Fulfilling Requests. Currently closed.

Lady Doom’s tent is dimly lit by the sun trickling in through pinpricks in the thin, dark fabric and a single candle. Incense burns over to the side, filling the area with a velvety plume of fog. The fortune teller awaits at a wooden table, shuffling her deck of well worn cards with nimble fingers. “Have a seat,” she invites, gesturing to the chair in front of her table as she spreads the cards out, face down.
“Tell me, what is it you wish to ask?”*
To participate, post a question as your character. Lady Doom will consult the cards on your character's behalf. This works best if it's an open-ended (i.e. NOT a yes/no) question. Lady Doom will only perform one reading per character. So choose wisely!
*Lady Doom shall not be held responsible for bad dice rolls, misfortunes, or character deaths that occurs after the reading.
"Ooh, ooh, start with me!" The woman sat down excitedly at the chair. "Weeell, the thing I wanna ask is... Will I just have bad boyfriends and-or girlfriends for the rest of my life?"
For A'sraha:
The fortune teller moves her hand over the cards. “Matters of the heart?” The corners of her lips tugged upward in amusement. “Very well…” Lady Doom says and shuffles the cards before picking 3 and laying them out on the table in front of A'sraha.
“This is the past,” she says as she flips over the first card. “The Sun.” This card depicts a child riding a white horse. The child holds a red banner and there is a huge sun in the background. “This symbolizes happiness and cheerfulness. Your early life was full of joy.”
She turns the second card, frowning slightly. “This is the present. The Four of Wands - Reversed.” This card is upside down. It shows wands decorated with flowers as welcome wreath. Two people hold flowers. There is a castle in the background.
“The reversed nature of this card represents an unwelcomeness. Your arrival comes with no celebration and a lack of harmony. I do not know if this arrival is literal or merely symbolic. I would beware of an enemy close at hand, perhaps even one posing as a romantic prospect.”
“And this is the future.” Lady Doom flips over the last card. “The Page of Cups - Reversed.” This card is also upside down. It shows a page holding a cup with a fish in it. The sea is in the background.
“Again, a reverse card. This time symbolizing a lack of emotional offerings. It can represent shattered innocence, emotional wounds, and broken dreams. It does not bode well for marriage prospects, at least not blissful ones. Beware of infidelity or an otherwise one sided relationship.“
The fortune teller moves her hand over the cards. “Matters of the heart?” The corners of her lips tugged upward in amusement. “Very well…” Lady Doom says and shuffles the cards before picking 3 and laying them out on the table in front of A'sraha.
“This is the past,” she says as she flips over the first card. “The Sun.” This card depicts a child riding a white horse. The child holds a red banner and there is a huge sun in the background. “This symbolizes happiness and cheerfulness. Your early life was full of joy.”
She turns the second card, frowning slightly. “This is the present. The Four of Wands - Reversed.” This card is upside down. It shows wands decorated with flowers as welcome wreath. Two people hold flowers. There is a castle in the background.
“The reversed nature of this card represents an unwelcomeness. Your arrival comes with no celebration and a lack of harmony. I do not know if this arrival is literal or merely symbolic. I would beware of an enemy close at hand, perhaps even one posing as a romantic prospect.”
“And this is the future.” Lady Doom flips over the last card. “The Page of Cups - Reversed.” This card is also upside down. It shows a page holding a cup with a fish in it. The sea is in the background.
“Again, a reverse card. This time symbolizing a lack of emotional offerings. It can represent shattered innocence, emotional wounds, and broken dreams. It does not bode well for marriage prospects, at least not blissful ones. Beware of infidelity or an otherwise one sided relationship.“
"Ah, I feel a kindred spirit! A most fascinating proposal this one you got too, very well, I'll play your game my dear lady." The finely dressed halfling hopped up on the chair and looked on excitedly. Only to then take a more somber expression as she posed her question.
"Tell me, will I ever be satisfied? Will I ever feel like my wounds have ceased bleeding?"
"Tell me, will I ever be satisfied? Will I ever feel like my wounds have ceased bleeding?"
