sentence if your caught using it around the wrong people…”
Back home there was a whole community, while they didn’t practice it, if he used it before them they wouldn’t tell on him. A case of each party having incriminating evidence on the other.
More than happy to change the subject, he looked off in the direction that Cornelius was facing and muttering to himself “Is everything alright?”
"I completely understand," the mage says with a nod, "When you are ready to go, please let me know. I will need you to clearly focus on your destination in your mind. An image, scent, specific sound, or general emotional state you experience in that place will do. That will be enough for me to target the spell. It's a very straightforward process."
Laralute took another look around, pausing to admire the train station. She knew she would probably never see anything like this again, but she needed to get back home. She'd seen a lot of strange and wonderful places, most quite by accident. This would be yet another memory of her travels. After a moment she nodded. "Okay, I'm ready," she announced. She closed her eyes and focused on her forest. She pictured the blackberry grove where she picked berries, the tall towering trees where her people lived, and the scents of the flowers. It only took her a moment to get the picture in her head. She nodded to the mage that she had a strong picture of her destination.
OOC: Thanks for hosting! I have a busy rest of the week and I don't know that I'll have a chance to post again before the event ends.
Laralute took another look around, pausing to admire the train station. She knew she would probably never see anything like this again, but she needed to get back home. She'd seen a lot of strange and wonderful places, most quite by accident. This would be yet another memory of her travels. After a moment she nodded. "Okay, I'm ready," she announced. She closed her eyes and focused on her forest. She pictured the blackberry grove where she picked berries, the tall towering trees where her people lived, and the scents of the flowers. It only took her a moment to get the picture in her head. She nodded to the mage that she had a strong picture of her destination.
OOC: Thanks for hosting! I have a busy rest of the week and I don't know that I'll have a chance to post again before the event ends.
Good, he took the, uh…bait feels like a strong word, but getting the doctor to ask such a question is what Cornelius had hoped to achieve.
“By primal, I mean magical abilities which I inherited as a member of a particular species. You may call it cryomancy, or elemental magic concerning the manipulation of ice. It’s as natural to me as breathing, unlike my other skills, which took years of disciplined study to master.”
He listens to Kiran carefully, his smile fading. “Hm, I understand. My own home has its fair share of closed-mindedness- stigmas surrounding particular practices, often tied to specific societies. I’ve been a target of such persecution myself- there’s a reason I picked up shapeshifting, you see.”
He thinks for a moment, and then the smile returns as he continues, “However, I feel free to discuss my true nature here. Likewise, there’s such a diversity of arcane disciplines that your magic, however strange and heretical it’s considered at home, should be much less frowned upon by this crowd.
“That said, I understand if you still feel reluctant to talk about it. Conditioning through fear of execution is a powerful driving force.”
Sensing the desire to change the subject, he lets it go for now.
Instead, Cornelius raises a hand and points at the nine-tailed foxlike figure at the end of the lane. “I’m quite alright, simply surprised to see my aforementioned acquaintance again so soon.”
“By primal, I mean magical abilities which I inherited as a member of a particular species. You may call it cryomancy, or elemental magic concerning the manipulation of ice. It’s as natural to me as breathing, unlike my other skills, which took years of disciplined study to master.”
He listens to Kiran carefully, his smile fading. “Hm, I understand. My own home has its fair share of closed-mindedness- stigmas surrounding particular practices, often tied to specific societies. I’ve been a target of such persecution myself- there’s a reason I picked up shapeshifting, you see.”
He thinks for a moment, and then the smile returns as he continues, “However, I feel free to discuss my true nature here. Likewise, there’s such a diversity of arcane disciplines that your magic, however strange and heretical it’s considered at home, should be much less frowned upon by this crowd.
“That said, I understand if you still feel reluctant to talk about it. Conditioning through fear of execution is a powerful driving force.”
Sensing the desire to change the subject, he lets it go for now.
Instead, Cornelius raises a hand and points at the nine-tailed foxlike figure at the end of the lane. “I’m quite alright, simply surprised to see my aforementioned acquaintance again so soon.”
The wizard nods, steeples their fingers, and then with a crackle and a flash of light the two stand in the place the pixie had so perfectly pictured. They bow deeply, sweeping an arm back to exaggerate the gesture, and after the same light and sound leave Laralute back home, leaving not a hint that they had ever been there save a small scorched patch of dirt in the shape of a pair of pointy shoes.
The wizard nods, steeples their fingers, and then with a crackle and a flash of light the two stand in the place the pixie had so perfectly pictured. They bow deeply, sweeping an arm back to exaggerate the gesture, and after the same light and sound leave Laralute back home, leaving not a hint that they had ever been there save a small scorched patch of dirt in the shape of a pair of pointy shoes.
Thank you very much for coming, and good luck with whatever craziness life is throwing your way!

One of Victi's ears twitches toward the sound of Cornelius's voice, and she can just tell that someone is pointing at her, like a tingling up her spine. Or possibly one of her various detection spells giving that feedback. It's amazing what people can do by pointing at someone, especially people in the wizardly demographic, so she liked to be prepared.
