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Forums » Looking for RP » Creepypasta roleplay starter (closed)

This Looking For RP topic is marked as closed, meaning it is no longer seeking new players.

GameOver (played by Lyra736)

Im looking for a creepypasta roleplay with my OC GameOver.

Gameover is a shy teen in a big college...The only thing that made her feel safe and happy was playing video games with her online friend Benjmain Lawman (Or Ben drowned)
She always loved talking talking to him since he always made her feel a lot better.
The next day she was walking alone in the forest were Ben said where he wanted to meet her for the first time. Bur instead Y/n (You) was tokd to take the girl to the mansion to be a new Proxy to slenderman.

Please pm me do not comment
Magic 80%
Magic is common.
Technology 70%
Further future, perhaps visit mars or upload your brain
Combat 90%
The world IS war, but there may be RPs that don't feature it. Warhammer Fantasy/40k, etc.
Romance 60%
Romance is expected but not required, and will be accompanied by other plot.

Details: Freeform, adjustable length posts, long-term RP partner preferred. Will be played one-on-one.


I never understood Creepypastas. Aren't they supposed to be horror-oriented? So why would they be in a high school? Not trying to be rude, i'm just genuinely curious
GameOver (played by Lyra736) Topic Starter

MangoNekros wrote:
I never understood Creepypastas. Aren't they supposed to be horror-oriented? So why would they be in a high school? Not trying to be rude, i'm just genuinely curious

Its petty much about killers and stuff like that
Mostly made up storys

I see that but the act of putting them in normal settings doesn't make sense. It's like putting Jason Vorhees in a Starbucks cafe. Lol.
GameOver (played by Lyra736) Topic Starter

MangoNekros wrote:
I see that but the act of putting them in normal settings doesn't make sense. It's like putting Jason Vorhees in a Starbucks cafe. Lol.
lol im just bored so im just trying to get out ideas for some new roleplays

Maybe consider the horror genre?
GameOver (played by Lyra736) Topic Starter

MangoNekros wrote:
Maybe consider the horror genre?
The only horror I know is creepypasta and fnaf ;-;

GameOver wrote:
MangoNekros wrote:
Maybe consider the horror genre?
The only horror I know is creepypasta and fnaf ;-;

Horror can be anything if done right. Horror is a genre, not a fandom (well it still kinda is). There is a difference between an RP about escaping an abandoned school while Slenderman stalks you, and an RP about going to high school with Slenderman.
GameOver (played by Lyra736) Topic Starter

MangoNekros wrote:
GameOver wrote:
MangoNekros wrote:
Maybe consider the horror genre?
The only horror I know is creepypasta and fnaf ;-;

Horror can be anything if done right. Horror is a genre, not a fandom (well it still kinda is). There is a difference between an RP about escaping an abandoned school while Slenderman stalks you, and an RP about going to high school with Slenderman.

If your going to spam this, Please take it to my pms ;-;

My bad, I'll do just that.

You are on: Forums » Looking for RP » Creepypasta roleplay starter (closed)

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