For Lady Lilac:
"Wounds tend to turn into scars," the fortune teller opined to the halfling, shuffling her cards for several long moments, her movements fluid and well practiced before she draws 3 cards and points to each. “This is you. This is your path. This is your potential.”
She gestures to the first card. The You. “Ten of Wands - Reversed.” It shows a man carrying 10 wands as if they are heavy. There is a blue sky and a town behind him. This card is upside down. "The reversed nature of the ten of wands shows that you do not need to carry all the weight alone. There is someone that would help you deal with these wounds, if you will let them."
Second, the Path. “The Five of Pentacles." This card depicts two people walking outside in a snowstorm at night. One is wounded, the other crippled. There is a stained glass window behind them. "Your path toward healing will be largely ignored by others that did not share in your struggle. Frequently, you may feel excluded. Look for the other that can walk this path with you. He or she may be dealing with their own feelings of hopelessness."
Finally, the Potential. “The Two of Swords.” Lady Doom briefly glances up at Lady Lilac and frowns. "Doubts," she says. The final card shows a blindfolded woman clad in white and holding two swords. Her back is to the sea and her arms are crossed in front. A crescent moon hangs in the sky.
“Your wounds may heal, but the scars will leave you more calloused. They will cause you to avoid decisions made with the heart. The blindfold suggests you may purposefully choose not to examine a difficult situation in which you have an emotional attachment. But beware... the longer you choose to keep the blindfold, the less control you will keep over the matter and the higher the likelihood of reopening old wounds."
"Wounds tend to turn into scars," the fortune teller opined to the halfling, shuffling her cards for several long moments, her movements fluid and well practiced before she draws 3 cards and points to each. “This is you. This is your path. This is your potential.”
She gestures to the first card. The You. “Ten of Wands - Reversed.” It shows a man carrying 10 wands as if they are heavy. There is a blue sky and a town behind him. This card is upside down. "The reversed nature of the ten of wands shows that you do not need to carry all the weight alone. There is someone that would help you deal with these wounds, if you will let them."
Second, the Path. “The Five of Pentacles." This card depicts two people walking outside in a snowstorm at night. One is wounded, the other crippled. There is a stained glass window behind them. "Your path toward healing will be largely ignored by others that did not share in your struggle. Frequently, you may feel excluded. Look for the other that can walk this path with you. He or she may be dealing with their own feelings of hopelessness."
Finally, the Potential. “The Two of Swords.” Lady Doom briefly glances up at Lady Lilac and frowns. "Doubts," she says. The final card shows a blindfolded woman clad in white and holding two swords. Her back is to the sea and her arms are crossed in front. A crescent moon hangs in the sky.
“Your wounds may heal, but the scars will leave you more calloused. They will cause you to avoid decisions made with the heart. The blindfold suggests you may purposefully choose not to examine a difficult situation in which you have an emotional attachment. But beware... the longer you choose to keep the blindfold, the less control you will keep over the matter and the higher the likelihood of reopening old wounds."
Siira takes her seat, feeling very unsure about the prospect of asking what, by her perception, was a magic fortune teller such an important question. Her world, nor her kind, had ever seen such future readings, and she wasn't sure how reliable the answers might be. She was, however, at the end of her rope in her search...she was in desperate need of some direction, and she would be grateful for any help.
"My mate," she began softly, staring at the cold dark woman before her. "I believe your species knows this as a husband. I have lost him, I awoke one day and he was gone. I have searched the galaxy for him but...."
Siira trailed off a moment, eye dropping to the counter a moment. "I have no idea where he might be. I was hoping you might know where he is."
"My mate," she began softly, staring at the cold dark woman before her. "I believe your species knows this as a husband. I have lost him, I awoke one day and he was gone. I have searched the galaxy for him but...."
Siira trailed off a moment, eye dropping to the counter a moment. "I have no idea where he might be. I was hoping you might know where he is."