She hands the crystaline wafer she had been inspecting back to the nervous vendor of underwhelming wares. She'd be back later. For now, she shifts her eyes to look toward Cornelius, twitches a tail-tip toward him and, with a small surge of mana into the space around her, warps herself over to the pair.... awkwardly close. She's facing Cornelius and staring straight ahead, close enough that her snout sits under his chin and she's breathing on his neck. She's considerate enough to not stand on his feet, at least.
She puts a hand on her hip while maintaining the uncomfortable proximity, hoping her position and tone would convey just how mildly inconvenienced she feels. "Hi, did you need me?" she asks, staring at Cornelius's chin, "Between the talking and someone pointing a loaded finger at me I figured you might want my attention. You could have gone to a table if you wanted to talk notes."
Slightly comically her ears are less stoically still than the rest of her, twitching around to keep paying attention to things. The person the dragon had been speaking to, for one, smelled enough like blood to keep her alert. The security officer ambling toward them, probably rightfully perturbed by what she was doing, was also slightly worrying, especially since she knew they'd have a file on her.
She hands the crystaline wafer she had been inspecting back to the nervous vendor of underwhelming wares. She'd be back later. For now, she shifts her eyes to look toward Cornelius, twitches a tail-tip toward him and, with a small surge of mana into the space around her, warps herself over to the pair.... awkwardly close. She's facing Cornelius and staring straight ahead, close enough that her snout sits under his chin and she's breathing on his neck. She's considerate enough to not stand on his feet, at least.
She puts a hand on her hip while maintaining the uncomfortable proximity, hoping her position and tone would convey just how mildly inconvenienced she feels. "Hi, did you need me?" she asks, staring at Cornelius's chin, "Between the talking and someone pointing a loaded finger at me I figured you might want my attention. You could have gone to a table if you wanted to talk notes."
Slightly comically her ears are less stoically still than the rest of her, twitching around to keep paying attention to things. The person the dragon had been speaking to, for one, smelled enough like blood to keep her alert. The security officer ambling toward them, probably rightfully perturbed by what she was doing, was also slightly worrying, especially since she knew they'd have a file on her.
He raised an eyebrow “Particular species? What would that be?” He didn’t know any type of human that could inherently use elemental magic. But glamours were a thing and Cornelius said it himself, he was versed in Illusions.
His next comment confirmed his suspicions, a shapeshifter. “In private I would be happy to discuss but not so openly here.” He gave the ‘man’? An apologetic look. He tried to share his enthusiasm but caution was engrained into him far too deep. Being killed was certainly a good motivator to keep quiet.
Looking over to where he was pointing Kiran frowned, what exactly was he looking at? It wasn’t long before he could get an up close look as she teleported right in front of the pair. Being Cornelius’s personal space invader.
A fox woman? ‘Thats a lot of tails’ he thought to himself as he stepped back slightly. He took note of the constant ear twitching, only having it resemble irritation he’d seen in feral canids. Had he done something wrong? Standing silently as they conversed.
His next comment confirmed his suspicions, a shapeshifter. “In private I would be happy to discuss but not so openly here.” He gave the ‘man’? An apologetic look. He tried to share his enthusiasm but caution was engrained into him far too deep. Being killed was certainly a good motivator to keep quiet.
Looking over to where he was pointing Kiran frowned, what exactly was he looking at? It wasn’t long before he could get an up close look as she teleported right in front of the pair. Being Cornelius’s personal space invader.
A fox woman? ‘Thats a lot of tails’ he thought to himself as he stepped back slightly. He took note of the constant ear twitching, only having it resemble irritation he’d seen in feral canids. Had he done something wrong? Standing silently as they conversed.
The wizard nods, steeples their fingers, and then with a crackle and a flash of light the two stand in the place the pixie had so perfectly pictured. They bow deeply, sweeping an arm back to exaggerate the gesture, and after the same light and sound leave Laralute back home, leaving not a hint that they had ever been there save a small scorched patch of dirt in the shape of a pair of pointy shoes.
Laralute returned the bow, and a moment later, the magic-user was gone. She looked around and found herself in the very spot she had been standing when she saw the strange stone. For a moment, the pixie had regrets. Should she have stayed longer? Then she realized the sun was coming up and she needed to get home and get to bed. It had been quite an adventure and Laralute was grateful for the brief glimpse she'd experienced in the strange world. Laralute plucked a berry from the bush, spread her wings, and flew back to her home.
OOC: Thanks again!
Laralute returned the bow, and a moment later, the magic-user was gone. She looked around and found herself in the very spot she had been standing when she saw the strange stone. For a moment, the pixie had regrets. Should she have stayed longer? Then she realized the sun was coming up and she needed to get home and get to bed. It had been quite an adventure and Laralute was grateful for the brief glimpse she'd experienced in the strange world. Laralute plucked a berry from the bush, spread her wings, and flew back to her home.
OOC: Thanks again!
Cornelius lowers his arm and begins to reply, “Oh, I’m a dr-” and then Victi is standing a literal whisker away from him, her breath warm against his neck.
