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Forums » Introductions » Hi Everyone!!


Hi! My name is Rogue! You are more than welcome to call me pink or just rogue! I have been a part of this lovely site before, but that was a couple of years ago! I am looking for amazing roleplaying partners and even new friends! I look forward to everything this site has to offer and meeting lovely people as well!

Welcome back to RP Repository Pink Rogue!
Hello, and welcome back to RPR!

I hope you enjoy your stay here. To help you out, I've compiled a list of some useful links to get you started. Don't worry, you can take your time and browse them at your own convenience.
Forum Rules
This should be your first step. Make sure you know the rules of what things are and aren't allowed. They're pretty simple to follow and are there to make sure everyone has the best time possible.

New to Roleplay?
This will explain what roleplay is, and some of the basics to help you understand it better.

Getting started
Explains what RPR is, how to create a character, and how to find an RP to join.

Character Creation Guide
This goes into more depth on how to create and edit a character profile.

Creating Kickbutt Character Profiles
This will give you tips on how to spice up your character profiles to attract more potential RP partners.

Find RP
If you already have a character created, this is where you can go to seek out an RP to join in.

Looking for RP
If you have an idea for your own RP and want to find someone to join it, this is the place to post. Try to add as much information as possible so your potential RP partners know exactly what you're looking for.

Help Database
There are plenty of other very helpful articles here that I didn't link. When you have time, have a browse through it to see if there's something else you think might be of use to you.
If you have any questions about anything, don't hesitate to ask! Everyone here is very friendly and will help as much as possible, so don't be shy! I hope you have a wonderful time here and find tons of amazing people to create awesome stories with. :)
Pink_Rogue Topic Starter

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it! I'm really excited to be back!

Hello and welcome to RPR!

I hope you find what you're looking for on here and enjoy your time on RPR! Have a good day/noon/night, bye!


It's very nice to meet you, Pink.
Not sure if we met before, but either way, I do hope we can be friends someday. Stay safe and take care always!

Lots and Lots of LOVE,
<3 HIBARI <3

PS. Love your Hunter profile pic. I also love watching TOH. 😊
Welcome to RPR,
Nice to meet someone with a similar username. If there's a returning user this place must have a good reputation. Hope to RP with you or see your RP sometime.
Welcome back to RPR, we hope you enjoy your time here and find the rps and people you are looking for!
Welcome to the site!

Hello and welcome!
Hi and welcome! Hope you will enjoy your stay!
hello and WELCOME TO RPR!!!!<3<3<3<3
Hey there, welcome back. Hope you have a great time here (again?!)! Haha, it's good to see a returning face. Or name. Or.... Magical aura! Hehehehehe. Just kidding, I'm pretty sure I don't recognize you, but still! I hope you enjoy your time back here and maybe I'll see you around.

Have you got any questions? We'll do our best to answer them! Also if you just want to chat, feel free to message! I'd love to talk about the magnificence of various roguelike characters in anime and manga and movies and books and television.... Ahaha.

There's a lot you can do here, or you can just sort of enjoy the ambiance. :P my latest obsessions are Korean manhwa and Chinese danmei, so if you like either of those, maybe we can form an ultimate club where we never actually talk to each other, but post about comics and stories ALL THE TIME! Okay, so that's kind of an exaggerated idea, but still. Feel free to join and participate in a Group or two or five or seven or even more while you're here! There's so much fun to be had (as long as you're following the rules, being nice to the other citizens, and.... staying away from evil bad guys. Unless you're, like, into that sort of game). There are moderators on-site all the time, I suppose, or at least most of it, so you can report to them if you see a problem, right-o?! :D And bug report forms are, I'm pretty sure, the same as they've been since I got here, but maybe not. Anyway. Thanks for introducing yourself, have a great time, byebye! :( :) ;D :P :3 ~ Shinyrainbowlithogra 🌿 πŸ€ 🌱 :) :) :) ;) :D ;3 :P :D :3 :) :( :( :) ;) :D :P ;D ;) :D ;D :D :) :3 :P ;) :D :) 🦞 🍎 πŸ‘ ❀️ πŸ’™ πŸ’œ πŸ‡ ⭐ 🐳 πŸ’› πŸ’š 🧑 🍊 πŸŽƒ 🌞 🌴 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 πŸ₯ 🍜 🦁 πŸ’
Welcome back Pink!!

You are on: Forums » Introductions » Hi Everyone!!

Moderators: Keke, Cass, Claine, Sanne, Ilmarinen, Darth_Angelus