For Siira:
Lady Doom shuffles cards etched with fine illustrations. “Tricky. I don’t suppose you have any of his personal effects? No matter. Close your eyes, take a deep, slow breath, and think of your mate. Of the last time you were together. Think of his face. Of his voice.”
The fortune teller waits a moment, until it at least looks like Siira has followed her instructions. “Now open them…”
She flips over 3 cards and lays them out on the table.
"This is the Past. The Eight of Cups." This card shows a man walking away with a walking stick. Eight cups are in the foreground, mountains and rivers in the background. “This symbolizes walking away with a broken heart. That your parting caused sorrow for all involved.”
"This is the Present. The King of Swords - Reversed." This card is upside down. It depicts a king sitting upon his throne, holding a sword in his right hand and wearing a sky blue cloak. Here Lady Doom frowns. “This is a warning - something you are considering is ill-advised and could lead to trouble.”
"And this is the Future. The Ten of Pentacles - Reversed." Another upside down card. It shows an old man sitting and petting dogs with a fortification behind him. There are 10 stars.
“A reversed ten of pentacles. Interesting. You will find him inside a fortification of some kind. However, the reversed nature of the card means no wealth. If you take the action you are considering, it may very well lead to danger. Or to an answer to your question that you will not like. When you do find your mate, it will not be time to relax and enjoy. There will be danger, either for you or for him.”
Lady Doom shuffles cards etched with fine illustrations. “Tricky. I don’t suppose you have any of his personal effects? No matter. Close your eyes, take a deep, slow breath, and think of your mate. Of the last time you were together. Think of his face. Of his voice.”
The fortune teller waits a moment, until it at least looks like Siira has followed her instructions. “Now open them…”
She flips over 3 cards and lays them out on the table.
"This is the Past. The Eight of Cups." This card shows a man walking away with a walking stick. Eight cups are in the foreground, mountains and rivers in the background. “This symbolizes walking away with a broken heart. That your parting caused sorrow for all involved.”
"This is the Present. The King of Swords - Reversed." This card is upside down. It depicts a king sitting upon his throne, holding a sword in his right hand and wearing a sky blue cloak. Here Lady Doom frowns. “This is a warning - something you are considering is ill-advised and could lead to trouble.”
"And this is the Future. The Ten of Pentacles - Reversed." Another upside down card. It shows an old man sitting and petting dogs with a fortification behind him. There are 10 stars.
“A reversed ten of pentacles. Interesting. You will find him inside a fortification of some kind. However, the reversed nature of the card means no wealth. If you take the action you are considering, it may very well lead to danger. Or to an answer to your question that you will not like. When you do find your mate, it will not be time to relax and enjoy. There will be danger, either for you or for him.”
A tall, mostly-white-furred fox-like creature silently enters the tent, nine long, fluffy tails with tips like inked brushes gently bobbing behind her. Smokey-tipped ears and snout twitch with interest, and her eyes flick about, somewhere between scrutiny and skepticism. Eventually she's satisfied, having found the flow of the energies present to be adequately convincing. She bows respectfully, then sits.
"I've found hints about a... I'm actually not sure what to call it," Victi begins, "Secret? Treasure? Ruin? Mystery? Danger? Something hidden, more or less. Rumors of something interesting. I don't know what it is, only that it is, and that it could be worth looking into more. Before I do that, though, I'd like to have some insight about what I'm actually getting into, be it what I'll find or what the consequences may be depending on if I choose to pursue it or not. It's a broad question, I know, but I have a few things that you can use if you need them: A small bundle of my fur, a broken piece of ancient circuitry, a fragment of stone from.... nnnot important, it's inert and shouldn't disrupt the reading, but may be relevant, and a notebook where I've written most of the information I gathered, all on natural paper and in natural graphite. Not ideal material links, I know, but they're there in case you think they'd be useful. If there's any other preparations, materials, or information I can provide before we begin, I'm happy to make an expert's job easier."
She presents the described objects, to be used and examined as needed. Her eyes lock onto the cards once the reading begins, shamelessly academically curious about the shape of the energies involved.