This invasion of space doesn’t bother him in the slightest. The wizard calmly adjusts his collar and declines the instinct to step back. “I wouldn’t say we’re in need of you, dear, though your pleasurable company is always welcome.”
He leans back a little and lowers his head slightly in an effort to meet Victi’s gaze without otherwise moving. “See, I simply recognized you in the crowd while speaking with this polite young man, er…ah...hm.”
His brows furrow in concentration as he struggles to recall the tattooed man’s name. Then he’s struck with a horrible realization: he never asked for any name.
“Oh, gods.” He lets out an awkward chuckle and tugs at his collar. The failure to accomplish a full introduction before now throws him off much more than a mildly annoyed vixen sorceress popping his personal bubble.
“Seems we haven’t been formally introduced, uh...my apologies!” He clears his throat, “I am Cornelius, arcane scholar, historian and former Head Librarian of Eldravyn University. You are?”
He turns his head and extends a hand toward Kiran, clarifying whose name he’s asking for.
This invasion of space doesn’t bother him in the slightest. The wizard calmly adjusts his collar and declines the instinct to step back. “I wouldn’t say we’re in need of you, dear, though your pleasurable company is always welcome.”
He leans back a little and lowers his head slightly in an effort to meet Victi’s gaze without otherwise moving. “See, I simply recognized you in the crowd while speaking with this polite young man, er…ah...hm.”
His brows furrow in concentration as he struggles to recall the tattooed man’s name. Then he’s struck with a horrible realization: he never asked for any name.
“Oh, gods.” He lets out an awkward chuckle and tugs at his collar. The failure to accomplish a full introduction before now throws him off much more than a mildly annoyed vixen sorceress popping his personal bubble.
“Seems we haven’t been formally introduced, uh...my apologies!” He clears his throat, “I am Cornelius, arcane scholar, historian and former Head Librarian of Eldravyn University. You are?”
He turns his head and extends a hand toward Kiran, clarifying whose name he’s asking for.
Cornelius assuring Victi he wasn't trying to get her attention gets a skeptical look. Her eyes narrow, her head slowly tilts to one side, then the other... then she shrugs and her expression becomes more neutral. "Meh, well, whatever. I'm here now either way," she replies, dropping her annoyance in favor of up-beat indifference. She meets the old wyrm's eyes as he attempts to introduce her to the other, waiting for a name.
When it turns out Cornelius hadn't even gotten it, Victi takes a few steps back as she holds in laughter. She knew she was no better about that kind of thing, probably worse if she were being totally honest, but it was still funny to watch the scramble to make an introduction. She takes the time to watch the exchange and get an initial impression of the stranger's scent, both in body and spirit. She didn't expect much on the bodily side, alien and strange to her, like almost everyone else here, but with no sign of particularly strong emotions, stresses, or sickness at play, and that was pretty much what she got. The magical or auric scent was much more interesting.
"Blood.... and starlight?" she murmurs, keeping quiet enough to barely feel her vocal cords make the breath into the barest sounds, "But no old grease, smoke, or.... hunh..."
She holds back the urge to let her mouth open, to more eagerly take in the scent, or to move closer and sniff in more detail. However much she'd been told that civilized people don't sniff one another without asking first, even or especially if they smell interesting, it was always so tempting to her forest-born instincts. For now, she waits to either be spoken to or for someone to make the mistake of giving her too good of a straight line to pass up. She did want to watch the awkward attempt at salvaging an introduction.
When it turns out Cornelius hadn't even gotten it, Victi takes a few steps back as she holds in laughter. She knew she was no better about that kind of thing, probably worse if she were being totally honest, but it was still funny to watch the scramble to make an introduction. She takes the time to watch the exchange and get an initial impression of the stranger's scent, both in body and spirit. She didn't expect much on the bodily side, alien and strange to her, like almost everyone else here, but with no sign of particularly strong emotions, stresses, or sickness at play, and that was pretty much what she got. The magical or auric scent was much more interesting.
"Blood.... and starlight?" she murmurs, keeping quiet enough to barely feel her vocal cords make the breath into the barest sounds, "But no old grease, smoke, or.... hunh..."
She holds back the urge to let her mouth open, to more eagerly take in the scent, or to move closer and sniff in more detail. However much she'd been told that civilized people don't sniff one another without asking first, even or especially if they smell interesting, it was always so tempting to her forest-born instincts. For now, she waits to either be spoken to or for someone to make the mistake of giving her too good of a straight line to pass up. She did want to watch the awkward attempt at salvaging an introduction.
“Dr Kiran Askew” throwing in the title since the other had “Pleasure to meet you Cornelius” he smiled then shook the offered hand. He then glanced at his companion “And you...miss?” going on assumptions as he didn’t really know what she was. That nose of hers twitching in her direction was slightly disconcerting, mind instantly going to the vials in his belt bags. Then again, he could just smell of work in general. He had no idea what she could sense.
“I must admit I have never met one such as yourself, how can I properly address you?” Speaking to the fox creature.
“I must admit I have never met one such as yourself, how can I properly address you?” Speaking to the fox creature.
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