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Forums » RP Discussion » So...Ideas for a character design.

First time poster on here but I figured maybe I should ask for help reworking an old character of mine. I'm an avid RPer in the TGT Dream, I'm in love with the place. And Lumi just doesn't seem to fit in anymore. I had the idea of making her some kind of mythical creature or some sort but I'm not sure where I want to go with it. I'm wanting to make her full anthro to be honest. I'm just lost as on what to do. Normally I have no issues coming up with something. So any comments or ideas thrown at me [as long as it's not with a brick] will be welcome and taken into thought.
*smiles* Mm, what about an anthro unicorn or pegasus that has ended up as a slave thanks to a task gone awry...perhaps they were supposed to protect someone that they ended up leaving to die (or some other maleficent situation) in favor of something more pleasant (irony for these two creatures). If you are in favor of the Dominant or Owner's role, perhaps the character would be at TGT in search of a slave as pentance for said wrongdoing. Or, the dominant or Owner character could be brought into slavery due to the aforementioned reason.

Just ideas...

Sanne Moderator

I always prefer less common creatures because they are very fun to explore. I tend to pick a religion or specific group of people (Christianity, The Greek etc.) and do research on their creatures. If I find something I like I either stay true to the origins or put in my own twist.

As for slavery, I like it when a character has been born into the field, either as a slave or as a slaver. It enables a very specific background story and gives a character a better footing. captured slaves or slavers who end up in slavery somehow tend to feel 'fleety' to me because their backgrounds tend to be overdone or overly dramatic, and after rping in this setting for at least five years it becomes predictable to me. That takes the fun out of a unique story because in the end, it's usually not so unique anymore.

Start with something basic perhaps? Without being too flashy and magical, you can build that up throughout the roleplay and that can make a character even more fun to rp :)
Hramn (played by Yuka)

Sanne wrote:
I always prefer less common creatures because they are very fun to explore. I tend to pick a religion or specific group of people (Christianity, The Greek etc.) and do research on their creatures. If I find something I like I either stay true to the origins or put in my own twist.

As for slavery, I like it when a character has been born into the field, either as a slave or as a slaver. It enables a very specific background story and gives a character a better footing. captured slaves or slavers who end up in slavery somehow tend to feel 'fleety' to me because their backgrounds tend to be overdone or overly dramatic, and after rping in this setting for at least five years it becomes predictable to me. That takes the fun out of a unique story because in the end, it's usually not so unique anymore.

Start with something basic perhaps? Without being too flashy and magical, you can build that up throughout the roleplay and that can make a character even more fun to rp :)

Seconding this right here :) Looking into how slavery was done by some ancient cultures (Egyptian, Greek, Roman etc) might also give you some ideas as different thought patterns, perceptions and terms were used by different people.
isakitten Topic Starter

I had been thinking about this ever since I posted it. And I had an idea but it would require me making a completely new name. And I didn't want to seem like I was copying something. I'm a big fan of Mercedes Lackey. And my favorite series from her was always The Mage Winds Trilogy. I'd had the idea to make a Tayledras character but...again I don't want to seem like I'm copying something. My main problem would be, if I did make this one, how would she have gotten to the tether and such? But as to the one for Lumi. Mythical but not extremely magical or flashy. Preferably something Greek I think. Because I have always been a fan of Greek Mythology. I just can't seem to find my muse for it >.<
Sanne Moderator

isakitten wrote:
I had been thinking about this ever since I posted it. And I had an idea but it would require me making a completely new name. And I didn't want to seem like I was copying something. I'm a big fan of Mercedes Lackey. And my favorite series from her was always The Mage Winds Trilogy. I'd had the idea to make a Tayledras character but...again I don't want to seem like I'm copying something. My main problem would be, if I did make this one, how would she have gotten to the tether and such? But as to the one for Lumi. Mythical but not extremely magical or flashy. Preferably something Greek I think. Because I have always been a fan of Greek Mythology. I just can't seem to find my muse for it >.<

I've read The Last Mage series, Lackey is AWESOME! :D If you make a fan character based on the books then there's nothing wrong with it :)

Saw the thoughts on slavery, thought I'd chime in with my two cents.

In different cultures around the world, slavery has been different. I'm not sure about the Greeks or Early Romans, but the Mid-to-Late Roman slaves could gain a patron and either be bought and then freed, or freed. Generally they could be born slaves or be made a slave for a crime committed or deserting the Legion, unless they were put to the death for said desertion.

The Celts kept slaves, but due to Roman interference, not much is known about Celtic society, except for where it survived in the British Isles. The Scots had slaves up until the 1200's, and generally they would use captured English people as slaves until death or purchase and freedom. The Celtic Irish were largely the same; slaves taken in raids, or for crimes committed. I'm not sure about the Welsh. After English interference in Ireland began, slave holding largely fell by the wayside.

In African culture, slavery was simply a phase in someone's life, usually due to a crime committed or a debt not paid. They could work their way out, and resume their status before hand.

Heh. You can tell where I concentrated. :P
isakitten Topic Starter

Sanne wrote:
I've read The Last Mage series, Lackey is AWESOME! :D If you make a fan character based on the books then there's nothing wrong with it :)
I did indeed make my Tayledras. I'm still struggling with something for Lumi. I'm searching things for it. But I can't find anything I like. I'm likely going to just keep brainstorming in an attempt to come up with sometime. xD It's all I can do.

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