((Edit: whoops, had switched to live chat mode and forgot to reset to actually use a character. Corrected now.))
"I've found hints about a... I'm actually not sure what to call it," Victi begins, "Secret? Treasure? Ruin? Mystery? Danger? Something hidden, more or less. Rumors of something interesting. I don't know what it is, only that it is, and that it could be worth looking into more. Before I do that, though, I'd like to have some insight about what I'm actually getting into, be it what I'll find or what the consequences may be depending on if I choose to pursue it or not. It's a broad question, I know, but I have a few things that you can use if you need them: A small bundle of my fur, a broken piece of ancient circuitry, a fragment of stone from.... nnnot important, it's inert and shouldn't disrupt the reading, but may be relevant, and a notebook where I've written most of the information I gathered, all on natural paper and in natural graphite. Not ideal material links, I know, but they're there in case you think they'd be useful. If there's any other preparations, materials, or information I can provide before we begin, I'm happy to make an expert's job easier."
She presents the described objects, to be used and examined as needed. Her eyes lock onto the cards once the reading begins, shamelessly academically curious about the shape of the energies involved.
((Edit: whoops, had switched to live chat mode and forgot to reset to actually use a character. Corrected now.))
For Victi:
Lady Doom's interest seems piqued at the declaration of something interesting to be found. "They may prove helpful..." she says, briefly touching each of the objects presented before she shuffles her deck, then spreads them out on the table and chooses 3 cards.
They are still face down and she gestures to each, starting at the left.
"If you move forward with your plan, this is your opportunity. This is your challenge. This is your outcome."
She turns over the first - the opportunity. "Judgement." The card shows a winged angel with a trumpet, a resurrection flag, and the dead raising from the tombs. "This symbolize an opportunity for rebirth. You will be presented with a life-changing decision. Either way you decide will bring significant, long-lasting effects. Seeks out lessons from your past, but trust your judgement to guide you."
She next turns over the middle card - the challenge. "The Seven of Cups." This card shows 7 cups floating on a cloud with a dark figure looking at the cups. Each cup holds a different thing: a woman’s head, a glowing figure, a snake, a castle, gems, a creature, and a laurel crown. "Your challenge will be an illusion. You will be deceived, perhaps even willingly if it is something you very much wish to be true. Tread carefully, for your footing will not be as solid as you believe. Do not allow your desires to cloud reality."
Finally, the fortune teller flips over the rightmost card - the outcome. "The Emperor - Reversed." It shows an emperor with a white beard and a red cloak sitting on a stone throne with 4 ram heads. He holds an orb in his left hand and an ankh in his right hand. There are mountains and a river in the background. The card is upside down. "The reversed nature of the emperor represents no authority. You will find that which you seek, but when you do, you will not be the one to decide what happens from there. Another will assert this authority despite your objections."
Lady Doom's interest seems piqued at the declaration of something interesting to be found. "They may prove helpful..." she says, briefly touching each of the objects presented before she shuffles her deck, then spreads them out on the table and chooses 3 cards.
They are still face down and she gestures to each, starting at the left.
"If you move forward with your plan, this is your opportunity. This is your challenge. This is your outcome."
She turns over the first - the opportunity. "Judgement." The card shows a winged angel with a trumpet, a resurrection flag, and the dead raising from the tombs. "This symbolize an opportunity for rebirth. You will be presented with a life-changing decision. Either way you decide will bring significant, long-lasting effects. Seeks out lessons from your past, but trust your judgement to guide you."
She next turns over the middle card - the challenge. "The Seven of Cups." This card shows 7 cups floating on a cloud with a dark figure looking at the cups. Each cup holds a different thing: a woman’s head, a glowing figure, a snake, a castle, gems, a creature, and a laurel crown. "Your challenge will be an illusion. You will be deceived, perhaps even willingly if it is something you very much wish to be true. Tread carefully, for your footing will not be as solid as you believe. Do not allow your desires to cloud reality."
Finally, the fortune teller flips over the rightmost card - the outcome. "The Emperor - Reversed." It shows an emperor with a white beard and a red cloak sitting on a stone throne with 4 ram heads. He holds an orb in his left hand and an ankh in his right hand. There are mountains and a river in the background. The card is upside down. "The reversed nature of the emperor represents no authority. You will find that which you seek, but when you do, you will not be the one to decide what happens from there. Another will assert this authority despite your objections."
Stephanie was out on a sunny morning walk with her mother when she eyed the mysterious tent. “I don’t remember that being here before.” She said. Her mom shook her head and replied. “No, seems they set up there recently.”
Steph paused and started toward the tent, but her mom didn’t, commenting. “Stephie sweetie, you shouldn’t waste your time with that fortune-telling mumbo jumbo.”
Stephanie spun around and walked backwards a few steps and said to her mom, “Oh mother, it’s nothing but some fun. It won’t mean nothin’. Maybe you should try it too?”
Katherine shook her head and looked at her phone. “No. If you want to waste your time, fine. I’ll see you back at the house.”
Stephanie giggled as she gave her mom a blown kiss and a wave before she turned back around to the fortune-teller’s tent.the aroma of incense could be smelled and Steph took in a breath as she closed her eyes, getting herself into the mood before carefully opening the door flap.
When Stephanie stepped inside, the tent was dimly lit by the sun trickling in through pinpricks in the thin, dark fabric, accompanied by the wavering flicker of a single candle. The incense was heavier inside, mingling a velvety plume of fog in the dim light.
Letting her eyes get accustomed to the dark, she looked over to the fortune teller who sat at a wooden table shuffling her deck of well worn cards with nimble fingers. “Have a seat,” she invites, gesturing to the chair in front of her table as she spreads the cards out, face down.
“Tell me, what is it you wish to ask?” the fortune teller asks as Stephanie sits down slowly. For some reason, the light air she expressed to her mother just a minute ago was replaced by a deep gaze into the unknown. ”Um… so many questions… in my head…”Steph said as she put her hands together on the table, entwining her fingers. She thought of her acting career and how she has yet to have a breakthrough part. She was getting really good at being the ‘refrigerator-girl’ in TV shows.
“Tell me… will I ever have a starring role in a TV series?” she asked as she was looking at her fingers. She looked up to the fortune teller’s face, curious what answer she would bring.
Steph paused and started toward the tent, but her mom didn’t, commenting. “Stephie sweetie, you shouldn’t waste your time with that fortune-telling mumbo jumbo.”
Stephanie spun around and walked backwards a few steps and said to her mom, “Oh mother, it’s nothing but some fun. It won’t mean nothin’. Maybe you should try it too?”
Katherine shook her head and looked at her phone. “No. If you want to waste your time, fine. I’ll see you back at the house.”
Stephanie giggled as she gave her mom a blown kiss and a wave before she turned back around to the fortune-teller’s tent.the aroma of incense could be smelled and Steph took in a breath as she closed her eyes, getting herself into the mood before carefully opening the door flap.
When Stephanie stepped inside, the tent was dimly lit by the sun trickling in through pinpricks in the thin, dark fabric, accompanied by the wavering flicker of a single candle. The incense was heavier inside, mingling a velvety plume of fog in the dim light.
Letting her eyes get accustomed to the dark, she looked over to the fortune teller who sat at a wooden table shuffling her deck of well worn cards with nimble fingers. “Have a seat,” she invites, gesturing to the chair in front of her table as she spreads the cards out, face down.
“Tell me, what is it you wish to ask?” the fortune teller asks as Stephanie sits down slowly. For some reason, the light air she expressed to her mother just a minute ago was replaced by a deep gaze into the unknown. ”Um… so many questions… in my head…”Steph said as she put her hands together on the table, entwining her fingers. She thought of her acting career and how she has yet to have a breakthrough part. She was getting really good at being the ‘refrigerator-girl’ in TV shows.
“Tell me… will I ever have a starring role in a TV series?” she asked as she was looking at her fingers. She looked up to the fortune teller’s face, curious what answer she would bring.
For Stephanie:
Lady Doom took a few moments to consider the question. "Let us find out how you might..." she posed, then selected Stephanie's 3 cards, pointing to each.
"This is what will help you. This is what will hinder you. And this... is your potential."
The fortune teller turns over the first card. "The Two of Wands - Reversed." This card is upside down. It shows a man holding the world in his right hand and a wand in left hand. There is a sea, mountains, and fertile soil in the background. "Your passion is what will propel you on this journey. You must seize opportunities, even if there was no chance to plan. Your interest and excitment is what others will notice."
"This is what will hinder you." She reveals the middle card. "The Four of Pentacles." This card shows a lonely king sitting away from a city. There is a pentacle over his head, one in his hands, and one beneath each foot. "There is, or will be, someone in your life who is over protective. A lover, I think. Or a parental figure. He or she, perhaps out of a fear of losing you, will undermine your attempts. You may be forced to choose between your dreams and your desire to maintain a relationship with this person."
Finally, the last card. "This is your potential. The Wheel of Fortune." It depicts a giant wheel in the sky. A sphinx holds a sword at the top of the wheel. There is an angel and an eagle in the top corners; a bull and a lion in the bottom corners. Lady Doom looked up at Stephanie. "Good times will follow bad. Bad times come after the good. Your career, it seems, will have both. I foresee that you will have your moment in the spotlight, though it will not last."
Lady Doom took a few moments to consider the question. "Let us find out how you might..." she posed, then selected Stephanie's 3 cards, pointing to each.
"This is what will help you. This is what will hinder you. And this... is your potential."
The fortune teller turns over the first card. "The Two of Wands - Reversed." This card is upside down. It shows a man holding the world in his right hand and a wand in left hand. There is a sea, mountains, and fertile soil in the background. "Your passion is what will propel you on this journey. You must seize opportunities, even if there was no chance to plan. Your interest and excitment is what others will notice."
"This is what will hinder you." She reveals the middle card. "The Four of Pentacles." This card shows a lonely king sitting away from a city. There is a pentacle over his head, one in his hands, and one beneath each foot. "There is, or will be, someone in your life who is over protective. A lover, I think. Or a parental figure. He or she, perhaps out of a fear of losing you, will undermine your attempts. You may be forced to choose between your dreams and your desire to maintain a relationship with this person."
Finally, the last card. "This is your potential. The Wheel of Fortune." It depicts a giant wheel in the sky. A sphinx holds a sword at the top of the wheel. There is an angel and an eagle in the top corners; a bull and a lion in the bottom corners. Lady Doom looked up at Stephanie. "Good times will follow bad. Bad times come after the good. Your career, it seems, will have both. I foresee that you will have your moment in the spotlight, though it will not last."
Zamma bit her lip softly as she sat down at the table " Well you see their is this co worker at my job name Wesley. I might have a massage crush on him and I don't know what to do about it. Long story short I am actually a vampire and with him being apart of this Watchers community which actually fight against Vampires. I'm afraid I might be making a big mistake by having a crush on him. " Zamma was with a soft frown on her face " I really care about him and I don't want to cause something that might ruin his or my life. Is there a chance that I might get together with him ? " Zamma said with a soft and cute smile on her face blushing Abit as she thought of her crush
For Zamma:
"Star crossed lovers? There is always a chance for such, for the future is not written in stone."
Lady Doom smiled coyly, then quickly picked three cards, all face down.
"Though if you wish to help write it that way, then," she tapped each card in turn. "this is what will aid you, this will be an obstacle to overcome, and this will be the outcome of your romance."
Lady Doom turns over the cards one by one and her coy smile turns to a frown. "Perhaps it is meant to be..." she mutters quietly. With a name like 'Lady Doom', it's not often she delivers all rosy news. But she cannot contradict the cards.
"This will aid you," she says. "The Seven of Wands - Reversed." The card shows a man fighting with a stick from atop a hill. Six more sticks surround him. The card is upside down. "The seven of wands shows a fight, but the reversed nature shows that you would do better to surrender. When it becomes known that you are on opposite sides of a conflict, do not try to stand your ground."
"This you must overcome," she points to the second card. "The Three of Pentacles." This card shows a sculpturer at work inside a sacred place while a monk and a women hold the plans and examine his work. "This represents a test. You will be judged on your skills and your ability to follow orders. The test itself may not be to your liking, but if you pass..."
Here she gestures to the final card. "The Lovers." This depicts Adam and Eve in paradise. The Arcangel Saint Raphael is above them and a large sun is above all. "This represents the heart's decision, a purity to love that not many may attain."
"Star crossed lovers? There is always a chance for such, for the future is not written in stone."
Lady Doom smiled coyly, then quickly picked three cards, all face down.
"Though if you wish to help write it that way, then," she tapped each card in turn. "this is what will aid you, this will be an obstacle to overcome, and this will be the outcome of your romance."
Lady Doom turns over the cards one by one and her coy smile turns to a frown. "Perhaps it is meant to be..." she mutters quietly. With a name like 'Lady Doom', it's not often she delivers all rosy news. But she cannot contradict the cards.
"This will aid you," she says. "The Seven of Wands - Reversed." The card shows a man fighting with a stick from atop a hill. Six more sticks surround him. The card is upside down. "The seven of wands shows a fight, but the reversed nature shows that you would do better to surrender. When it becomes known that you are on opposite sides of a conflict, do not try to stand your ground."
"This you must overcome," she points to the second card. "The Three of Pentacles." This card shows a sculpturer at work inside a sacred place while a monk and a women hold the plans and examine his work. "This represents a test. You will be judged on your skills and your ability to follow orders. The test itself may not be to your liking, but if you pass..."
Here she gestures to the final card. "The Lovers." This depicts Adam and Eve in paradise. The Arcangel Saint Raphael is above them and a large sun is above all. "This represents the heart's decision, a purity to love that not many may attain."
Cora enters the tent with a soft smile on her face. She had a to-go bag of some Sugar-Free Chocolate Hazelnut Churros from a local Mexican Bakery in her right hand. She sat down in the chair and place the bag next to the chair on the right. " Hola, I was wondering if you could help me with something that has been on mi mente (My Mind) lately, please." Cora said with a soft and cute smile on her face " I have this rare heart condition that might kill me before the age of 35 and I was wondering I if will be able to get married to my amante nombre Joe ( lover named Joe ) before I pass or a possible heart surgery? " Cora said with a soft smile on her face
“Hmm….I wonder.” She sat down, rubbing her chin in cheek thought, thinking of her question. “….About the war. Will Azur Lane ever be at peace, not having to fight among the members of the Crimson Axis or the Sirens?”
Cora wrote:
Cora enters the tent with a soft smile on her face. She had a to-go bag of some Sugar-Free Chocolate Hazelnut Churros from a local Mexican Bakery in her right hand. She sat down in the chair and place the bag next to the chair on the right. " Hola, I was wondering if you could help me with something that has been on mi mente (My Mind) lately, please." Cora said with a soft and cute smile on her face " I have this rare heart condition that might kill me before the age of 35 and I was wondering I if will be able to get married to my amante nombre Joe ( lover named Joe ) before I pass or a possible heart surgery? " Cora said with a soft smile on her face
"That is two questions, which will muddy the reading. Pick only 1."
Lady Doom wrote:
Cora wrote:
Cora enters the tent with a soft smile on her face. She had a to-go bag of some Sugar-Free Chocolate Hazelnut Churros from a local Mexican Bakery in her right hand. She sat down in the chair and place the bag next to the chair on the right. " Hola, I was wondering if you could help me with something that has been on mi mente (My Mind) lately, please." Cora said with a soft and cute smile on her face " I have this rare heart condition that might kill me before the age of 35 and I was wondering I if will be able to get married to my amante nombre Joe ( lover named Joe ) before I pass or a possible heart surgery? " Cora said with a soft smile on her face
"That is two questions, which will muddy the reading. Pick only 1."
" The Second Please, sorry about that "
"will I control my power? or will it control me?" she simply places down the depth codex. a book which whispers quietly. "best not to open it by the by."
Enterprise wrote:
“Hmm….I wonder.” She sat down, rubbing her chin in cheek thought, thinking of her question. “….About the war. Will Azur Lane ever be at peace, not having to fight among the members of the Crimson Axis or the Sirens?”
For Enterprise:
"It is difficult to answer questions that are not personal in nature. It is difficult to separate your personal path from the larger conflict. Nevertheless, I will attempt it."
Lady Doom chooses 3 cards.
"This is what will aid in bringing peace. This will hinder it. And this... is your role."
The fortune teller turns over the first card. "The Queen of Cups." This shows a queen sitting in a shell shaped throne and holding a cup. Her cape turns to water and her feet on a ground full of pebbles. "The Queen symbolizes a flow of emotions. The leaders of both side of this conflict may need to open themselves and come together to discuss the conflict in open, honest ways. They need to be open to seeing things from an emotional point of view."
She turns the second card - the hinderance and frowns slightly as she ponders the meaning. "The Nine of Cups - Reversed." This card is upside down. It shows a man sitting on a bench with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. He wears a red hat. Nine cups are neatly arranged behind him. "The nine of cups symbolizes satisfaction, but the reversed nature shows a lack of that. Those involved in the conflict will not be satisfied with sharing in their happiness."
Finally, she turns the last card. "The Nine of Swords - Reversed." The card depicts a person sitting up in bed with nine swords above him. The card is upside down. "A warning for you. The nine or swords represents worries, but the reversed nature shows that there is something that does not worry, but should. You are considering something that you will later regret."
Cora wrote:
Lady Doom wrote:
Cora wrote:
Cora enters the tent with a soft smile on her face. She had a to-go bag of some Sugar-Free Chocolate Hazelnut Churros from a local Mexican Bakery in her right hand. She sat down in the chair and place the bag next to the chair on the right. " Hola, I was wondering if you could help me with something that has been on mi mente (My Mind) lately, please." Cora said with a soft and cute smile on her face " I have this rare heart condition that might kill me before the age of 35 and I was wondering I if will be able to get married to my amante nombre Joe ( lover named Joe ) before I pass or a possible heart surgery? " Cora said with a soft smile on her face
"That is two questions, which will muddy the reading. Pick only 1."
" The Second Please, sorry about that "
For Cora:
The fortune teller gave Cora an apologetic look.
"It is rare that we can divine such a black and white answer from the fates," she said, considering what she could still offer to the woman.
Seeming to come to a conclusion, she quickly drew 3 cards.
"This is what you can change about the situation. This is what you cannot change. This is what you may not be aware of."
Lady Doom turns over the first card. "The Emperor - Reversed." It shows an emperor with a white beard and a red cloak sitting on a stone throne with 4 ram heads. He holds an orb in his left hand and an ankh in his right hand. There are mountains and a river in the background. The card is upside down. "The reversed nature of the emperor represents a lack of authority. You have ceded too much control in this situation. To your doctor, perhaps? Or a parent? It is YOUR LIFE. If the surgery is what you want, take the reins. Find a new doctor. Do the research. Do not allow yourself to be swayed from what you believe is the right course of action."
She turns the second card. "This is what you cannot change. The Four of Wands." This card shows a warm environment with 4 wands decorated with flowers as a welcome wreath. There are happy people holding flowers and a castle in the background. "You have someone, perhaps multiple someones, who will support you no matter what. This represents spending good times with family and friends."
"Finally, this is what you may not be aware of." She turns the last card. And her eyes widen slightly. Sometimes, the imagery surprises even her. "The three of swords - reversed." This card is upside down. It shows a heart struck by three swords. The background is a gray sky with clouds and rain.
"There are two ways to read this. The reversed nature of the three of swords normally symbolizes good feelings and love - perhaps alluding to your marriage. The other... is a much more literal reading of the image - perhaps you will get your heart surgery."

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